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Bücher von Nidhi Gupta

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  • von Nidhi Gupta
    25,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Nidhi Gupta
    34,00 €

  • 10% sparen
    von Nidhi Gupta
    26,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Nidhi Gupta
    34,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Nidhi Gupta
    59,00 €

    The aim of this research is to focus on trace level analysis of metal ions in our environment. Pollution caused by metal ions is of big concern in the present scenario especially in the developing countries. This Book highlights a low- cost approach for metal ion sensing of liquid membrane based Potentiometric Sensors. Amide based ionophores and macrocycles containing heteroatoms are used as a sensing material during the fabrication of the sensors. All sensors exhibit wide measuring range, low detection limit, appreciable life time, and good selectivity behavior towards target metal ion even in the non aqueous medium. They can also be used as an indicator electrode for the testing of trace amount of metal ions over real life samples.

  • 15% sparen
    von Nidhi Gupta
    34,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Nidhi Gupta
    34,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Nidhi Gupta
    34,00 €

  • von Nidhi Gupta
    39,90 €

  • von Nidhi Gupta
    19,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Nidhi Gupta
    46,00 €

    ¿Ayurvedä is derived from two words ¿Ayu¿ meaning life and ¿Vedä meaning knowledge. Therefore it means science that imparts all the knowledge of life.Dentistry is known as Danta ¿ Shastra in Aryuveda. ¿Dantä meaning teeth and ¿shasträ meaning science. Therefore, Danta-shastra means science of teeth. The origin of universe as well as the science is crediated to Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma taught Aryuveda to Daksha-Prajapati who further taught others. Nima learned Ayurved from Lord Indra and specialized in surgery of mouth, throat, nose, ears and eyes i.e. Shalakyatantra.It is deemed necessary to find a cost effective alternative agent to commercial oral hygiene aids which will have qualitative excellence & quantitative economy. This book will provide an insight on the use of indigenous oral hygiene aids, the mechanism of these plant products. These indigenous extract if scientifically tested & proved to be effective can serve as an alternative to costly commercial oral hygiene aids.

  • 16% sparen
    von Nidhi Gupta
    46,00 €

    Ayurveda" pochodzi od dwóch s¿ów "Ayu" oznaczaj¿cych ¿ycie i "Veda" oznaczaj¿cych wiedz¿. Oznacza ono zatem nauk¿, która przekazuje cä¿ wiedz¿ o ¿yciu.Stomatologia znana jest jako Danta - Shastra w Aryuvedzie. "Danta" oznacza z¿by, a "Shastra" - nauk¿. Dlatego te¿ Danta - Shastra oznacza nauk¿ o z¿bach. Pochodzenie wszech¿wiata jak i nauki jest kreowane do Lorda Brahma. Pan Brahma nauczä Aryuved¿ Daksha-Prajapati, który dalej nauczä innych. Nima uczy¿ si¿ Ayurveda od Lorda Indry i specjalizowä si¿ w chirurgii jamy ustnej, gard¿a, nosa, uszu i oczu, tj. Shalakyatantra. Uwäa si¿, ¿e konieczne jest znalezienie op¿acalnego alternatywnego ¿rodka do komercyjnej higieny jamy ustnej, który b¿dzie miä jako¿ciow¿ doskonäo¿¿ i ilo¿ciow¿ gospodark¿. Ksi¿¿ka ta dostarczy informacji na temat stosowania miejscowych ¿rodków wspomagaj¿cych higien¿ jamy ustnej, mechanizmu dziäania tych produktów ro¿linnych. Te autochtoniczne ekstrakty, je¿li zostan¿ naukowo przetestowane i okä¿ si¿ skuteczne, mog¿ s¿u¿y¿ jako alternatywa dla kosztownych komercyjnych ¿rodków pomocniczych do higieny jamy ustnej.

  • 16% sparen
    von Nidhi Gupta
    42,00 €

    BSNL is now Indiäs leading Telecommunications Company and the largest public sector under taking which is coming up with new tariffs and discount schemes to gain the competitive advantage. Consumer satisfaction is important to business from the short term and long¿ term point of view. One satisfied consumer may be the best means of advertisement, it can build a brand image in a particular area and gradually the area spreads out and the popularity of sale of the services of BSNL shall increase leading to a greater market share. The present study is a part of UGC research project and was planned with the main objective of assessing consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction about selected services of BSNL in Vallabh Vidyanagar through cluster sampling method with the help of well-structured questionnaire to collect data. Different strategies are required by the BSNL for various consumer groups to be satisfied in their customer relationships which is main pre-requisite for stability.. Through increased competition, the BSNL services should become more sensitive and responsive to the customer needs and choices and endower to give him greater satisfaction.

  • 16% sparen
    von N C Rao, Amandeep Chopra & Nidhi Gupta
    46,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Nidhi Gupta, Amal Khursheed & Charvi Tandon
    41,00 €

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