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Bücher von Naina Kumar

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  • von Naina Kumar
    43,90 €

    Die Telezahnheilkunde, eine sich entwickelnde Facette der Telemedizin, ist ein wertvolles Instrument in der Kinderzahnheilkunde, mit dem Hindernisse für den Zugang zur zahnärztlichen Versorgung von Kindern überwunden werden können. Durch den Einsatz von Telekommunikationstechnologien ermöglicht sie Ferndiagnosen, Konsultationen, Behandlungsplanung und Aufklärung. Die Telemedizin in der Kinderzahnheilkunde bietet Vorteile wie mehr Komfort für die Eltern, weniger Reisen und ansprechende Plattformen für Kinder.In diesem Überblick werden die zentralen Aspekte und Vorteile der Telemedizin in der Kinderzahnheilkunde beschrieben und ihre Rolle bei der Verbesserung der Mundgesundheit von Kindern hervorgehoben. Darüber hinaus wird auf die Herausforderungen hingewiesen, die mit der Einführung der Telemedizin in diesem Bereich verbunden sind, wie z. B. technologische Hürden, regulatorische Einschränkungen und die Notwendigkeit der Beteiligung der Eltern.Studien und Programme im Bereich der Telemedizin zeigen vielversprechende Ergebnisse, da sie eine prompte zahnärztliche Versorgung, präventive Aufklärung und frühzeitige Interventionen für junge Patienten ermöglichen. Um das Potenzial der Telezahnmedizin in der Kinderzahnheilkunde voll auszuschöpfen und eine flächendeckende, qualitativ hochwertige Versorgung für Kinder weltweit zu gewährleisten, ist jedoch eine kontinuierliche Erforschung und Feinabstimmung der Protokolle, Datenschutzmaßnahmen und Erstattungsrichtlinien erforderlich.

  • 16% sparen
    von Naina Kumar
    37,00 €

    La teledentalidad, una faceta en evolución de la telesalud, es una valiosa herramienta en odontopediatría que permite superar los obstáculos que dificultan el acceso de los niños a la atención bucodental. Gracias a las tecnologías de telecomunicación, permite el diagnóstico, la consulta, la planificación del tratamiento y la formación a distancia. En particular, la teledentalidad en odontopediatría ofrece ventajas como una mayor comodidad para los padres, menos desplazamientos y plataformas atractivas para los niños.Este resumen describe los aspectos y ventajas fundamentales de la teledentalidad en odontopediatría y destaca su papel en la mejora de la salud bucodental de los niños. Además, subraya los retos -como los obstáculos tecnológicos, las restricciones normativas y la necesidad de participación de los padres- asociados a la implantación de la teledentalidad en este campo.Los estudios y programas de teledentalidad ofrecen resultados prometedores, ya que proporcionan atención odontológica inmediata, educación preventiva e intervenciones tempranas para los pacientes jóvenes. Sin embargo, la exploración y el ajuste continuos de protocolos, medidas de privacidad y políticas de reembolso son esenciales para aprovechar plenamente el potencial de la teledentalidad en las consultas odontopediátricas, garantizando una atención generalizada y de alta calidad para los niños de todo el mundo.

  • 16% sparen
    von Naina Kumar
    37,00 €

    La télédentisterie, une facette évolutive de la télésanté, est un outil précieux pour l'odontologie pédiatrique, qui permet de surmonter les obstacles à l'accès des enfants aux soins bucco-dentaires. Utilisant les technologies de télécommunication, elle permet le diagnostic à distance, les consultations, la planification du traitement et l'éducation. La télédentisterie pédiatrique offre notamment des avantages tels qu'une plus grande commodité pour les parents, une réduction des déplacements et des plates-formes attrayantes pour les enfants.Cette vue d'ensemble décrit les aspects et les avantages essentiels de la télédentisterie en dentisterie pédiatrique, en soulignant son rôle dans l'amélioration de la santé bucco-dentaire des enfants. En outre, il souligne les défis - tels que les obstacles technologiques, les contraintes réglementaires et la nécessité de la participation des parents - associés à la mise en ¿uvre de la télédentisterie dans ce domaine.Les études et les programmes de télédentisterie affichent des résultats prometteurs, offrant des soins dentaires rapides, une éducation préventive et des interventions précoces pour les jeunes patients.

