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Bücher von Michael Ochs

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  • von Michael Ochs
    20,00 €

    1000 Record Covers is a captivating book by the renowned author, Michael Ochs. Published in 2014 by Taschen GmbH, this book is a must-have for all music and art enthusiasts. The book takes you on a journey through the golden age of album covers, showcasing a thousand of the most beautiful and iconic record covers from the 60s to the 90s. Each cover tells a story about the music and the era it came from, making it not just a book, but a cultural artifact. Whether you're a music lover, a designer, or a fan of pop culture, 1000 Record Covers is a book that you'll find hard to put down. This masterpiece is a testament to Michael Ochs' ability to weave together art, music, and history into a compelling narrative. Don't miss out on this treasure published by Taschen GmbH.

  • von Michael Ochs, Dirk Mallants & Lian Wang
    97,00 €

    Cementitious materials are being widely used as solidification/stabilisation and barrier materials for a variety of chemical and radioactive wastes, primarily due to their favourable retention properties for metals, radionuclides and other contaminants.

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