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Bücher von Mohammed-Amine Koulali

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  • von Mohammed-Amine Koulali
    52,00 €

    This book constitutes the revised selected papers of the 10th International Conference on Networked Systems, NETYS 2022, held as virtual event, in May 17-19, 2022. The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 crisis.The 18 full papers and 2 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 100 submissions. The scope of the conference covers all aspects related to the design and the development of these systems, including multi-core architectures, Concurrent and distributed algorithms, parallel/concurrent/distributed programming, distributed databases, big data applications and systems, cloud systems, networks, security, and formal verification.They were organized in topical sections as follows: Distributed System; Networking; Verification; Security.

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