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Bücher von Muhammad Akram

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  • 16% sparen
    von Muhammad Akram
    42,00 €

    Las redes inalámbricas de sensores (WSN) son muy vulnerables a los ataques de seguridad debido a su dependencia de la comunicación inalámbrica. Los nodos sensores de las WSN tienen un tamaño diminuto y disponen de recursos energéticos y capacidades de procesamiento limitados. Sin las medidas de protección adecuadas, estos nodos, limitados en recursos energéticos y hardware, pueden ser atacados por adversarios. Se han propuesto varios sistemas de filtrado en ruta para eliminar los datos falsos. Sin embargo, casi todos estos esquemas presuponen un protocolo de enrutamiento subyacente convencional sin tener en cuenta el estado de los ataques y el comportamiento de disipación de energía a lo largo de la ruta. Este libro presenta la selección adaptativa basada en reglas difusas de los nodos intermedios de verificación y las rutas de reenvío de datos con difusión dinámica de claves de autenticación para lograr un mayor ahorro de energía. El esquema basado en reglas difusas equilibra potencialmente la carga entre las rutas de reenvío de datos, elige la ruta más adecuada para el reenvío de datos y genera claves de autenticación nuevas y las comparte con los nodos de verificación intermedios. La técnica de optimización basada en algoritmos genéticos optimiza automáticamente las funciones de pertenencia en el sistema difuso.

  • von Muhammad Akram
    49,90 €

    Drahtlose Sensornetzwerke (WSNs) sind aufgrund ihrer Abhängigkeit von der drahtlosen Kommunikation sehr anfällig für Sicherheitsangriffe. Die Sensorknoten in WSNs sind winzig klein und verfügen nur über begrenzte Energieressourcen und Verarbeitungsmöglichkeiten. Diese energie- und hardwarebeschränkten Knoten können ohne geeignete Sicherheitsvorkehrungen von Angreifern kompromittiert werden. Es wurden mehrere Filterverfahren für unterwegs vorgeschlagen, um falsche Daten auf dem Weg herauszufiltern. Fast alle diese Verfahren setzen jedoch ein konventionelles Routing-Protokoll voraus, ohne den Angriffsstatus und die Energieverschwendung entlang des Pfades zu berücksichtigen. In diesem Buch wird eine Fuzzy-basierte adaptive Auswahl der zwischengeschalteten Verifizierungsknoten und der Datenweiterleitungspfade mit dynamischer Authentifizierungsschlüsselverbreitung vorgestellt, um eine bessere Energieeinsparung zu erreichen. Das auf Fuzzy-Regeln basierende Schema gleicht potenziell die Last zwischen den Datenweiterleitungspfaden aus, wählt den am besten geeigneten Pfad für die Datenweiterleitung, generiert neue Authentifizierungsschlüssel und teilt sie mit den zwischengeschalteten Verifizierungsknoten. Eine auf einem genetischen Algorithmus basierende Optimierungstechnik optimiert automatisch die Mitgliedsfunktionen im Fuzzy-System.

  • 11% sparen
    von Muhammad Akram
    22,00 €

    Besprowodnye sensornye seti (WSN) ochen' uqzwimy k atakam bezopasnosti iz-za ih zawisimosti ot besprowodnoj swqzi. Sensornye uzly w WSN imeüt nebol'shie razmery i ogranichennye änergeticheskie resursy i wychislitel'nye wozmozhnosti. Jeti uzly s ogranichennymi änergeticheskimi i apparatnymi resursami bez sootwetstwuüschih mer zaschity mogut byt' skomprometirowany protiwnikami. Bylo predlozheno neskol'ko shem fil'tracii lozhnyh dannyh po puti sledowaniq. Odnako pochti wse takie shemy predpolagaüt nalichie obychnogo bazowogo protokola marshrutizacii bez ucheta sostoqniq ataki i powedeniq rasseiwaniq änergii na puti. V ätoj knige predstawlen adaptiwnyj wybor promezhutochnyh uzlow prowerki i putej peresylki dannyh na osnowe nechetkih prawil s dinamicheskim rasprostraneniem klücha autentifikacii dlq dostizheniq luchshego änergosberezheniq. Shema na osnowe nechetkih prawil potencial'no balansiruet nagruzku mezhdu putqmi peresylki dannyh, wybiraet naibolee podhodqschij put' dlq peresylki dannyh, generiruet swezhie klüchi autentifikacii i peredaet ih promezhutochnym uzlam prowerki. Metod optimizacii na osnowe geneticheskogo algoritma awtomaticheski optimiziruet funkcii prinadlezhnosti w nechetkoj sisteme.

