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Bücher von Niccolo Machiavelli

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    von Niccolo Machiavelli
    17,00 €

    Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization, and helped make us who we are.

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    24,00 €

    The Prince is a timeless and polarizing exploration of political strategy and leadership. Written in the 16th century, this classic work offers shrewd insights into power, cunning diplomacy, and the ruthless pursuit of success. Machiavelli's pragmatic approach to leadership, which emphasizes manipulation and ruthlessness, is based on amoral counsel of which today's leaders should be both aware and wary. This Renaissance philosopher's work continues to challenge conventional ethics in the intricate game of politics.

  • von Niccolò Machiavelli
    14,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    56,00 €

    The Prince (1532), The Leviathan (1651), The Two Treatises of Government (1689), The Social Contract (1762), The Constitution of Pennsylvania (1776) - The Original Texts from Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and The Founding Fathers of the United States of AmericaThis DIN A4 paperback with font size 15 contains the following works in full:The Prince (1532) by Niccolò MachiavelliThe Leviathan (1651) by Thomas HobbesThe Two Treatises of Government (1689) by John LockeThe Social Contract (1762) by Jean-Jacques RousseauThe Constitution of Pennsylvania (1776) by The Founding Fathers of the United States of America

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    18,90 €

    Lo animo mio era, quando al principio deliberai scrivere le cose fatte dentro e fuora dal popolo fiorentino, cominciare la narrazione mia dagli anni della cristiana religione 1434, nel quale tempo la famiglia de' Medici, per i meriti di Cosimo e di Giovanni suo padre, prese più autorità che alcuna altra in Firenze; perché io mi pensava che messer Lionardo d'Arezzo e messer Poggio, duoi eccellentissimi istorici, avessero narrate particularmente tutte le cose che da quel tempo indrieto erano seguite. Ma avendo io di poi diligentemente letto gli scritti loro, per vedere con quali ordini e modi nello scrivere procedevano, acciò che, imitando quelli, la istoria nostra fusse meglio dai leggenti...

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    22,00 €

    A New Perspective on Machiavelli's Practical Ideas and Fuller DimensionsSince its posthumous publication in 1532, Machiavelli's treatise on claiming and holding power has been synonymous with deception, ruthlessness, and even brutality. History generally regards the author of The Prince as a one-note schemer and callous plotter. Some contemporary critics even call him a satirist.In this newly introduced and annotated edition of Machiavelli's most enduring work, scholar of esotericism Mitch Horowitz elucidates the greater spectrum of the pragmatic philosopher's ideas to reveal a figure concerned not just with amoral cunning but possessed of standards and ideals rarely appreciated in modern assessments."A fresh look," Mitch writes in his introduction, ?often reveals the unexpected. Machiavelli imbued The Prince with a greater sense of purpose and ethics than is commonly understood...I believe that some who encounter The Prince today will recognize subtleties missing from the value-free rationalism prominent in some precincts of our culture.?Mitch's new assessment and chapter notes highlight practical lessons that give The Prince its immortality. Not all of Machiavelli's advice remains pertinent or possible in today's world; nor would most readers wish to act on all of it. But, as Mitch explores, the political philosopher's overarching principles warrant careful scrutiny and evaluation.This unabridged edition of The Prince is drawn from N.H. Thomson's 1910 translation, published as volume 36 of The Harvard Classics. Antiquated spellings and grammar are updated. Appendices reproduce aphorisms from both The Prince and Machiavelli's seminally important Discourses on Livy (1531). Pull quotes emphasize key points and Mitch summarizes takeaways following each chapter.

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    26,00 €

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    18,90 €

    Ancora che, per la invida natura degli uomini, sia sempre suto non altrimenti periculoso trovare modi ed ordini nuovi, che si fusse cercare acque e terre incognite, per essere quelli più pronti a biasimare che a laudare le azioni d'altri; nondimanco, spinto da quel naturale desiderio che fu sempre in me di operare, sanza alcuno respetto, quelle cose che io creda rechino comune benefizio a ciascuno, ho deliberato entrare per una via, la quale, non essendo suta ancora da alcuno trita, se la mi arrecherà fastidio e difficultà, mi potrebbe ancora arrecare premio, mediante quelli che umanamente di queste mie fatiche il fine considerassino. E se lo ingegno povero, la poca esperienzia delle cose...

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    34,90 - 59,90 €

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    9,99 €

    I vari casi, la pena e la doglia che sotto forma d'un Asin soffersi, canterò io, pur che fortuna voglia. Non cerco ch'Elicona altr'acqua versi, o Febo posi l'arco e la faretra e con la lira accompagni i miei versi; sì perché questa grazia non s'impetra in questi tempi, sì perch'io son certo ch'al suon d'un raglio non bisogna cetra. Né cerco averne prezzo, premio o merto; e ancor non mi curo che mi morda...

