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Bücher von Mimi

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  • von Mimi
    20,00 €

    Meliorism is a poignant and thought-provoking collection of poems authored by MIMI. The book is a rich tapestry of emotions, perspectives, and experiences that will leave readers feeling both challenged and inspired.The poems in Meliorism are divided into a wide range of themes that cover everything from love and loss to hope and despair. Some of the most powerful works in the collection include "The Sorrows of Humanity," which speaks to the pain and suffering that we all experience as humans, and "Hero Villain's Arc," which explores the complex nature of morality and the choices that we make in life.Other standout poems in the collection include "Neutral Times," which captures the ennui and malaise of modern life, "The Path In-between," which offers a meditation on the search for meaning and purpose, and "After Death No Life Ahead," which confronts the inevitability of mortality and the mysteries of what may lie beyond.Throughout the collection, MIMI's writing is both lyrical and evocative, drawing readers into a world of rich imagery and vivid emotion. The poems are also marked by a deep sense of empathy and compassion, reflecting the author's keen insight into the human condition.Meliorism is a must-read for anyone who appreciates poetry that is both challenging and inspiring. With its powerful themes, evocative imagery, and lyrical writing, this collection is sure to leave a lasting impression on readers long after they have turned the final page.

  • von Mimi
    18,00 €

    MIMI ist schön, begabt und erfolgreich - und aus der deutschen Fernsehlandschaft nicht wegzudenken. Mit ihrer lebenslustigen Art ist sie nicht nur ein beliebter Gast in den Talkshows, sondern auch für viele ein Vorbild. Doch was lange nur wenige wussten: Die sympathische Entertainerin betäubte ihren Schmerz und ihre Schuldgefühle fast 30 Jahre mit Alkohol und verlor regelmäßig die Kontrolle über ihr Leben. Sie wahrte nach außen den Schein - und wurde dabei immer kränker. Heute ist sie trockene Alkoholikerin und erzählt in ihrem Buch schonungslos offen von ihrem Leben mit der Volksdroge - und ihren Dämonen, die sie mit ihm zu bekämpfen glaubte. "Trinkerbelle" ist die berührende und wahre Geschichte einer Frau, die nach jahrelangen Kämpfen endlich nüchtern werden durfte und seit Maria Himmelfahrt 2018 nicht mehr trinken muss.  "Ich habe fast dreißig Jahre zu den klassischen funktionalen Trinkerinnen gehört, wobei der Ausdruck  funktional  in diesem Zusammenhang immer auch ein bisschen seltsam klingt. Denn so richtig funktioniert hat eigentlich recht wenig in meinem Leben. Ich war vollgetankt und bin trotzdem immer auf Reserve gefahren. Mein Leben war durch die Sucht ein Konstrukt aus Lügen und Vertuschungen, aus körperlichen und seelischen Schmerzen, von denen ich niemandem erzählen konnte - weil ich dann hätte zugeben müssen, woher sie kommen.  Ich wollte leben, aber ich wollte so nicht mehr weiterleben."  MIMI  MIMI ist als Mimi Fiedler bekannt aus Film und Fernsehen ("Die Nachtschwestern") und ein beliebter Gast in Talkshows  Ein berührender Einblick in ihre schwerste Zeit. Ein Buch, das Mut macht, sich immer wieder den eigenen Dämonen zu stellen

  • von Mimi
    19,00 €

  • von Mimi
    15,95 €

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2017 im Fachbereich Pädagogik - Kindergarten, Vorschule, frühkindl. Erziehung, Note: 1,8, Evangelische Hochschule Ludwigsburg (ehem. Evangelische Fachhochschule Reutlingen-Ludwigsburg; Standort Ludwigsburg), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Das Krankheitsbild des frühkindlichen Autismus, welches als eine Ausprägungsform der Autismus-Spektrum-Störung gilt, hat in den letzten Jahren deutlich zugenommen. Laut dem CDC, dem Center for Disease Control and prevention, ging man im Jahr 2000 noch von einem autistischen Kind von 150 aus, während es 2006 schon eins von 110 und 2012 sogar 1 von 68 waren (CDC, 2017). Es stellt sich nun hierbei die Frage, ob diese enorme Zunahme durch eine verbesserte Diagnose bedingt ist, oder ob es sich um eine tatsächliche Erhöhung von autistischen Störungen bei Kindern handelt. Diese Arbeit soll einen ersten Einblick in das sehr breite Feld der Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen geben. Beginnend wird auf drei Störungsfelder eingegangen. Hierbei wird der Fokus jedoch auf Bereich des frühkindlichen Autismus liegen. In Kapitel 3 wird näher auf die Erkennung von frühkindlichem Autismus eingegangen. Das Augenmerk dieser Ausarbeitung liegt auf dem letzten Kapitel, den Therapiespektren. Die strukturierte Therapiemethode wird hierbei neben dem UCLA Model of Applied Behavioral Analysis am intensivsten bearbeitet. Da sehr viele Therapiemethoden verbreitet sind, wurden drei ausgewählt, die restlichen werden nicht näher beleuchtet. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, verschiedene Therapiemethoden zu analysieren und auf ihre Wirksamkeit zu untersuchen. Dies geschieht mithilfe von Fachliteratur. Eine Schlussbetrachtung wird diese Hausarbeit abrunden.

