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Bücher von Nk Mondal

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  • von Nk Mondal
    18,00 €

    Misconceptions and orthodoxy is a book about religious misconceptions and superstitions. An Anti-Misconception and Anti-Superstition book by renowned Indian writer and philosopher NK Mandal Sir. Mainly written about religion. Q&A books. The book does not attack any religion, but rather the superstitions are selected from the religion. The book is written in favor of religion. The author says that I am trying to sort out the superstitious principles from religion. Ordinary people will get back the true and real form. Many people may misunderstand me without reading the book but once you read it with your mind, if you have knowledge, you will come to the true path and religion will seem easy.

  • von Nk Mondal
    20,00 €

    Bhalobasha is an indian english romantic little sexual, thriller, romantic love fiction novel. The novel is written by indian famous author NK Mondal. This book is a novel about love, little sex, politics and rural environment. Nahid and Rina are the main characters. The book is published in 2020. The Times of India has published. NK Mondal's are book is, Atheism, Romantic love,love,The leader, The ideal human,Humanism,Anandapath,Broma,Nastikata,Astik Nastik, etc. He was warded by the Sahitya Ratna in 2019 from Bangla Sahitya Patrika from Murshidabad.

  • von Nk Mondal
    25,00 €

    Mandal Sahitya Samagra is an Indian Bengali fictional popular literature. A collection of books by NK Mondal Sir, an eminent Indian ebook writer and philosopher on adolescent literature, adult literature, and fiction. It was first published in Bengali and later translated into various languages. The book has touched the hearts of many literary lovers except Bengali literature. NK Mondal is an Indian poet, writer, humanist, humanist, socialist, philosopher and writer. He was awarded the Sahitya Ratna Award in 2019. Founder and current President of the National Literary Council. He is best known in the skies of India as a digital writer. He has come up with hard work in the life of a writer. Notable books are erroneous beliefs and orthodoxy, atheism, current religion, love, etc.

  • von Nk Mondal
    18,00 €

    Irani Nights is an Indian and Persian fantasy mystery and discovery novel. The eminent Indian writer and philosopher NK Mondal. This is part of a novel. And the rest of the pieces will be found gradually. The main characters in the story are Bashar al-Assad and King Mohammed Suleiman bin Aziz. Bashar al-Assad fell in love and fell into a cave after hitting a rock while climbing a mountain. King Aziz was taken prisoner in that cave, and after his rescue, Assad became the Minister of Education and Finance in Venice.Assad later married Princess Ilyana and became the Nawab of a province, and later annexed the kingdom of Sultan Salahuddin and became the Sultan of Qiyam. And the sultan became a more powerful sultan by discovering the secret treasure of Salahuddin.

  • von Nk Mondal
    17,00 €

    The real meaning of the word religion is to contain On the other hand, it is said that the characteristics of living beings and objects But all the traditional religions that the common people follow are called religions These religions are generally practiced by 99.9% of the people, which still exist on earth There are approximately five and a half thousand religions in the world, such as Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, Persian, Christianity, etc. Islam is the latest and final religion in the mouths of Islamic scholars But lately, a new religion has emerged in the developed world, the Americas The name of the religion is Satanic religion.

  • von Nk Mondal
    18,00 €

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  • von Nk Mondal
    17,00 €

    ROOP ROJONI os an indian bengali fictional novel by Indian famous author NK Mondal. Roop Rojoni is an arabian nights, Iranian nights, stories. NK Mondal is an indian poet,writer, social adviser, script writer, columnist, and novelist from the state of West bengal, India.He is also a writer.He was awarded with the title of Sahitya Ratna in 2019. And he former member of West bengal Intelligence Committee from Murshidabad,India. Personal Life Mondal was born on 5 may 1996 from Murshidabad district in India.His parents Saiful Shaikh and Menuka Bibi used to lovingly call him Salim.He passed higher secondary examination from Rukanpur High School, Murshidabad.He earned degree in bachelor of arts from Hazi A.K.Khan College, University of Kalyni NK Mondal was born on 5 May 1996,

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