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Bücher von Mohammed Mujaddi Albadri

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  • von Mohammed Mujaddi Albadri
    34,00 €

    Islam means peace as well as submission to the Will of AlmightyGod. Any individual can be at peace with himself or with other men or extrahumanenvironment when he voluntarily submits or sun'enders his will to theUniversal Will which is the Will of God.For a successful and peaceful individual life man needs to have acorrect perspective and a proper outlook. This correct perspective andoutlook can be acquired through the divine revelations only, as humanintellect cannot perceive the whole reality and comprehend all domains oflife. For collective peace or peace among men and nations of the worldman is even more dependent on the divpe guidance. Human mind is notcapable enough to derive and promulgate principles and laws for peaceamong men and nations. This complexity deepens when there is every chancethat instinctively man may pursue ends for him and the group(s) to whichhe belong. Thus, it is innate requirement for mankind to refer to the divineteachings for peace among men and nations of the world.The individual and collective lives of men are so interwoven andinterdependent that individual peace many a times remains at stake to thecollective disorder. The teachings of Islam as such comprehend both theindividual and collective lives of men. Islam provides a system and adiscipline which embodies its principles for the individual and collective hvesof men for their peace, well-being and development.The basic principles forcollective life in Islam are so comprehensive, universal and humane that theyform a strong baseline for orchestrating peaceful relations amongst men.These basic principles are both religious and temporal and dominate all thespheres and comers of man's collective life including relations amongdifferent nations of the world. These principles or tenets are universal bothin concept and applicability.

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