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Bücher von Michael Shoikhedbrod

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  • 19% sparen
    von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    56,00 €

    In this book, the author will present a physical model of the formation of negatively charged microdispersed electrolysis bubbles of hydrogen and positively charged electrolysis bubbles of oxygen during process of electrolysis, which made it possible to develop advanced methods of purifying, concentrating, hydrogen and oxygen gases production, continues fuel elements of electric car or spacecraft charging both on Earth and in microgravity conditions.

  • 19% sparen
    von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    56,00 €

    In this book, the author will present the computer mathematical modeling of fluid mechanics processes in variable gravity, using algorithmization, programming of these models and analysis of the numerical results of work of these models, simulated on a personal computer screen in comparison with experimentally obtained data from the fly tests on the board of fly labolatory (FL) aircraft IL-76K results.

  • 19% sparen
    von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    56,00 €

    In this book, the author will present the computer medical-statistical modeling of the course of the entire process of malignant neoplasm and prediction of its generalization after treatment, using algorithmization, programming of this algorithmization on computer programming languages Turbo BASIC and Turbo C, and analysis of the numerical results of work of this model, simulated on a personal computer screen, in comparison with experimentally obtained data from the test results.

  • 16% sparen
    von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    46,00 €

    I metodi e i dispositivi esistenti per il degassamento del liquido combustibile e dei liquidi speciali in condizioni di assenza di gravità sono costosi ed economicamente non vantaggiosi, poiché il degassamento è ottenuto con un metodo complesso e non efficace su dispositivi tecnicamente ingombranti. I metodi sviluppati per degassare il liquido combustibile e i liquidi speciali nei sistemi di alimentazione e di supporto vitale dei veicoli spaziali automatici, utilizzando la vibrazione controllata o il gradiente di temperatura appositamente creato nel liquido, sono semplici nella costruzione, economicamente molto efficaci e produttivi. I metodi sviluppati consentono di produrre materiali unici riempiti di gas con una distribuzione uniforme della fase gassosa finemente dispersa, utilizzando l'applicazione di un campo elettrico e di vibrazioni controllate o di un campo elettrico e forze inerziali nelle condizioni di volo spaziale. Il metodo sviluppato per l'elaborazione in assenza di gravità di farmaci antitumorali con distribuzione uniforme di gocce sferiche di citostatico, che consentono, durante l'impianto del farmaco all'interno delle parti del corpo del paziente, che si nutrono di tumori sanguigni, di agire con una dose calcolata di citostatico direttamente sulle cellule tumorali al momento della loro mitosi.

  • 16% sparen
    von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    46,00 €

    Los métodos y dispositivos existentes para desgasificar el líquido combustible y los líquidos especiales en condiciones de ingravidez son caros y económicamente poco ventajosos, ya que la desgasificación se consigue mediante un método complejo y poco eficaz en dispositivos técnicamente voluminosos. Los métodos desarrollados para desgasificar el líquido combustible y los líquidos especiales en los sistemas de suministro de energía y de soporte vital de las naves espaciales automáticas utilizando la vibración controlada o el gradiente de temperatura especialmente creado en el líquido son sencillos en su construcción, económicamente muy eficaces y productivos. Los métodos desarrollados permiten producir materiales únicos rellenos de gas con una distribución uniforme de la fase gaseosa finamente dispersa mediante la aplicación de un campo eléctrico y una vibración controlada o un campo eléctrico y fuerzas de inercia en condiciones de vuelo espacial. El método desarrollado de procesamiento en ingravidez de medicamentos antitumorigénicos con distribución uniforme de gotas esféricas de citostático, que permiten durante la implantación del medicamento dentro de las partes del cuerpo del paciente, que se alimentan de tumor sanguíneo, con dosis calculada de citostático para actuar directamente sobre las células tumorales en el momento de su mitosis.