  • 16% sparen
    von Naina Kumar
    37,00 €

    La teledentistica, un aspetto in evoluzione della teleassistenza, è uno strumento prezioso per l'odontoiatria pediatrica, in grado di superare gli ostacoli all'accesso dei bambini all'assistenza sanitaria orale. Utilizzando le tecnologie di telecomunicazione, consente diagnosi, consultazioni, pianificazione del trattamento e formazione a distanza. In particolare, la teledidattica in odontoiatria pediatrica offre vantaggi quali una maggiore comodità per i genitori, una riduzione degli spostamenti e piattaforme coinvolgenti per i bambini.Questa panoramica delinea gli aspetti e i vantaggi principali della teledidattica in odontoiatria pediatrica, evidenziando il suo ruolo nel migliorare la salute orale dei bambini. Inoltre, sottolinea le sfide - come gli ostacoli tecnologici, i vincoli normativi e la necessità di partecipazione dei genitori - associate all'implementazione della teledidattica in questo campo.Gli studi e i programmi di teledentistry mostrano risultati promettenti, fornendo cure dentistiche tempestive, educazione preventiva e interventi precoci per i giovani pazienti. Tuttavia, l'esplorazione continua e la messa a punto dei protocolli, delle misure di privacy e delle politiche di rimborso sono essenziali per sfruttare appieno il potenziale della teledidattica nelle pratiche odontoiatriche pediatriche, garantendo cure diffuse e di alta qualità per i bambini di tutto il mondo.

  • 16% sparen
    von Naina Kumar
    37,00 €

    Telestomatologiq, razwiwaüschaqsq otrasl' telemediciny, sluzhit cennym instrumentom w detskoj stomatologii, preodolewaq prepqtstwiq na puti k polucheniü det'mi medicinskoj pomoschi. Ispol'zuq telekommunikacionnye tehnologii, ona pozwolqet prowodit' distancionnuü diagnostiku, konsul'tacii, planirowanie lecheniq i obuchenie. Teledentichnost' w detskoj stomatologii daet takie preimuschestwa, kak udobstwo dlq roditelej, sokraschenie rashodow na poezdki i sozdanie uwlekatel'nyh platform dlq detej.V dannom obzore opisywaütsq osnownye aspekty i preimuschestwa teledontii w detskoj stomatologii, podcherkiwaetsq ee rol' w uluchshenii zdorow'q polosti rta detej. Krome togo, w nem podcherkiwaütsq problemy, takie kak tehnologicheskie prepqtstwiq, normatiwnye ogranicheniq i neobhodimost' uchastiq roditelej, swqzannye s wnedreniem telestomatologii w ätoj oblasti.Issledowaniq i programmy w oblasti telestomatologii demonstriruüt mnogoobeschaüschie rezul'taty, obespechiwaq operatiwnuü stomatologicheskuü pomosch', profilakticheskoe obrazowanie i rannee wmeshatel'stwo dlq malen'kih pacientow. Odnako dlq polnogo ispol'zowaniq potenciala telestomatologii w detskoj stomatologicheskoj praktike i obespecheniq shirokogo rasprostraneniq wysokokachestwennoj pomoschi detqm wo wsem mire neobhodimy postoqnnye issledowaniq i dorabotka protokolow, mer po obespecheniü konfidencial'nosti i politiki wozmescheniq rashodow.

