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Bücher von Mike Berry

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  • von Mike Berry
    19,98 €

  • von Mike Berry
    118,00 €

    This book provides the first coherent Marxist analysis of the central importance of housing in the social reproduction of capitalism as a whole. Rather than consigning housing to the sidelines, Berry argues that the circulation of capital and revenues though housing and the built environment helps explain how the capital-labour relation constrains housing outcomes while also being reproduced on an extended scale. He shows how housing is provided by the intervention of building, property and interest-bearing capital fractions; how the land question can be explained by a theory of urban land rent, drawing on Marx's categories of differential and monopoly rent; how housing is vital to the extended reproduction of labour power, while also creating a semi-separate sphere of 'home' in which gender and demographic factors overlay and accentuate social class position. The modes, impact and drivers of state intervention in housing provision are seen to modify the patterns and pace of capital circulation through housing and the urban built environment with implications for shifts in class fragmentation and power relations.

  • - Nove maneiras de construir uma relacao saudavel e duradoura
    von Mike Berry
    23,00 €

    Em se tratando de educa├º├úo de filhos, o tempo corre em uma velocidade dif├¡cil de acompanhar. Aquele beb├¬ fofinho e dependente transforma-se rapidamente em algu├⌐m com caracter├¡sticas, vontade e vis├úo de mundo bem particulares. E, em muitos casos, em franco conflito com o seu jeito de ser. O que fazer?Conquiste o cora├º├úo de seu filho foi escrito para auxili├í-lo nessa desafiadora tarefa de educar filhos. Na primeira das tr├¬s partes do livro, o autor discute a vis├úo equivocada do que significa ser pai ou m├úe. Na segunda, apresenta nove dicas para voc├¬ ampliar sua influ├¬ncia sobre seu filho e, na terceira parte, ele analisa as caracter├¡sticas de um relacionamento duradouro, levando em conta como se inicia e como se pode preserv├í-lo.Mesmo que seu filho j├í n├úo seja uma crian├ºa, Mike Berry, renomado palestrante especializado na tem├ítica da cria├º├úo de filhos, aponta caminhos para recuperar sua influ├¬ncia e proximidade. Poucos desafios na vida s├úo mais compensadores do que criar filhos a partir de um relacionamento amoroso, franco e duradouro. Por isso, esta obra pode fazer importante diferen├ºa.

  • - Political Campaigns in the United States, Great Britain, and Russia
    von Mike Berry, Sarah Oates & Professor Lynda Lee Kaid
    47,00 €

    This book examines the influence of terrorist threat in the recent elections in the US, Great Britain, and Russia to analyze the influence of post-9/11 fears on voting behaviour in comparative perspective. It is in these different countries that warnings about terrorism find the most resonance with candidates, journalists and voters alike.

  • von Mike Berry & Greg Philo
    47,00 €

    Building on rigorous research by the world-renowned Glasgow University Media Group, More Bad News From Israel examines media coverage of the current conflict in the Middle East and the impact it has on public opinion. *BR**BR*The book brings together senior journalists and ordinary viewers to examine how audiences understand the news and how their views are shaped by media reporting. In the largest study ever undertaken in this area, the authors focus on television news. They illustrate major differences in the way Israelis and Palestinians are represented, including how casualties are shown and the presentation of the motives and rationales of both sides. They combine this with extensive audience research involving hundreds of participants from the USA, Britain and Germany. It shows extraordinary differences in levels of knowledge and understanding, especially amongst young people from these countries.*BR**BR*Covering recent developments, including the Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza, this authoritative and up-to-date study will be an invaluable tool for journalists, activists and students and researchers of media studies.

  • - Competing Histories
    von Mike Berry & Greg Philo
    42,00 €

    This is a concise guide to the Israel-Palestine conflict. There are many different, competing histories of the conflict, however, this book collects those which are based on the most considered historical research.*BR**BR*The book covers key events in chronological order, in each case examining the varied historical accounts and presenting the beliefs of key thinkers across the ideological spectrum, from Edward Said to Binyamin Netanyahu. *BR**BR*Starting the with emergence of the Zionist movement in the nineteenth century, and the figures who shaped it, the authors go on to cover the founding of Israel and its subsequent history, up to and including the 'roadmap for peace', the construction of the wall, the death of Arafat and the withdrawal from Gaza.

  • von Mike Berry
    27,00 €

    Who are the key people whose lives are helping to define the age that we are now living through? How do their stories resonate our own? What are the forces that drive and confine their impacts on the directions laid down in the first decades of the twenty-first century? These are similar questions to those posed two hundred years ago by the English essayist William Hazlitt. I follow his lead, borrowing his title. The present volume comprises thirty-one essays grouped into seven thematic areas that I suggest will help us navigate through the uncertain landscape of the future. There are two additional essays that top and tail the collection in which I seek to summarise Hazlitt's concerns in his age and focus my concerns in our age.

  • von Mike Berry & Kristin Berry
    20,00 €

  • von Mike Berry
    29,00 €

    This book explores the impact of the print and broadcast media on public knowledge and understanding of the 2008 Great Financial Crisis. It represents the first systemic attempt to analyse how mass media influenced public opinion and political events during this key period in Britain's economic history. To do this, the book combines analysis of media content, focus groups with members of the public and interviews with leading news journalists and editors in order to unpack the production, content and reception of economic news.From the banking crisis to the debate over Britain's public deficit, this book explores the key role of the press and broadcasting in shaping public understanding and legitimating austerity through both short and long term patterns of media socialisation.

  • von Mike Berry
    27,00 €

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