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Bücher von Nicholas Johnson

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  • von Nicholas Johnson
    14,95 €

    Allein gegen die Flut In diesem Solo-Abenteuer übernimmst du in den 1920ern die Rolle von Dr. E. Woods, Lehrkraft für Archäologie an der Miskatonic University, oder eines selbsterstellten Investigators, der in die an einem See gelegene Stadt Esbury reist. Beinahe alle Ereignisse dort sind mit Professor William Harris verbunden. Welcher Zusammenhang besteht zwischen dem seltsamen grünen Nebel, der die Stadt umgibt, und der Forschung von Professor Harris? Wer sind die Männer in dunklen Anzügen, die mit derselben Fähre in der Stadt ankommen? Warum besucht ein buddhistischer Mönch die Stadt, die sonst eher Zerstreuung für die Oberschicht Neuenglands bietet? Du hast die Wahl zwischen den vorgegebenen Möglichkeiten. Dies entscheidet nicht nur darüber, was deinem Investigator passiert, sondern auch über das Schicksal der ganzen Stadt! Mit einem Bleistift, Rollenspielwürfeln und dem Grundregelwerk oder dem Regelwerk für Investigatoren kannst du den nebelverhüllten Straßen von Esbury die Stirn bieten. Bist du bereit für die Herausforderung? Nur mit dem Rollenspiel CTHULHU verwendbar.

  • von Nicholas Johnson
    32,00 €

  • von Nicholas Johnson
    24,00 €

  • von Nicholas Johnson
    22,00 €

  • von Nicholas Johnson
    22,00 €

  • von Nicholas Johnson
    26,00 €

    Chronicling the underappreciated black tradition of bearing arms for self-defense, this book presents an array of examples reaching back to the pre-Civil War era that demonstrate a willingness of African American men and women to use firearms when necessary to defend their families and communities. From Frederick Douglass's advice to keep "a good revolver" handy as defense against slave catchers to the armed self-protection of Monroe, North Carolina, blacks against the KKK chronicled in Robert Williams's Negroes with Guns, it is clear that owning firearms was commonplace in the black community.NicholasJohnson points out that this story has been submerged because it is hard to reconcile with the dominant narrative of nonviolence during the civil rights era. His book, however, resolves that tension by showing how the black tradition of arms maintained and demanded a critical distinction between private self-defense and political violence.Johnson also addresses the unavoidable issue of young black men with guns and the toll that gun violence takes on many in the inner city. He shows how complicated this issue is by highlighting the surprising diversity of views on gun ownership in the black community. In fact, recent Supreme Court affirmations of the right to bear arms resulted from cases led by black plaintiffs.Surprising and informative, this well-researched book strips away many stock assumptions of conventional wisdom on the issue of guns and the black freedom struggle.

  • von Nicholas Johnson
    25,00 €

    Catfish Strategy: The power of Positive Poking is memoir and story, revelation and explanation, comedy and critique with inspiration to citizen action by a Washington insider who took on the shipping and broadcasting industries.

  • von Nicholas Johnson
    23,00 €

    Democracies are under attack in many countries including our own. Wannabe dictators feel threatened by democraciesÕ existence. Their destructive efforts are abetted by democraciesÕ citizen apathy. This book examines the institutions, the ÒcolumnsÓ that support democracy. They include such institutions as independent media, K-12 and higher education, respected, independent judges, accessible voting systems, and public libraries. These institutions support both an active citizenry and meaningful checks on executivesÕ abuses. This book calls Americans to action Ð with suggestions. It also contains the authorÕs ÒcolumnsÓ Ð an example of citizen use of the column of democracy called media.

    67,00 - 226,00 €

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