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Bücher von Nedzad Basic

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  • 19% sparen
    von Nedzad Basic
    71,00 €

    The doctrine of creative modernity introduces the world to a new imagination and changes the global game, creates new intuitions, generates new strategies, breaks with the conventional way of thinking, and offers a more expansive space for a new model of creative realignment in the relations between the state, society and the market with a strong influence in global relations. This doctrine inspires the realignment of the relationship between humans and new technologies, which opens a broader space for human cognitive creativity, as the most significant realignment of humanity in the 21st century. The doctrine of creative modernity creates a new awareness of the democratic state as a guarantor of human survival by pushing the international system away from the neoliberal model of capitalism with a strategy of rivalry towards a multilateral liberal concept of progressive and responsible capitalism with a strategy of creative attractiveness.

  • von Nedzad Basic
    87,90 €

    Die Doktrin der kreativen Moderne führt die Welt in eine neue Vorstellungskraft ein und verändert das globale Spiel, schafft neue Intuitionen, bringt neue Strategien hervor, bricht mit der konventionellen Denkweise und bietet einen größeren Raum für ein neues Modell der kreativen Neuausrichtung der Beziehungen zwischen Staat, Gesellschaft und Markt mit starkem Einfluss auf die globalen Beziehungen. Diese Doktrin inspiriert die Neuausrichtung der Beziehung zwischen Menschen und neuen Technologien, die einen breiteren Raum für die menschliche kognitive Kreativität eröffnet, als die bedeutendste Neuausrichtung der Menschheit im 21. Die Doktrin der kreativen Moderne schafft ein neues Bewusstsein für den demokratischen Staat als Garant für das Überleben der Menschheit, indem sie das internationale System weg vom neoliberalen Kapitalismusmodell mit einer Strategie der Rivalität hin zu einem multilateralen liberalen Konzept eines progressiven und verantwortungsvollen Kapitalismus mit einer Strategie der kreativen Attraktivität drängt.

  • 19% sparen
    von Nedzad Basic
    71,00 €

    La doctrina de la modernidad creativa introduce al mundo una nueva imaginación y cambia el juego global, crea nuevas intuiciones, genera nuevas estrategias, rompe con la forma convencional de pensar y ofrece un espacio más amplio para un nuevo modelo de realineamiento creativo en las relaciones entre el Estado, la sociedad y el mercado con una fuerte influencia en las relaciones globales. Esta doctrina inspira el realineamiento de la relación entre los seres humanos y las nuevas tecnologías, que abre un espacio más amplio para la creatividad cognitiva humana, como el realineamiento más significativo de la humanidad en el siglo XXI. La doctrina de la modernidad creativa crea una nueva conciencia del Estado democrático como garante de la supervivencia humana, alejando al sistema internacional del modelo neoliberal de capitalismo con una estrategia de rivalidad hacia un concepto liberal multilateral de capitalismo progresista y responsable con una estrategia de atractivo creativo.

  • 16% sparen
    von Nedzad Basic
    37,00 €

    Doktrina kreatiwnoj sowremennosti predstawlqet miru nowoe woobrazhenie i menqet global'nuü igru, sozdaet nowye intuicii, generiruet nowye strategii, porywaet s tradicionnym obrazom myshleniq i predlagaet bolee shirokoe prostranstwo dlq nowoj modeli tworcheskoj perestrojki w otnosheniqh mezhdu gosudarstwom, obschestwom i rynkom s sil'nym wliqniem w global'nyh otnosheniqh. Jeta doktrina wdohnowlqet na perestrojku otnoshenij mezhdu lüd'mi i nowymi tehnologiqmi, chto otkrywaet bolee shirokoe prostranstwo dlq kognitiwnogo tworchestwa cheloweka, kak naibolee znachitel'nuü perestrojku chelowechestwa w 21 weke. Doktrina kreatiwnoj sowremennosti sozdaet nowoe osoznanie demokraticheskogo gosudarstwa kak garanta wyzhiwaniq chelowechestwa, podtalkiwaq mezhdunarodnuü sistemu ot neoliberal'noj modeli kapitalizma so strategiej sopernichestwa k mnogostoronnej liberal'noj koncepcii progressiwnogo i otwetstwennogo kapitalizma so strategiej tworcheskoj priwlekatel'nosti.