  • 16% sparen
    von Naina Kumar
    37,00 €

    A teledentisteria, uma faceta em evolução da telessaúde, é uma ferramenta valiosa na odontopediatria, ultrapassando os obstáculos ao acesso das crianças aos cuidados de saúde oral. Utilizando tecnologias de telecomunicações, permite o diagnóstico, as consultas, o planeamento do tratamento e a educação à distância. Notavelmente, a teledentistry em odontopediatria oferece benefícios como maior conveniência para os pais, redução de viagens e plataformas envolventes para as crianças.Esta visão geral delineia os aspectos fundamentais e as vantagens da teledentistry na odontopediatria, destacando o seu papel na melhoria da saúde oral das crianças. Além disso, ressalta os desafios - tais como obstáculos tecnológicos, restrições regulatórias e a necessidade de participação dos pais - associados à implementação da teledentistry neste campo.Estudos e programas em teledentistry exibem resultados promissores, fornecendo atendimento odontológico imediato, educação preventiva e intervenções precoces para pacientes jovens. No entanto, a exploração contínua e o ajuste fino de protocolos, medidas de privacidade e políticas de reembolso são essenciais para aproveitar plenamente o potencial da teledentistry em práticas odontológicas pediátricas, garantindo um atendimento generalizado e de alta qualidade para as crianças em todo o mundo.

  • 16% sparen
    von Naina Kumar
    37,00 €

    Teledentistry, an evolving facet of telehealth, serves as a valuable tool in pediatric dentistry, surmounting obstacles to children's oral healthcare access. Employing telecommunication technologies, it enables remote diagnosis, consultations, treatment planning, and education. Notably, teledentistry in pediatric dentistry offers benefits like enhanced parental convenience, reduced travel, and engaging platforms for children.This overview delineates teledentistry's pivotal aspects and advantages in pediatric dentistry, spotlighting its role in ameliorating children's oral health. Furthermore, it underscores challenges¿such as technological hurdles, regulatory constraints, and the need for parental participation¿associated with teledentistry implementation in this field.Studies and programs in teledentistry exhibit promising outcomes, providing prompt dental care, preventive education, and early interventions for young patients. However, ongoing exploration and fine-tuning of protocols, privacy measures, and reimbursement policies are essential to fully harness teledentistry's potential in pediatric dental practices, ensuring widespread, high-quality care for children globally.

  • von Naina Kumar
    12,00 €

    "A warm, smart, sexy, and absolutely charming debut" Colleen Hoover, It Ends With Us"Think of it like Tinder. Except your parents are the algorithm, and both parties are looking for a life-long commitment."Meghna has tried everything when it comes to dating: blind dates, apps, attempting to drum up conversations with strangers at bars (ew). Everything except arranged marriage.But then Seth, her best friend and the-one-who-got-away asks her to be his "best man" and suddenly her parent's taste doesn't seem so bad...Which is how she meets the grumpy but handsome Karthik, who has seen enough of his parents' relationship to know marriage is not for him.Turns out, Meghna and Karhtik are a match made in heaven (if not the one their parents think they are making) - and a deal is struck. They will be fake-engaged for three months. That way Karthik will get out of the absurd number of arranged set-ups his mother has planned and Meghna will have a date to the wedding from her worst nightmares.But what will happen when the wedding is over? And might they find that what they thought the other was faking could be real after all?PRAISE FOR SAY YOU'LL BE MY JAAN"I couldn't put down this page-turner. A warm, smart, sexy, and absolutely charming debut with the most important lesson at its center: real love is built on courage. Meghna and Karthik happily ever after is the new When Harry met Sally. Naina Kumar's Just Pretend You will be my Jaan has it all." Colleen Hoover, #1 Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author of It Ends With Us

  • von Naina Kumar
    16,00 €

    "When Seth, Meghna's one-who-got-away writing partner and best friend, asks Meghna Raman to be the 'best man' for his last-minute wedding, Meghna is determined to move on, even if it means telling her mother she's finally open to an arranged marriage. Since she-a theater teacher and an aspiring playwright-won't fulfill her parents' dreams of becoming an engineer, she might as well marry one. Grumpy, handsome, no-nonsense engineer Karthik Murthy has seen enough of his parents' relationship to know marriage is not for him. He only agreed to his mom's matchmaking attempts to make her happy, never dreaming he'd meet someone as vibrant as Meghna. Though he can't offer a real marriage, a fake engagement could help him avoid the absurd number of arranged set-ups his mother has planned for the next year. Thinking a faux fiancâe will dampen the sting of her ex's wedding festivities, Meghna agrees to team up with Karthik until the wedding ends. But as they find common ground and their undeniable chemistry takes shape, their expectations and insecurities threaten to risk something that's become a lot more real than they had hoped"--

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