  • von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    54,90 €

    Die bestehenden Methoden und Geräte zur Entgasung von Treibstoffflüssigkeit und Spezialflüssigkeiten unter Schwerelosigkeitsbedingungen sind teuer und wirtschaftlich nicht vorteilhaft, da die Entgasung durch eine komplexe, nicht effektive Methode an den technisch sperrigen Geräten erreicht wird. Die entwickelten Methoden zur Entgasung von Treibstoffflüssigkeit und Spezialflüssigkeiten in den Energieversorgungs- und Lebenserhaltungssystemen von automatischen Raumfahrzeugen unter Verwendung der kontrollierten Vibration oder des speziell geschaffenen Temperaturgradienten in der Flüssigkeit sind einfach im Aufbau, wirtschaftlich hocheffektiv und produktiv. Die entwickelten Methoden erlauben es, die einzigartigen gasgefüllten Materialien mit gleichmäßiger Verteilung der feindispersen Gasphase unter Anwendung des elektrischen Feldes und der kontrollierten Vibration oder des elektrischen Feldes und der Trägheitskräfte unter den Bedingungen der Raumfahrt herzustellen. Die entwickelte Methode zur Verarbeitung von antitumoralen Medikamenten mit gleichmäßiger Verteilung von kugelförmigen Zytostatika-Tropfen in der Schwerelosigkeit, die es ermöglichen, bei der Implantation von Medikamenten in Körperteile von Patienten, die sich von Bluttumoren ernähren, mit einer berechneten Zytostatikadosis direkt auf die Tumorzellen im Moment ihrer Mitose einzuwirken.

  • 16% sparen
    von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    46,00 €

    Les méthodes et dispositifs existants pour dégazer les liquides combustibles et les liquides spéciaux en apesanteur sont coûteux et économiquement peu avantageux, car le dégazage est réalisé par une méthode complexe et peu efficace sur des dispositifs techniquement encombrants. Les méthodes développées pour dégazer les liquides combustibles et les liquides spéciaux dans les systèmes d'alimentation électrique et de survie des engins spatiaux automatiques en utilisant la vibration contrôlée ou le gradient de température spécialement créé dans le liquide sont simples dans leur construction, économiquement très efficaces et productives. Les méthodes développées permettent de produire des matériaux uniques remplis de gaz avec une distribution uniforme d'une phase gazeuse finement dispersée en utilisant l'application d'un champ électrique et d'une vibration contrôlée ou d'un champ électrique et de forces d'inertie dans les conditions d'un vol spatial. La méthode développée pour le traitement en apesanteur de médicaments antitumorigènes avec une distribution uniforme de gouttes sphériques de cytostatique, qui permet pendant l'implantation du médicament à l'intérieur des parties du corps du patient qui sont alimentées par la tumeur sanguine, avec une dose calculée de cytostatique pour agir directement sur les cellules tumorales au moment de leur mitose.

  • 16% sparen
    von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    46,00 €

    Os métodos e dispositivos existentes para desgaseificar o líquido combustível e os líquidos especiais em condições de ausência de peso são dispendiosos e economicamente pouco vantajosos, uma vez que a desgaseificação é conseguida através de um método complexo e pouco eficaz nos dispositivos tecnicamente volumosos. Os métodos desenvolvidos de desgaseificação do líquido combustível e de líquidos especiais nos sistemas de alimentação e de suporte de vida das naves espaciais automáticas, utilizando a vibração controlada ou o gradiente de temperatura especialmente criado no líquido, são simples na sua construção, economicamente muito eficazes e produtivos. Os métodos desenvolvidos permitem produzir os materiais únicos cheios de gás com distribuição uniforme de fase gasosa fina dispersa usando a aplicação de campo eléctrico e vibração controlada ou campo eléctrico e forças inerciais nas condições de voo espacial. O método desenvolvido de processamento na ausência de peso de medicamentos antitumorigénicos com distribuição uniforme de gotas esféricas de citostáticos, que permitem durante a implantação de medicamentos no interior de partes do corpo do paciente, que se alimentam de tumores no sangue, com dose calculada de citostáticos para actuar directamente nas células tumorais no momento da sua mitose.

