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Bücher von Nick Brooks

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  • von Nick Brooks
    14,00 €

    Nach außen hat die Urban Promise Prep School ein makelloses Image. Sie verspricht, aus gefährdeten Jugendlichen anständige Erwachsene zu machen. Die Schüler J. B., Ramón und Trey kennen die Regeln genau: gebügelte Hemden, »Ja, Sir« und »Nein, Ma'am«, keine Raufereien, kein Fluchen, keine Rap-Musik ... Doch ist das strenge Programm der Schule wirklich erfolgreich? Denn als der Schuldirektor ermordet wird, sind J. B., Ramón und Trey die Hauptverdächtigen. Sie alle hätten ein Motiv gehabt - und möglicherweise auch Zugang zur Mordwaffe. Die drei tun sich zusammen, um den Mordfall aufzuklären und ihre Namen reinzuwaschen. Oder versteckt sich der Schuldige etwa doch unter ihnen?

  • von Nick Brooks
    11,00 €

    Jason Reynolds meets Karen McManus in this commercial blockbuster YA mystery thriller that follows three boys of colour at a Washington DC charter school who are forced to investigate their principal's murder in a high-stakes twenty-four hour period, in order to clear their own names.

  • von Nick Brooks
    49,00 €

    Hi, my name is Nick Brooks; and to start, I would like to thank you for reading this devotional. It all began when I was working at a fabrication facility as a welding inspector. I had the responsibility of speaking about quality topics at the weekly safety meeting. I had not been saved very long, so I was very zealous for the Lord, and I began to testify and just say something about Jesus during the meeting each week. Everything was going great; everyone at work started getting curious about God and started asking questions. Many of them I did not know the answer to, but that gave me a chance to look up the answer in my Bible and learn God's Word for myself! Then one day, during a safety meeting, the foreman didn't give me an opportunity to speak! I was devastated. I didn't know why he didn't let me speak! I was determined not to let that stop me. My coworkers had started looking forward to me speaking and had started asking me what I would be speaking on the following week! THEY HAD BECOME HUNGRY FOR THE WORD! So I wrote down what I was going to say, made copies, and passed them out to everyone. Everybody complimented me on it so much, and at that time, I felt led by the Spirit to begin a new adventure in my life. During all my free time, I was studying my Bible and praying, asking God for guidance and direction, and to let the Holy Spirit use my hand to write the words that He would have these people to read each week! Every week, I typed and printed a devotional that was inspired by God. Sometimes I had to dig in the Word all week long just to complete a two-page devotion. Then at other times, it felt like the Holy Spirit took over and a four-page devotion was finished within just a few hours. Either way, the Lord had guided me in the writing of each one of these devotions, and I pray that they will bless each one that reads them! I pray that they inspire each one of you to give the Lord Jesus Christ praise, honor, and glory!

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