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Bücher von Michal R. Belknap

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  • von Michal R. Belknap
    55,00 - 108,00 €

    An updated and expanded revision of a popular book published in 1981, American Political Trials examines the role of politicized criminal trials and impeachments in U.S. history from the early colonial era to the late 20th century.

  • - The Smith Act, the Communist Party, and American Civil Liberties
    von Michal R. Belknap
    86,00 €

  • von Michal R. Belknap
    168,00 €

    Looking at the changes in criminal justice that have taken place since World War II, this book uses a variety of sources such as law reviews, press editorials and police manuals to introduce students to the High Court's impact of criminal procedure.

  • - Justices, Rulings, and Legacy
    von Michal R. Belknap
    90,00 €

    Spanning the years from 1946 until 1953, the Vinson Court made the legal transition from World War II to the Korean War, and the outspoken justices Felix Frankfurter and Hugo Black helped shape its legacy.

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