  • 19% sparen
    von Nedzad Basic
    71,00 €

    A doutrina da modernidade criativa introduz o mundo a uma nova imaginação e muda o jogo global, cria novas intuições, gera novas estratégias, rompe com a forma convencional de pensar, e oferece um espaço mais expansivo para um novo modelo de realinhamento criativo nas relações entre o Estado, a sociedade e o mercado com uma forte influência nas relações globais. Esta doutrina inspira o realinhamento da relação entre o ser humano e as novas tecnologias, o que abre um espaço mais amplo para a criatividade cognitiva humana, como o realinhamento mais significativo da humanidade no século XXI. A doutrina da modernidade criativa cria uma nova consciência do estado democrático como garante da sobrevivência humana ao afastar o sistema internacional do modelo neoliberal do capitalismo com uma estratégia de rivalidade em direcção a um conceito liberal multilateral de capitalismo progressivo e responsável com uma estratégia de atractividade criativa.

  • 19% sparen
    von Nedzad Basic
    71,00 €

    La doctrine de la modernité créative introduit le monde dans une nouvelle imagination et change le jeu mondial, crée de nouvelles intuitions, génère de nouvelles stratégies, rompt avec le mode de pensée conventionnel et offre un espace plus étendu pour un nouveau modèle de réalignement créatif dans les relations entre l'État, la société et le marché, avec une forte influence sur les relations mondiales. Cette doctrine inspire le réalignement de la relation entre l'homme et les nouvelles technologies, qui ouvre un espace plus large à la créativité cognitive humaine, en tant que réalignement le plus significatif de l'humanité au XXIe siècle. La doctrine de la modernité créative crée une nouvelle conscience de l'État démocratique en tant que garant de la survie de l'humanité en éloignant le système international du modèle néolibéral de capitalisme avec une stratégie de rivalité vers un concept libéral multilatéral de capitalisme progressif et responsable avec une stratégie d'attractivité créative.

  • 19% sparen
    von Nedzad Basic
    71,00 €

    La dottrina della modernità creativa introduce il mondo a una nuova immaginazione e cambia il gioco globale, crea nuove intuizioni, genera nuove strategie, rompe con il modo convenzionale di pensare e offre uno spazio più ampio per un nuovo modello di riallineamento creativo nelle relazioni tra Stato, società e mercato con una forte influenza nelle relazioni globali. Questa dottrina ispira il riallineamento del rapporto tra gli esseri umani e le nuove tecnologie, che apre uno spazio più ampio per la creatività cognitiva umana, come il più significativo riallineamento dell'umanità nel XXI secolo. La dottrina della modernità creativa crea una nuova consapevolezza dello Stato democratico come garante della sopravvivenza umana, spingendo il sistema internazionale dal modello neoliberale di capitalismo con una strategia di rivalità verso un concetto liberale multilaterale di capitalismo progressivo e responsabile con una strategia di attrattiva creativa.

  • 18% sparen
    von Nedzad Basic
    56,00 €

    The numerous worldwide conflicts supported by nationalism, mythology, ethnic chauvinism and religious extremism as a mobilizing ideology has created an explosive, dangerous, and traumatic global environment in which multiethnic/religious cooperation is vigorously and bloodily contested. In the absence of the defining struggle for global democratic order, the international community is left with a fluid, fragmented and old-fashioned struggle against the interracial, interreligious and intercultural hatred and animosity, generating an new multiple threats more likely to explode into global escalation of clash of civilizations, with dramatic consequences for humankind. Major problem with logic of the ¿ethnic/religious security dilemmä is not only fear of attack but primarily disagreements about who would control disputed ¿holy¿ pieces of land. Lack of clear idea regarding of the ethnic-religious conflict resolution has lead to failure to establish clear model of multiethnic/religious dialogue, that could generate effective influence on relationship between ethnic/religious groups in disputed regions.

  • 17% sparen
    von Nedzad Basic
    42,00 €

    New technological revolution have dramatically altered the future of humankind. The development of molecular biology, genetic engineering, biotechnology, nanotechnology, new materials, information technology (IT), the cloning of living organisms, artificial intelligence, robotics, make up the process of global structural change. In these global structural changes the main factors of production have been moved from land, labour and capital, to creative knowledge, creative production and the creative mobility of people and capital, thus forming mode of global production. The structure of global change is more complex than just the innovation of new technologies and the creation of new products. Also dealing with the issue of how business processes are integrated, how companies and institutions are managed, how knowledge is transferred, and how public policies are formulated, this model of global structural change establishes new links between global production, innovation and integration, shifting coerciveness to attraction and hard power to soft power, gradually modifying the nature of state sovereignty and creating the delicate framework of the new global security paradigm.

  • 18% sparen

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