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Bücher von Moritz Stüber

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  • von Moritz Stüber
    15,95 €

    Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2018 in the subject Agrarian Studies, grade: 1,7, University of Hohenheim (Zentrum Ökologischer Landbau Universität Hohenheim), language: English, abstract: Mass releases of parasitic minute polyphagous wasps is a common biological pest control practice across the world. The application can reduce chemical insecticide use and therefore contribute to a more sustainable agriculture. Nearly all frequently used species derive from the genus Trichogramma. These wasps are released on several Million hectares of agricultural production, particularly in maize cultivation. This report is aiming to give an insight into a growing system, where Trichogramma practices are still under development. With regards to the application density, efficacy, applied species and environmental risks of Trichogramma in European ecological fruit cultivation was reviewed. The common application methods are lacking consistent results and pest control efficacy, since orchards differ greatly from the usual grain field cropping system. Three research directions to increase efficiency can be distinguished: new application methods (1); environmental attributes that favour Trichogramma (2) and suitable Trichogramma (mixtures) species (3). Development of equipment, suitable to disperse Trichogramma eggs more equally between rows is needed. A nozzle fan, spraying Trichogramma eggs, seemed to decrease costs and labour force by simultaneously increasing pest control consistency. Flower strips, particularly by containing buckwheat and mustard, can increase the longevity and fecundity of the wasps, leading to a better pest control performance. Local Trichogramma species should be preferred, as they are used to the climatic conditions and contribute to agroecological practices. The risk of mass releases on non-target insect species must be surveyed continuously. No significant effects were found, but off-field emigration does happen and needs to be monitored. The research implies the potential of Trichogramma to be used as an agroecological practice, being able to contribute to insecticide reduction. However, many results still need to be tested under commercial conditions.

  • von Moritz Stüber
    17,95 €

    Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2018 in the subject Agrarian Studies, grade: 2,3, University of Hohenheim (Zentrum Ökologischer Landbau Universität Hohenheim), language: English, abstract: Agroecology, just like Organic Agriculture in Europe, belongs to the huge amount of approaches, which aim to perform agriculture in a more sustainable way. The Agroecology movement, as it is named by the famous agronomist and agroecological expert Altieri, has its origins in Latin America. The approach of Agroecology is integrating ecological measures and traditional knowledge into the farming system, aiming to perform agriculture in a more sustainable and also to attain food sovereignty and food security. Regarding to the sheer size of Latin America, several regions are subdivided by having their own sub-movement. By focussing on Costa Rica as part of Central America, this case study aims to give a proper understanding how the Central American movement works. The sub-movement in Central America is called the farmer-to-farmer movement. Here, knowledge and technology are passed on between several farmers within one region, seeing themselves as peer. Trainers, so called promotors are installed, are doing the preparatory work, as they are the link between knowledge and the soon-to-be Agroecological farmers. Workshops are held, and a pre-structuring is given, to enable and simplify the application of Agroecology. CAC can be rather seen as a key methodology, having its origins in Central America. For the Agroecological farmers, the CAC approach is not to be categorised nowhere near Agroecology. CAC is just a method, whereas the farmers are practicing Agroecology as a philosophy. Their philosophy is including culture, traditional practices and community living, together with exchange and political advocacy. Public instruments and structures are not given solely for Agroecology, but for several sustainable agriculture approaches together. A law on Organic Agriculture was implemented in 2007. Organic Agriculture should not be equated to Agroecology. NGOs and public bodies, that are working on the field of sustainable agricultural approaches, are aiming to unite all different systems, e.g. Agroecology and Organic Agriculture. NGOs are aiming mostly for political power, coming with one big movement, while the government is rather interested in the economic aspects of a huge sustainable production. To the farmers, Organic Agriculture was introduced to be a way to gain price premiums, by just adding seals to their product.

  • von Moritz Stüber
    15,95 €

    Essay from the year 2017 in the subject Agrarian Studies, grade: 2,7, University of Hohenheim (Institut für Sozialwissenschaften des Agrarbereichs), language: English, abstract: The history of organic agriculture (OA) in Germany is not only based on the lectures of its founder Rudolf Steiner. OA in its present status as a developed economic branch is far more, for example the result of ecological and political movements against globalisation and intensification in the 70¿s (rise of the ¿Greens¿). Economic and environmental failure, as in the 1973 oil crisis or agricultural chemical-technical intensification led to a deepening of environmental topics and social acceptance. With these societal changes, the basis for an ecologically and socially fair production was set. New political structures and decisions in the late 80¿s and early 90¿s boosted OA in Germany. Eastern German organic farmers restructured and enforced themselves to an enhancement of German agriculture, after the Wall Fall 1989. The EU-regulation on organic farming in 1991, decisively shaped the structure and turned OA to a lucratively subsidised business. In the following years until today, OA in Germany wasskyrocketing in farming and production, as well as in consumption. From a niche product in the 80¿s to economic importance in the new millennium, organic products entered the mainstream market. Today, Germany is Europe¿s biggest organic consumer and its fourth biggest organic producer. The demand for organic products is exceeding national supply, therefore Germany is also the second biggest importer of organic products. Wholesaler, conventional food retailer and organic retail chains realised the market value of organic products. Thanks to conventional super markets, organic products are now obtainable everywhere. Organic retail chains, such as¿Alnaturä or ¿Denn¿s¿ are still expanding, opening new branches and increasing their assortment. Individual organic food stores and direct marketing are not holding the upward trend and getting displaced by organic retail chains. The difference between conventional and organic food retailers is shrinking. At the same time, consumer behaviour is leaning towards organic products, but still with the conventional point of view of cheapness and convenience. These double standards are symptom and evidence of a fully developed organic market. Organic products found their place in German society, not because of a complete understanding of original ideals, but rather because of the alignment of OA towards the consumer¿s behaviour.