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    9,99 €

    Quot sint genera principatuum et quibus modis acquirantur. [Di quante ragioni sieno e' principati, e in che modo si acquistino]

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    9,99 €

    Hanno, Lorenzo, molti tenuto e tengono questa opinione: che e' non sia cosa alcuna che minore convenienza abbia con un'altra, né che sia tanto dissimile, quanto la vita civile dalla militare. Donde si vede spesso, se alcuno disegna nello esercizio del soldo prevalersi, che subito, non solamente cangia abito, ma ancora ne' costumi, nelle usanze, nella voce e nella presenza da ogni civile uso si disforma; perché non crede potere vestire uno abito civile colui che vuole essere espedito e pronto a ogni violenza; né i civili costumi e usanze puote avere quello il quale giudica e quegli costumi essere effeminati e quelle usanze non favorevoli alle sue operazioni; né pare conveniente mantenere l...

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    9,99 €

    Leggete, Alamanno, poi che voi lo desiderate, le fatiche di Italia di dieci anni e la mia di quindici dì. So che c'increscerà di lei e di me, veggendo da quali infortunii quella sia suta oppressa, e me aver voluto tante gran cose infra sì brevi termini restringere. So ancora escuserete l'uno e l'altro: lei colla necessità del fato, e me colla brevità del tempo che mi è in simil ozio concesso, E perché voi, col mantenere la libertà di un de' suoi primi membri, avete suvvenuto a lei, son certo suvverrete ancora a me delle sue fatiche recitatore; e sarete contento mettere di questi mia versi tanto spirito, che del loro gravissimo subietto e della audienzia vostra diventino degni. Valete...

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    9,99 €

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    9,99 €

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    9,95 €

    "The Prince," written by the renowned Italian diplomat, historian, and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli, is a cornerstone of Italian Literature and a pioneering work in the field of Modern Political Science. This book serves as an unflinching analysis of power dynamics and leadership strategies, bringing the reader face-to-face with the pragmatic reality of effective governance.Machiavelli's in-depth exploration of power, authority, and fear unfolds the conceptual roots of 'Machiavellianism.' The book argues that leadership often necessitates the employment of manipulation and deceit to maintain control and ensure the protection of the state. This controversial view sparked philosophical and moral debates upon its publication, and continues to be a subject of scholarly discussions to this day.Through "The Prince," Machiavelli provides a thorough and analytical examination of intricate political theories, giving readers a unique understanding of the distribution of power and the vital role of maintaining a favourable public image - critical facets of statecraft and leadership.To reinforce his theories, Machiavelli uses historical analysis and real-life case studies from Ancient History to Renaissance Italy. He meticulously delves into the actions of influential leaders like Alexander the Great and Cesare Borgia, using these historical figures to validate his political concepts. This method allows readers to gain an insightful perspective into the leadership strategies of some of history's most notable figures.Despite the controversy surrounding its teachings, "The Prince" has secured its position as a crucial resource in political and philosophical discussions. This work is an indispensable read for individuals interested in politics, history, leadership, or philosophy. From scholars to state leaders, "The Prince" continues to enlighten its readers about the often harsh realities of politics and the delicate balance of power.Keywords of the book: Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince, Italian Literature, Modern Political Science, Power Dynamics, Leadership Strategies, Machiavellianism, Manipulation, Deceit, Authority, Fear, Public Image, Historical Analysis, Alexander the Great, Cesare Borgia, Statecraft, Governance, Ancient History, Renaissance Italy, Philosophy, Politics.

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    68,00 €

    Niccolo Machiavelli, the author, was an Italian. (Born 3rd may 1469, died 21st June, 1527). he was a diplomat, philosopher, historian, politician and writer. He is best known for his book ?The prince?. his notable works are ?the prince? and ?discourses on livy?. ?the prince? is basically a political treatise and a sort of guide for new princes and royals. It was published five years after niccolo?s death. When he was alive, there was some controversy in his book. It was published only after seeking permission from the Medici Pope Clement VII. The prince is one of the best works of modern political philosophy, in which truth is highlighted rather than any abstract ideas or incidents. The beauty of the text is that it has a recognizable structure and the author has indicated himself in most of the portions. The book narrates mostly about princedoms. That too about hereditary princedoms. it?s easier to rule. Also, avoids comparison between monarchy and tyranny. Again, the beauty of his writing is that his character of the story, Cyrus the great, is totally different from those who have got their Thrones without any efforts IE as a successor and those who have acquired Crowns after putting their hard labour and efforts. He has cited Roman ways to the new princes. machiavelli has narrated about those kingdoms where one can enter in an easy way but difficult to hold such a kingdom. He has given one such example also IE, of France. He also writes that reforming an existing order is one of the most dangerous and difficult things for a prince, because in most of the cases the subjects are against or resistant to any such change or reform. Moreover, it is very difficult for the prince to satisfy or come out with everyone expectations. Other situations, when a prince comes to power due to his destiny then it will be very difficult to hold it for a long time. Some exceptions are always there. even if a prince is overly generous to his subjects, that situation will also not be appreciated and will cause greed for more. So, different sorts of kingdoms, princedoms need different styles of controlling any realm. The author has put his best efforts in narrating all such types of realms. The work is really commendable and very much beneficial to the rulers. a must read book for self development and how to be a good leader.