  • von Mimi
    19,00 €

  • - La trouille au ventre
    von Mimi
    9,00 €

  • von Mimi
    19,00 €

    A sisterhood that had been tighter than a whore''s dress has been completely destroyed. After discovering that her husband has fathered a child with her best friend, SASHA, in an extreme state of emotional vulnerability, falls for NASIR, a man who is definitely forbidden fruit. And with that, comes the drama!JADE has been infected with HIV, a shocking development that has her drowning in alcohol abuse. At the same time, the sisterhood she shared with her friends is in tatters and it seems nothing can repair the women''s bond. But all hope is not lost.Meanwhile, CARMEN and DENISE are facing their own dilemmas. Will Carmen be able to hold it together or will she try to end it all? Unforgivable Sins turn to Unforgivable Betrayal as more secrets unfold, and the question remains: is it FRIEND OR FOE?

  • von Mimi
    20,00 €

    JADE, CARMEN, SASHA and AMEKIA think they have an unbreakable friendship that''s held together by their weekly girls'' night, but their lives aren''t what they portray them to be. Jade, a respected social worker, falls head over heels for a man who may put a major strain on her friendships and her life. Meanwhile, Carmen is getting death threats from the most unlikely people in her life. The harassment leads her to wonder who can she trust. While Sasha, a lawyer, who is married to the man she once adored, finds herself the object of one of her client''s affection. Could this dichotomy lead to divorce, murder and mayhem? Amekia, the most open one of the group, isn''t telling all of her business. She''s holding an explosive secret that could blow up at any moment. Slowly, the women''s bond unravels and things get out of control. Will they discover what they thought was real wasn''t? Is it FRIEND OR FOE?

  • von Mimi
    19,00 €

  • von Mimi
    19,00 €

    REIGN tries desperately to get her life in order, but lies and deception continue to hound her. Will the results of a DNA test be the thing that seals her relationship with SENAJ? Or will it be proof of a transgression so foul that there can be no reconciliation? A blast from the past seems to reach out from the grave, threatening to expose the LIPSTICK KILLAH, and putting her freedom on the line. Not knowing who to trust, REIGN seeks to cut all ties to her past, but some bad deeds can't ever be undone. Will the secrets die? Or will they bring her down to her knees? Meanwhile, all Reign wants is peace, love, and a brand new life. Will she find what she's in search of? Or is Reign's demise predestined?

  • - Death Is Inevitable
    von Mimi
    20,00 €

    MAH'LANI has had her share of bad relationships. Some ended in heartbreak while others were full of infidelity and lies. Then, along comes DOMINIC, a tall, muscular-built, caramel God, who seems to fulfill all of her wants and desires. But, as the saying goes: everything that glitters isn't gold.When Mr. Perfect turns into the opposite of who he first seemed to be, will Mah'lani have enough sense to walk away before bad turns to worse? Or will she fool herself into believing things will get better if she stays?Things become even more complicated after Mah'lani's dad, MALCOLM, comes home from prison and wants back in her life. Will Malcolm and Dominic butt heads over what's best for Mah'lani? Is her love stronger for her man than it is for her father?The answer is a twisted tale that leads to an unexpected CRIME OF PASSION that will leave you with your mouth wide open.

  • - Me Against the World
    von Mimi
    19,00 €

  • - When Love Begins to Hurt, Run
    von Mimi
    19,00 €

    After witnessing her father beat and degrade her mother, over and over again, until he finally did the unforgivable, QUINN promised herself she would never give an abusive man a single moment of her time. In fact, love wasn't even on her mind, as she and her bestie, ERICA, tried to enjoy life and lean on each other when times got hard. Quinn soon discovers that she doesn't have to be looking for love for it to find her, and when it does, life becomes a whirlwind of passionate love-making and fun. JASON is everything Quinn dreamed of, but thought she might not ever deserve. He's irresistibly fine, successful and loving. But, is it all just an act to disguise a dark, sinister side of him that even more monstrous than her father? Once the mask comes off and Jason unveils his true self, will Quinn do what her mother didn't? Or will she meet that same tragic fate? Who will be the survivor of a heart-wrenching CRIME OF PASSION?

  • von Mimi
    22,00 €

    Born into the unscrupulous, male-dominated, lifestyle of drugs, murder and money, REIGN had no time for love, she was all about that bag and folding niggas up. Using a heart-shaped pattern drawn with her favorite lipstick, as her calling card, the beautiful female assassin leaves bodies crooked and cold, and she feels no empathy for her victims. But one man is after what she hides from the world, the woman inside of her that wants to be loved. SENAJ ain't a killer or a thug, but he's everything Reign desires and needs. Will her secret life cost her the man of her dreams? Will those she's vowed loyalty to allow her to fall in love and walk away from the deadly game of murder-for-hire? Or will THE LIPSTICK KILLAH suffer the cold, bloody demise she's served others? When the heart wants what is prohibited, many lives will come into danger.

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