  • von Moritz Stüber
    27,95 €

    Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich Lebensmitteltechnologie, Note: 1,0, Universität Hohenheim (Institut für Lebensmittelwissenschaft und Biotechnologie), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Palmfett ist aufgrund ökologischer Konflikte zunehmend in Kritik geraten. Daher wurden im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit Kernöl der Mango (M. indica L.) und Tamarinde (T. indica L.) auf ihre Eignung als nachhaltige Palmfettsubstitute untersucht. Die Früchte wurden morphologisch charakterisiert und das Kernöl durch Soxhlet-Extraktion gewonnen. Additiv wurde eine dreistufige Fraktionierungsmethode zur Gewinnung eines in der Lebensmittelindustrie anwendbaren, hochschmelzenden Fetts entwickelt. Zudem wurde die Fettsäurezusammensetzung der Rohöle wie auch der einzelnen Fraktionen mittels GC-FID bestimmt. Die Analogien bzw. Unterschiede im Fettsäureprofil der Rohöle wie auch der Fraktionen wurden anhand multivariater Statistik (HCA und PCA) ausgearbeitet. Der Kern machte bei Mango 3,30% und bei Tamarinde 21,44% der Gesamtmasse der Frucht aus. Aus den Kernen der Früchte konnten 8,02% Mango- und 2,14% Tamarindenkernöl extrahiert werden. Die in kommerziell erhältlichem Palmfett vorherrschenden Fettsäuren waren Palmitinsäure (38,67%) und Ölsäure (38,21%). Der Anteil gesättigter Fettsäuren betrug 44,92%. Die Fraktionierung des Palmfetts bewirkte eine Auftrennung in 21,03% Palmstearin und 78,97% Palmolein. Der Gehalt an C16:0 stieg in Palmstearin, während die Konzentrationen ungesättigter Fettsäuren gesenkt wurden. Anders zeichnete sich das Tamarindenkernöl durch einen hohen Gehalt an Linolsäure (54,72%) wie einen niedrigen Anteil an gesättigten Fettsäuren (26,47%) aus. Die Fraktionierung war hinsichtlich einer zu geringen Ölausbeute bei der Extraktion nicht möglich. Tamarindenkernöl stellte daher aufgrund ungeeigneter Fettsäurezusammensetzung wie einer geringen Ölausbeute keine veritable Alternative zu Palmfett dar. Ähnlich dem Palmöl, dominierte im Mangokernöl die einfach ungesättigte Ölsäure (C18:1; 48,54%). Zudem repräsentierte Stearinsäure 31,99% des Gesamtfettgehaltes. Der Anteil gesättigter Fettsäuren (42,62%) lag unter dem Sättigungsgrad des Palmrohfetts. Das extrahierte Mangorohöl konnte in 46,90% Mangostearin und 53,10% Mangoolein fraktioniert werden. Induziert durch dieFraktionierung stieg der C18:0-Gehalt im Mangostearin, während die Anteile an C18:1 und C18:2c reduziert wurden. Das gewonnene Mangostearin ist bei Raumtemperatur fest und weist einen hohen Gehalt gesättigter Fettsäuren auf. Trotz des geeigneten Fettsäureprofils der Mango, limitiert der geringe Fettgehalt der Kerne jedoch dessen Einsatz als potentielles Palmfettsubstitut.

  • von Moritz Stüber
    17,95 €

    Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2018 in the subject Agrarian Studies, grade: 1,7, University of Hohenheim (Zentrum Ökologischer Landbau Universität Hohenheim), language: English, abstract: When it comes to ecological measures and sustainability, Costa Rica (CR) is one of the most developed countries in Latin America. During the past two years CR was able to be nearly 100% eco-power self-sufficient. Moreover it is planning to be the first country worldwide to prohibit disposable plastic and one of the organic pioneers in the region. Organic food export and people¿s ecologic awareness have been rising. As the biodiversity in CR is one of the highest worldwide, the country¿s nature protection strategy is a topic to focus on and worth to be studied. Latin American studies on organic management as a tool for biodiversity conservation are rare. Organic Agriculture (OA), as written in the IFOAM 1972, always committed to the conservation of biodiversity. There were only few attempts to include biodiversity conservation into the existing organic standards and guidelines. First in 2005, biodiversity conservation, as part of the draft ¿Biodiversity and Landscape Standards¿ was mentioned and integrated into the IFOAM Basic Standards.In CR, one of the principal promoters of OA is the CEDECO (Educative Corporation of Development in Costa Rica). Their research often focused on arthropods since many species are known to be biological indicators of an ecosystem¿s health status. Exemplary insects of their studies are butterflies or dung beetles. Many birds are insect-/ omnivorous, thus directly linked to arthropod abundance. Organic coffee plantations in CR are tried to be integrated into nature (agroforestry), which results in a different habitat than the conventional ones. Instead of shrub-sized coffee plants, there is a sudden interaction with the canopy and a more diverse shrub-layer. In the following report, the focus will be laid on species that experienced a success story but also those who might not. It will be demonstrated by changes in vegetation, diversity changes above and beneath ground and the way the farmer can profit from each species.

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