  • 18% sparen
    von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    53,00 €

    In the book is represented the computer model of the behavior of gas bubble both in the Earth's conditions and in the conditions of the acceleration of gravity change. The computer model of the behavior of gas bubbles in the vibrating liquid with a change of the acceleration of the gravity is shown. The developed computer models have been proved experimentally during the process of the conducted tests on the board of the flying laboratory (FL) IL-76 K and showed the possibility of their practical use for the simulation of the behavior of real gas bubbles in the life-support systems and power supply technological processes of automatic spacecraft, in the conditions of real space flight. The computer system of optimal interpolation prognosis illustrates, which permits to create the medico-mathematical model of tumor, numerically reflecting all laws governing the flow of tumor process after the conducted treatment, to plan the optimum tactics of postoperative control, of the selection of the periods of test survey and regimes of the preventive treatment of oncological patients, to determine the effectiveness of the used methods of treatment of the oncological patients.

  • 18% sparen
  • 18% sparen
    von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    46,00 €

    In the book is represented the computer physical chemistry model of the behavior of the gas bubble, fixed on the surface of solid material in the fluid, that permits to simulate this behavior on the screen of computer, with the precise parameters in each stage of decrease, increase of acceleration of gravity in the conditions of the aircraft¿s overloads and weightlessness. The developed model permits also show the influence of a change in the properties of fluid (surface tension and contact angle) on its behavior: the release of its surface energy and forces, which fix it on the surface of solid material in these conditions. Furthermore, it is illustrated the computer physical model of the directional movement of the gas bubbles along the whole length of the column of fluid using the vibration in the conditions of weightlessness (degassing fluid). The work of these computer programs with the high accuracy was proved during the flight tests on the board of the flying laboratory IL-76K. In the course of tests, was realized the injection of electrolytic gas bubbles into the melt of model solid material using the vibration in the conditions of weightlessness.

  • 18% sparen
    von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    53,00 €

    In the book the existing at present time scientific concepts about the cholesteric liquid crystals are considered: the structure of the molecules of the substances, which form them; the textures, which they form; the molecular structures, from which they consist; the unique physical properties, which they possess. On the basis of the property of cholesteric liquid crystals under the change of the temperature to change their color were used cholesteric liquidcrystal films and were developed: the device for diagnostics of breast cancer, which are usual and comfortable for the women under conducting of diagnostics that permits to obtain the qualitative, contrasting with the high accuracy colored image of benign or malignant tumor; the music color device, which permits to ¿revive¿ by the different colors image on the panel in accordance with the frequency spectrum of the signal, which is coming from the electronic-music device; the indicator of sorption processes, which ensures the indication of sorption on the surface of mineral, by simple, safe, express and cheap method.

  • 18% sparen
    von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    63,00 €

  • 18% sparen
  • 16% sparen
    von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    46,00 €

    Existing methods of the desalination of the sea water: distillation, revise osmosis, electrodialysis, extraction and crystallization together with the positive qualities possess serious deficiencies that lead to the complexity of their use in practice because of the economic disadvantages, the complexity of equipment construction, expensive and rapidly worn out utilized materials. The book represents the developed multipurpose method of the desalination of sea water and the special designed industrial desalinator that permit to desalt the large volumes of sea water, to obtain the valuable products: gas chlorine, oxygen, hydrogen, NaOH simply and economically. In connection with the fact that industrial desalinator is the apparatus for continuous action, the use of parallel and series circuits of the developed desalinators permits to control by production and quality of the obtained fresh water.

  • 18% sparen
    von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    59,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    63,00 €

  • von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    71,90 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    46,00 €

    The existing methods and devices of degassing fuel liquid, special liquids in weightlessness conditions are expensive and economically not advantageous, since degassing is achieved by a complex, not effective method on the technically bulky devices. The developed methods of degassing fuel liquid and special liquids in the power supply and life-support systems of automatic spacecraft using the controlled vibration or the specially created temperature gradient in the liquid are simple on its construction, economically highly effective and productive. The developed methods permit to produce the unique gasfilled materials with uniform distribution of fine dispersed gas phase using the application of electric field and controlled vibration or electric field and inertial forces in the conditions of space flight. The developed method of processing in weightlessness of antitumorigenic medicines with uniform distribution of spherical drops of cytostatic, which permit during implanting of medicine inside of body parts of patient,which feed by blood tumor, with calculated dose of cytostatic to act directly on tumor cells at the moment of their mitosis.

  • 18% sparen
    von Michael Shoikhedbrod
    57,00 €

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