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Bücher von Monika Gruber

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  • von Andreas Hock & Monika Gruber
    12,00 €

    Manchmal hilft nur noch HumorWas sind das nur für Zeiten? Innerhalb weniger Jahre ist aus uns eine hysterisch-hyperventilierende Gesellschaft geworden, in der sich Wutbürger und Weltverbesserer, vermeintlich Ewiggestrige und Meinungsmissionare feindselig gegenüberstehen. Die preisgekrönte Kabarettistin Monika Gruber und Bestsellerautor Andreas Hock gehen dem kollektiven Wahnsinn auf den Grund. Mit Selbstironie und schwarzem Humor begeben sie sich auf die Suche nach dem gesunden Menschenverstand.»Ein kleines böses Buch zur Lage der Nation und eine Impfung gegen Hysterie und Panikmache.« stern»Ein echtes Lesevergnügen, das nur die nicht komisch finden werden, die verlernt haben, über sich selbst zu lachen.« Münchner MerkurKomplett überarbeitete Ausgabe

  • von Monika Gruber
    12,00 €

    Was macht eine, die aus einem Ort namens Tittenkofen stammt, aber nicht so ausschaut? Die auf dem Bauernhof aufwächst, aber eigentlich auf die Bühne will? Klar, sie nimmt's mit Humor und wird Komikerin. Monika Gruber erinnert sich in ihrem Buch an ihre Kindheit und Jugend auf dem Land bei Erding. Sie erzählt teils bitterböse, teils rührend-nostalgische Geschichten, in denen sie grantelt, witzelt, schwelgt und auch lästert, aber nie denunziert, denn dazu liebt sie Land und Leute zu sehr.

  • - A Running Commentary with Consideration of the Polish Original and the German Translation
    von Monika Gruber
    80,00 - 90,00 €

    This book provides a detailed commentary on the classic monograph by Alfred Tarski, and offers a reinterpretation and retranslation of the work using the original Polish text and the English and German translations.

  • von Monika Gruber
    74,00 €

    Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: The first cross-border merger of exchanges in Europe, in 1999, happened even across the borders of the EU when the national derivatives markets of Germany and Switzerland created Eurex. In 2000, Euronext, the second big merger project, became reality. The Exchanges of Amsterdam, Paris and Brussels created a new joint platform with corporate structure. Norex, Virt-X, Newex are further merger projects. During the last decade, not only the institutional framework of exchanges has changed, but also the popularity of different products that are traded on the new platforms. Currently the derivatives market, in particular the trading with repurchase agreements, experiences major growth in Europe as well as in the U.S. The Eurex Repo platform observes a steady increase of outstanding volume, due to the fact that Eurex Repo is the only electronic market that offers repo transactions with the shortest possible term of just one night (overnight repo transaction). The goal of this paper is to analyse and to critically assess the Eurex Repo market model mentioned above, which is currently treated as the most efficient and successful trading platform for derivatives, with a specific focus on repurchase agreements. Chapter 2 aims to give answers to the following questions: What is a repurchase agreement? Which are the characteristics of repo markets in general? Which risks are associated with repos and how does the pricing of repos work? Which other instruments for liquidity management do exist for banks? The purpose of Chapter 3 is to give an overview of the derivatives market in general, past business methods, the intermediating role of banks and exchanges, and the dynamic development of the derivatives market. In addition, the Eurex market model will be described, as well as competing market players in Europe and the U.S. In Chapter 4, the main focus is put on the examination and evaluation of the Eurex Repo market model in order to investigate the key drivers in this model. Considering Eurex? expansion to the U.S., where the originally European exchange is competing with the major North American exchange CBoT since February 2004, and the advance of Eurex? main competitor Euronext, the future perspectives for the Eurex Repo market model will be explored. Inhaltsverzeichnis:Table of Contents: INDEX OF TABLESIII INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONSIV ABBREVIATIONSV 1.INTRODUCTION1 2.THE NOTION OF ?REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS?3 2.1DEFINITION AND [¿]

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