  • 16% sparen
    von Muhammad Akram
    42,00 €

    As redes de sensores sem fios (RSSF) são altamente vulneráveis a ataques de segurança devido à sua dependência da comunicação sem fios. Os nós de sensores nas RSSF são de dimensões reduzidas e dispõem de recursos energéticos e de capacidades de processamento limitados. Estes nós, com limitações de energia e de recursos de hardware, sem salvaguardas adequadas, podem ser comprometidos por adversários. Foram propostos vários esquemas de filtragem em rota para filtrar dados falsos em rota. No entanto, quase todos esses esquemas pressupõem um protocolo de encaminhamento subjacente convencional, sem ter em conta o estado de ataque e o comportamento de dissipação de energia ao longo do trajeto. Este livro apresenta uma seleção adaptativa baseada em fuzzy dos nós de verificação intermédios e dos caminhos de encaminhamento de dados com disseminação dinâmica da chave de autenticação para conseguir uma melhor poupança de energia. O esquema baseado em regras difusas equilibra potencialmente a carga entre os caminhos de encaminhamento de dados, escolhe o caminho mais adequado para o encaminhamento de dados, gera novas chaves de autenticação e partilha-as com os nós de verificação intermédios. A técnica de otimização baseada em algoritmos genéticos optimiza automaticamente as funções de associação no sistema difuso.

  • 16% sparen
    von Muhammad Akram
    42,00 €

    Les réseaux de capteurs sans fil (WSN) sont très vulnérables aux attaques de sécurité en raison de leur dépendance à l'égard des communications sans fil. Les n¿uds de capteurs des réseaux sans fil sont minuscules et disposent de ressources énergétiques et de capacités de traitement limitées. En l'absence de mesures de protection appropriées, ces n¿uds à ressources énergétiques et matérielles limitées peuvent être compromis par des adversaires. Plusieurs systèmes de filtrage en route ont été proposés pour éliminer les fausses données en cours de route. Cependant, presque tous ces systèmes présupposent un protocole de routage conventionnel sous-jacent sans tenir compte de l'état de l'attaque et du comportement de dissipation d'énergie le long du chemin. Cet ouvrage présente une sélection adaptative à base floue des n¿uds de vérification intermédiaires et des chemins d'acheminement des données avec une diffusion dynamique des clés d'authentification afin de réaliser une meilleure économie d'énergie. Le schéma basé sur des règles floues équilibre potentiellement la charge entre les chemins d'acheminement des données, choisit le chemin le plus approprié pour l'acheminement des données et génère de nouvelles clés d'authentification qu'il partage avec les n¿uds de vérification intermédiaires. La technique d'optimisation basée sur les algorithmes génétiques optimise automatiquement les fonctions d'appartenance dans le système flou.

  • 16% sparen
    von Muhammad Akram
    42,00 €

    Le reti di sensori wireless (WSN) sono altamente vulnerabili agli attacchi alla sicurezza a causa della loro dipendenza dalla comunicazione wireless. I nodi sensore nelle WSN sono di dimensioni minuscole e dispongono di risorse energetiche e capacità di elaborazione limitate. Questi nodi, limitati dal punto di vista dell'energia e delle risorse hardware, possono essere compromessi dagli avversari senza adeguate protezioni. Sono stati proposti diversi schemi di filtraggio in rotta per filtrare i dati falsi in rotta. Tuttavia, quasi tutti questi schemi presuppongono un protocollo di routing convenzionale, senza tenere conto dello stato di attacco e del comportamento di dissipazione energetica lungo il percorso. Questo libro presenta una selezione adattiva basata su regole fuzzy dei nodi di verifica intermedi e dei percorsi di inoltro dei dati con la diffusione dinamica della chiave di autenticazione per ottenere un migliore risparmio energetico. Lo schema basato su regole fuzzy bilancia potenzialmente il carico tra i percorsi di inoltro dei dati, sceglie il percorso più adatto per l'inoltro dei dati e genera nuove chiavi di autenticazione da condividere con i nodi di verifica intermedi. La tecnica di ottimizzazione basata su algoritmi genetici ottimizza automaticamente le funzioni di appartenenza del sistema fuzzy.

  • von Muhammad Akram
    140,00 €

    This monograph discusses the theoretical and practical development of multicriteria decision making (MCDM). The main purpose of MCDM is the construction of systematized strategies for the "optimisation" of feasible options, as well as the justification of why some alternatives can be declared "optimal". However, at time, we must make decisions in an uncertain environment and such inconvenience gives rise to a much more elaborate scenario. This book highlights models where this lack of certainty can be flexibly fitted in and goes on to explore valuable strategies for making decisions under a multiplicity of criteria. Methods discussed include bipolar fuzzy TOPSIS method, bipolar fuzzy ELECTRE-I method, bipolar fuzzy ELECTRE-II method, bipolar fuzzy VIKOR method, bipolar fuzzy PROMETHEE method, and two-tuple linguistic bipolar fuzzy Heronian mean operators. This book is a valuable resource for researchers, computer scientists, and social scientists alike.

  • von Muhammad Akram
    129,00 €

  • 16% sparen
  • 16% sparen
    von Muhammad Akram
    41,00 €

    Sukces wielu biofarmaceutyków zale¿y od opracowania stabilnych formulacji i / lub systemów dostarczania. Biotechnologia i biochemia stosowana u¿atwia ci¿g¿y rozwój tych systemów w celu wykorzystania ich potencjäu komercyjnego. Prowadzi mi¿dzynarodowe badania dotycz¿ce ekspresji, oczyszczania, charakteryzacji i zastosowania makrocz¿steczek biologicznych w lecznictwie i diagnostyce.