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    264,00 €

    "È meglio essere temuti che amati, se non si può essere entrambi."Il principe è un saggio critico di dottrina politica scritto da Niccolò Machiavelli probabilmente tra la seconda metà del 1513 e l'inizio del 1514, nel quale espone le caratteristiche dei principati e dei metodi per conquistarli e mantenerli.

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    29,00 €

    "History of Florence and of the Affairs of Italy" is a historical account of the political events that happened in Florence and Italy between 1215 and 1492. Niccolo Machiavelli, who is a well-known Italian philosopher, wrote the book. The book is split into eight books and covers a wide range of topics, such as the rise and fall of the Medici family, the wars and conflicts between the different Italian city-states, and the political and social changes that happened during the Renaissance. Readers should look through this amazing collection of ideas to learn about the conflicts that occurred there. "History of Florence and of the Affairs of Italy" is an important historical work that tells us a lot about the political and social history of Italy during the Renaissance. The book is a classic of historical literature because Machiavelli wrote it in an objective way and looked at power and politics.

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    30,00 €

    The Italian philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli wrote "Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius" in the early 1600s. It is a book about politics. The book is a commentary on the first ten books of the "History of Rome" by the Roman historian Titus Livy. Machiavelli wrote this book to give practical advice on how to set up and run a republic. He did this by looking at the Roman Republic, which Livy described. He says that a republic can only work if its citizens are good and are willing to put the needs of the community ahead of their own. Machiavelli talks about many different parts in this book of republican government, such as the importance of law, the role of the military, and the need for good leaders. The author also talks about the problems that come up when trying to set up a republic, like the risk of corruption and how hard it is to keep public support. Thus, readers can find this novel highly analytical and often confrontational, challenging conventional wisdom.

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    79,90 - 99,90 €

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    21,00 €

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    22,00 €

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    89,90 - 109,90 €

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    25,00 €

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    34,90 - 59,90 €

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    19,00 €

    "Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are."The Prince is generally labelled as a cynical and overly pragmatic account of gaining and retaining political power. It is a significant deviation from the righteous meditations of Plato and Aristotle, which emphasise the goodness of human nature. Living in a harsh political climate, Machiavelli devised a more practical and true-to-life guide for leaders who cannot possibly be always good and just. For instance, he talks among other things about the importance to inflict pain all at once but distribute the rewards available gradually and in limited amounts. Besides, the idea that 'the ends justify the means' had never been featured in literature so prominently and openly before. Far-fetched at first glance, Machiavelli's insights after some analysis starts making practical sense when every state and society need to maintain one thing - stability.Although not idealistic, the text is undeniably valid as we can easily track the Prince's features in the best and the worst political leaders of the previous century who are united by the amount of power they were able to exerts - from political heroes such as Churchill and JFK to fascist and communist dictators. In the modern world, The Prince is a viable manual of conduct more than ever with the intense demand for competitiveness not only in the political but equally in business and other spheres.The text is also famous for being written in the vernacular rather than in classical Latin. What might surprise modern readers is that, actually, this peculiarity halted the text's dissemination across Europe as most translations were still done from Latin. The text nevertheless has reached its audience and become one of the most recognizable and accessible reads on politics and leadership.

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    39,00 €

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    54,00 €

  • von Niccolo Machiavelli
    28,00 €

    »Der Fürst« (italienisch »Il Principe«), um 1513 von Niccolò Machiavelli verfasst, gilt als eines der ersten Werke der modernen politischen Philosophie. Stilistisch in der Tradition mittelalterlicher Fürstenspiegel stehend, formuliert es die modernen, vom moralischen und religiösen Vorstellungen losgelösten Grundsätze der Staatsraison. Zusammen mit den gleichzeitig entstandenen Discorsi stellt es das Hauptwerk Macchiavellis dar. Von ihm leitet sich sowohl der Begriff des Machiavellismus als auch der des Antimachiavellismus her.

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