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Bücher von Michelle Brown

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  • von Michelle Brown
    25,00 €

    Our lives unfold through a series of routine brush-strokes, each stroke contributing to the canvas of our daily experiences. "Hug A Transformer: Small Habits that Destroy" explores the subtle nuances of these daily brush-strokes, drawing attention to the seemingly trivial habits that, when unchecked, hold the potential to dismantle the stability of our well-being. This book is not a conventional self-help guide; rather, it is an exploration of the overlooked dimensions of our daily routines. It delves into the intricate mechanics of habit formation, dissecting the neurological pathways and psychological triggers that shape our actions. The overarching premise is clear: the small, seemingly inconsequential habits we engage in daily are not to be dismissed. Instead, they are the undercurrents that govern the overall quality and direction of our lives."Hug A Transformer" challenges the prevailing notion that monumental events are the sole architects of transformative change. Instead, it directs attention to the quieter, everyday moments that often slip beneath our radar. From the way we greet the morning to how we navigate our workday, our habits are silent architects that construct the framework of our lives. This book navigates through the unnoticed routines, shedding light on habits that, if left unexamined, have the potential to sabotage our personal growth, relationships, and overall life satisfaction.The title, "Hug A Transformer," encapsulates the essence of the book. It suggests a paradoxical act - hugging, an expression of warmth and connection, coupled with the term "Transformer," which implies change, often disruptive. This title serves as an invitation to explore the dual nature of habits: the comfort they provide and the potential destruction they harbour. By extending a metaphorical embrace to our habits, the book encourages readers to delve into the intricacies of their routines, and to recognize the patterns that may be silently shaping their lives.The strength of "Hug A Transformer" lies in its accessibility. It avoids the complexity often associated with discussions on habits and psychology, opting instead for a conversational tone that resonates with a broad audience. The book combined scientific insights with relatable anecdotes, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the forces at play in habit formation. The goal is not to overwhelm but to empower, offering practical tools for individuals from all walks of life to navigate the terrain of habit transformation. "Hug A Transformer" is not a rigid set of rules but a flexible framework. It acknowledges the diversity of human experiences and encourages readers to adapt the strategies presented to their unique circumstances. The interconnected nature of habits is a recurring theme, emphasizing that changes in one area of life often set off a chain reaction across various aspects. By fostering an awareness of these interconnected patterns, the book provides approach to habit transformation."Hug A Transformer" also acknowledges the dynamic nature of habit formation. It is not a linear process but rather an ongoing, repetitive journey. But this book isn't just about identifying bad habits. We also offer practical strategies for cultivating positive habits and transforming our lives. From developing a growth mindset to cultivating healthy relationships, and building productive work habits to creating positive change in our communities, we explore the many ways in which small habits can have a big impact.Whether you're looking to improve your health, advance your career, or simply become a better version of yourself, "Hug a Transformer" offers actionable steps to help you achieve your goals.

  • von Michelle Brown
    17,00 €

    In the world of literature and storytelling, there is a magical quality about Christmas that has captured the hearts of generations. The holiday season unfolds with an enchanting aura, entwining the scent of evergreen with the melodies of carolers and the warmth of shared moments. It's a time when the world seems a little kinder, a bit more hopeful, and love is wrapped in twinkling lights and ribbons of goodwill. But what is it about Christmas that we cherish so dearly? Is it merely the festive decorations, the presents under the tree, or the rich aroma of holiday meals? No, there is something more profound, something timeless and enduring-the gift of friendship."Three Christmas Friends: Unwrapping the Gift of Forever Friendship" is not just a book; it's a journey. A journey that will take you through the snowy lanes of a picturesque town, introduce you to three remarkable individuals, and guide you through three extraordinary Christmas that changed their lives forever. This is a story about the kind of friendships that not only survive the tests of time but thrive, growing richer with every passing year.In this book, we will explore the lives of Elizabeth, Thomas, and Sarah. They are the protagonists of our story, individuals whose paths converged in the charming town of Evergreen, where the spirit of Christmas permeates every street, every home, and every heart. Their stories, though each unique, are bound together by the invisible threads of fate, weaving a tapestry of friendship that is as enduring as the holiday season itself.We start our journey in Evergreen, a town that appears to be untouched by the relentless march of time. Its cobblestone streets, quaint cottages, and warm-hearted residents create an atmosphere that seems plucked from a bygone era, where life moves at a gentler pace. Yet, it's not just the town that makes Evergreen special. The heart of the town is its people, and it's within their lives that the magic of Christmas truly comes alive.Our first character is Elizabeth, a woman who embodies the spirit of Christmas. Her warm smile, kind heart, and generous spirit have earned her the affectionate title of the "Christmas Angel." She bakes cookies for the local children, assists the elderly with their shopping, and organizes charitable events to spread the joy of the season.Her life revolves around making Christmas magical for everyone she meets. But underneath her cheerful exterior, Elizabeth carries the weight of a profound loss that has left a void in her heart.The second character, Thomas, is the town's skilled carpenter. His rugged exterior conceals a gentle soul, and the wooden toys he carves for the local children are a testament to his craftsmanship and dedication. Thomas is a man of few words, often considered enigmatic by the townsfolk. His path crosses with Elizabeth's when he's tasked with repairing her porch, which has seen better days. Through their interactions, we see the subtle sparks of a unique connection.

  • - Forgiveness, It's Your Choice
    von Michelle Brown
    12,00 €

  • - Rocky's Story
    von Michelle Brown
    24,00 €

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