  • 18% sparen
    von Muhammad Akram
    63,00 €

    This book focuses on three issues. First, it investigates the impact of uctuations in international trade competitiveness on employment in the UK manufacturing sector over the period 1999 to 2010. We find statistically significant effects of a shock to international trade competitiveness on the level of employment. We suggest that the adjustment process in employment mainly works through job creation. We also find that compared to large firms, small firms contribute more towards job creation than job destruction. Our results show that changes in GDP growth rate and average wages are significantly related to employment, suggesting that the UK labor market responds significantly to market forces. Finally, we find that the effect of changes in the real exchange rate on both job creation and job destruction differs for exporting and non-exporting firms.

  • 16% sparen
    von Muhammad Akram
    41,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Muhammad Akram
    41,00 €

  • 16% sparen
  • 11% sparen
    von Musavarah Sarwar, Muhammad Akram & Wieslaw A. Dudek
    95,00 €

    It presents certain notions, including irregular bipolar fuzzy graphs, domination in bipolar fuzzy graphs, bipolar fuzzy circuits, energy in bipolar fuzzy graphs, bipolar single-valued neutrosophic competition graphs, and bipolar neutrosophic graph structures.

  • 16% sparen
    von Taeho Cho, Muhammad Akram & Muhammad Ashraf
    42,00 €

    Wireless sensor Networks (WSNs) are highly vulnerable to security attacks due to their reliance on wireless communication. Sensor nodes in WSNs are tiny in size and are supplied with limited energy resources and processing capabilities. These energy and hardware¿resource-constrained nodes, without suitable safeguards, may be compromised by adversaries. Several en-route filtering schemes have been proposed to filter out false data en-route. However, almost all such schemes presuppose a conventional underlying routing protocol without regard to the attack status and energy dissipation behavior along the path. This book presents fuzzy-based adaptive selection of the intermediate verification nodes and data forwarding paths with dynamic authentication key dissemination to achieve better energy saving. Fuzzy rule-based scheme potentially balances the load between data forwarding paths, chooses the most suitable path for data forwarding, and generates fresh authentication keys and shares with the intermediate verification nodes. Genetic algorithm-based optimization technique automatically optimizes the membership functions in the fuzzy system.

  • 15% sparen
    von Muhammad Akram & Faheem Aftab
    34,00 €

  • von Anam Luqman & Muhammad Akram
    50,00 €

  • 13% sparen
    von Fariha Zafar & Muhammad Akram
    131,00 €

    This book describes a set of hybrid fuzzy models showing how to use them to deal with incomplete and/or vague information in different kind of decision-making problems.

  • 17% sparen
    von Muhammad Akram
    104,00 €

    This book explores certain structures of fuzzy Lie algebras, fuzzy Lie superalgebras and fuzzy n-Lie algebras. Chapter 6 is devoted to the properties of bipolar fuzzy Lie ideals, bipolar fuzzy Lie subsuperalgebras, bipolar fuzzy bracket product, solvable bipolar fuzzy Lie ideals and nilpotent bipolar fuzzy Lie ideals.

  • 17% sparen
    von Muhammad Akram
    95,00 €

    This book addresses single-valued neutrosophic graphs and their applications. In addition, it introduces readers to a number of central concepts, including certain types of single-valued neutrosophic graphs, energy of single-valued neutrosophic graphs, bipolar single-valued neutrosophic planar graphs, isomorphism of intuitionistic single-valued neutrosophic soft graphs, and single-valued neutrosophic soft rough graphs.Divided into eight chapters, the book seeks to remedy the lack of a mathematical approach to indeterminate and inconsistent information. Chap. 1 presents a concise review of single-valued neutrosophic sets, while Chap. 2 explains the notion of neutrosophic graph structures and explores selected properties of neutrosophic graph structures. Chap. 3 discusses specific bipolar neutrosophic graphs. Chap. 4 highlights the concept of interval-valued neutrosophic graphs, while Chap. 5 presents certain notions concerning interval-valued neutrosophic graph structures. Chap. 6 addresses the concepts of rough neutrosophic digraphs and neutrosophic rough digraphs. Chap. 7 focuses on the concepts of neutrosophic soft graphs and intuitionistic neutrosophic soft graphs, before Chap. 8 rounds out the book by considering neutrosophic soft rough graphs.

  • - Theory, Methods & Applications
    von Muhammad Akram
    102,00 €

    This book provides readers with an introduction to m-polar fuzzy graphs and m-polar fuzzy hypergraphs, covering both theories and applications. The book describes metrics and labeling in m-polar graphs, m-polar fuzzy matroids.

  • 14% sparen
    von Muhammad Akram, Vijay Lal & Roshan Lal
    31,00 €

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