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Bücher von Muhammad Sohail

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  • von Muhammad Sohail
    48,00 €

    The Purpose of this book is to describe the adminstrative and cultural aspects of Islamic history in a concise yet comprehensive way. This book deals not only with the political and economic but gives a full account of the social and cultural history from the City state of Madina to the Royal court of Ispahan. The author has tried to present a true picture of the Islamic civilization, rich with immense variety of literature and arts. The growth and development of Islamic culture, the real spirit of Islamic sciences, and all the branches of knowledge such as Astronomy, Mathematics, Geography, botany, Medicine, Agriculture, Agronomy, and Education are dealt with within the following chapters. This book comprises of six parts - the first part begins with Foundations of the Islamic State, and covers the administrative and political institutions of the righteous Caliphate. The second deals with the Umayyads and the third is the history of intellectual development under the Abbasids of Baghdad. The fourth describes the growth of Moorish Civilization. The fifth deals with the political and cultural history of the Fatimids. The sixth covers the political and cultural heritage of Safavids of Iran. The last part deals with general topics, Islamic Culture, science, culture and eminent scholars of Medieval Islam. The author has also in order to give the background briefly, dealt with its political and economic history. The purpose of this book is to describe the administrative and cultural aspects of Islamic history in a concise yet comprehensive way.In order to give a brief background, the author has also dealt with the subject of the Islamic political and economic history

  • 17% sparen
    von Muhammad Sohail
    56,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Muhammad Sohail
    34,00 €

    Parallel manipulator is ideal for jobs like, robotic surgery, flight simulation, precise manufacturing and 3D-printing but precise part, or tool, positioning on parallel manipulator is a challenging task. With errors in position, one can never achieve the required quality of the part. In this work, main focus is to find out positioning errors of a hexapod platform - during machining. Legs are elastic while the platform, part and leg-platform contacts are rigid bodies. All legs are assumed to be 3D massless elastic trusses. When machining load is applied on the part placed on the platform, the position of platform may change due to elasticity. Lagrange formulation is used to calculate the positioning error of the platform, as a result of machining forces and torques. A generalized algorithm is established, using Mathematica®, which gives the positioning error of ¿n¿ legged system with any initial orientation of the platform. In the second part, Natural frequencies are calculated. The proposed methodology is applied on Physik Instrumente's H-840 Hexapod. The Hexapod is designed and modelled in CATIA® and results are validated with FE Analysis, as well as, from the literature.

  • 17% sparen
    von Muhammad Sohail
    56,00 €

  • 17% sparen
    von Muhammad Sohail
    56,00 €

    Organizacja mi¿dzynarodowa zajmuj¿ca si¿ handlem lud¿mi rozwin¿¿a si¿ od czasu zniesienia przed wiekami czarno-biäego handlu niewolnikami, historycznego przej¿cia od w¿asno¿ci do eksploatacji. Zebräa ona znaczn¿ sum¿ mi¿dzynarodowych, regionalnych i krajowych debat, dla których sformu¿owano prawa i polityki maj¿ce na celu jej wyeliminowanie. Prawo mi¿dzynarodowe w tym zakresie zostäo podzielone na dwa okresy, tj. nienowoczesny okres prawa mi¿dzynarodowego i nowoczesny okres prawa mi¿dzynarodowego. Pierwszy okres zostä nast¿pnie podzielony na dwa zestawy, tj. okres handlu czarnymi niewolnikami i okres handlu biäymi niewolnikami. Drugi okres jest równie¿ podzielony na dwa okresy, tj. okres Ligi Narodów i okres Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych. Pakistan pokazä równie¿ swoj¿ reakcj¿ wymiaru sprawiedliwo¿ci w sprawach karnych w celu zwalczania tego problemu. Oprócz ustaw ogólnych i specjalnych ustaw prowincji Pakistan przyj¿¿ dwie specjalne ustawy federalne w tej dziedzinie, tj. ustaw¿ PACHTO i PTPA. Wspó¿czesne prawo krajowe jest oceniane wraz z innymi ustawami i standardami mi¿dzynarodowymi. Ksi¿¿ka ta jest warta przeczytania na temat handlu lud¿mi, w wymiarze mi¿dzynarodowym, regionalnym i krajowym.

  • 17% sparen
    von Muhammad Sohail
    56,00 €

  • 17% sparen
    von Muhammad Sohail
    56,00 €

  • 17% sparen
    von Muhammad Sohail
    56,00 €

  • von Muhammad Sohail
    67,40 €

  • 17% sparen
    von Muhammad Sohail
    56,00 €

  • 17% sparen
    von Muhammad Sohail
    61,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Muhammad Sohail & Muhammad Shabeer
    31,00 €

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