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Bücher von Mike Doyle

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  • von Mike Doyle
    20,00 €

    Beautiful LEGO 3: Wild! showcases amazing nature-inspired LEGO masterpieces from artists around the world

  • von Mike Doyle
    27,00 €

    Claiming the lives of seven adults and seventeen children, the Belvidere tornado struck the most vulnerable at the worst possible time: just as school let out. More than five hundred people suffered injuries. New interviews and fascinating archival history underscore the horrific drama, as well as the split-second decisions of victims and survivors that saved their families and neighbors. Since the tragedy, three more devastating tornadoes have further defined Boone County s resilience: Poplar Grove in 2008, Caledonia in 2010 and Fairdale in 2015."

  • von Mike Doyle
    17,00 - 23,00 €

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