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Bücher von Obosa Eugenia Okougbo

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  • von Obosa Eugenia Okougbo
    35,00 €

    O mundo pode estar a aproximar-se rapidamente da tempestade perfeita, com a intersecção de duas grandes tendências globais. Num momento de transição histórica, em que a ordem internacional pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial e pós-Guerra Fria está a sofrer uma erosão no meio de visões concorrentes da ordem mundial e de rivalidades geopolíticas renovadas, o mundo está também nas fases iniciais de uma transformação tecnológica sem precedentes. Este promete ser um período de mudança exponencial, o segundo - e muito mais perturbador - capítulo da revolução digital que começou com a Internet na década de 1990. Historicamente, a tecnologia geralmente corre à frente das instituições, regras e normas. No entanto, a extraordinária magnitude da mudança numa altura de desgaste e desordem institucional global pressagia uma lacuna particularmente perigosa na governação global com impacto nas economias, sociedades e no futuro da guerra.Nas próximas duas décadas, ocorrerão mais mudanças impulsionadas pela tecnologia do que na primeira revolução baseada nas TIC (tecnologias de informação e comunicação), com profundas ramificações sociais, económicas e geopolíticas.

  • von Obosa Eugenia Okougbo
    35,00 €

    El mundo puede estar acercándose rápidamente a la tormenta perfecta, con la intersección de dos grandes tendencias globales. En un momento de transición histórica, cuando el orden internacional posterior a la Segunda Guerra Mundial y a la Guerra Fría se está erosionando en medio de visiones enfrentadas del orden mundial y renovadas rivalidades geopolíticas, el mundo se encuentra también en las primeras fases de una transformación tecnológica sin precedentes. Promete ser un periodo de cambio exponencial, el segundo capítulo -y mucho más perturbador- de la revolución digital que comenzó con Internet en la década de 1990. Históricamente, la tecnología suele ir por delante de las instituciones, las reglas y las normas. Sin embargo, la extraordinaria magnitud del cambio en un momento de desgaste y desorden institucional a escala mundial presagia una brecha especialmente peligrosa en la gobernanza mundial que afectará a las economías, las sociedades y el futuro de la guerra.En las próximas dos décadas se producirán muchos más cambios impulsados por la tecnología que en la primera revolución basada en las TIC (tecnologías de la información y la comunicación), con profundas ramificaciones sociales, económicas y geopolíticas.

  • von Obosa Eugenia Okougbo
    35,00 €

    Il mondo potrebbe avvicinarsi rapidamente alla tempesta perfetta, con l'intersezione di due grandi tendenze globali. In un momento di transizione storica, in cui l'ordine internazionale del secondo dopoguerra e della guerra fredda si sta erodendo tra visioni concorrenti dell'ordine mondiale e rinnovate rivalità geopolitiche, il mondo è anche nelle prime fasi di una trasformazione tecnologica senza precedenti. Si preannuncia un periodo di cambiamenti esponenziali, il secondo - e ben più dirompente - capitolo della rivoluzione digitale iniziata con Internet negli anni Novanta. Storicamente, la tecnologia di solito precede le istituzioni, le regole e le norme. Tuttavia, la straordinaria portata del cambiamento in un momento di disordine e sfilacciamento delle istituzioni globali lascia presagire una frattura particolarmente pericolosa nella governance globale, che avrà un impatto sulle economie, sulle società e sul futuro della guerra.Nei prossimi due decenni si verificheranno molti più cambiamenti guidati dalla tecnologia rispetto alla prima rivoluzione basata sulle TIC (tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione), con profonde ramificazioni sociali, economiche e geopolitiche.

  • von Obosa Eugenia Okougbo
    35,00 €

    Le monde s'approche peut-être rapidement de la tempête parfaite, avec l'intersection de deux tendances mondiales majeures. À un moment de transition historique, où l'ordre international de l'après-Seconde Guerre mondiale et de l'après-Guerre froide s'érode au milieu de visions concurrentes de l'ordre mondial et de rivalités géopolitiques renouvelées, le monde se trouve également dans les premiers stades d'une transformation technologique sans précédent. Cette période promet d'être une période de changement exponentiel, le deuxième chapitre - beaucoup plus perturbateur - de la révolution numérique qui a commencé avec l'internet dans les années 1990. Historiquement, la technologie devance généralement les institutions, les règles et les normes. Toutefois, l'ampleur extraordinaire du changement à un moment où les institutions mondiales s'effilochent et se désordonnent laisse présager une faille particulièrement dangereuse dans la gouvernance mondiale, qui aura des répercussions sur les économies, les sociétés et l'avenir de la guerre.Au cours des deux prochaines décennies, les changements induits par la technologie seront beaucoup plus nombreux que lors de la première révolution fondée sur les TIC (technologies de l'information et de la communication), ce qui aura de profondes ramifications sociales, économiques et géopolitiques.

  • von Obosa Eugenia Okougbo
    43,90 €

    Mit dem Zusammentreffen zweier wichtiger globaler Trends nähert sich die Welt möglicherweise rasch dem perfekten Sturm. In einem Moment des historischen Übergangs, in dem die internationale Ordnung der Zeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg und dem Kalten Krieg inmitten konkurrierender Visionen der Weltordnung und neuer geopolitischer Rivalitäten erodiert, befindet sich die Welt auch in der Anfangsphase eines beispiellosen technologischen Wandels. Es verspricht eine Periode exponentiellen Wandels zu werden, das zweite - und weitaus umwälzendere - Kapitel der digitalen Revolution, die in den 1990er Jahren mit dem Internet begann. In der Vergangenheit war es üblich, dass die Technologie den Institutionen, Regeln und Normen vorauslief. Das außergewöhnliche Ausmaß des Wandels in einer Zeit, in der die Institutionen weltweit ausfransen und in Unordnung geraten, deutet jedoch auf eine besonders gefährliche Lücke in der Global Governance hin, die sich auf Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und die Zukunft des Krieges auswirkt.In den kommenden zwei Jahrzehnten wird sich ein wesentlich größerer technologiegetriebener Wandel vollziehen als in der ersten IKT (Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie)-basierten Revolution, was tiefgreifende soziale, wirtschaftliche und geopolitische Auswirkungen haben wird.

  • von Obosa Eugenia Okougbo
    35,00 €

    In the modern digital world, where there is money, there are cyberattackers. According to IBM, the finance and insurance sector has now been the single most attacked industry for 3 years in a row (with 19 per cent of all recorded attacks in 2018). Hardly surprising, given that ¿digital¿ is the de facto trend in finance, where digital financial services are seen as one of the key drivers of greater financial inclusion. The ¿digital¿ trend is here to stay, as illustrated by the recent launch of the UN Secretary-General¿s Task Force on Digital Financing of the Sustainable Development Goals, the promotion of digital financial services by international development agencies, the opportunities created by business (both in the developed and developing world) and the interest from academia.Good progress in overall digitisation of finance has been made over the recent years. Indeed, the World Bank reports that between 2014 and 2017 the number of adults using digital payments increased from 41 to 52 per cent (11 per cent increase) and the share of adults with an account has grown from 62 to 69 per cent. This translates into half a billion new users connected to the digital infrastructure...

  • von Obosa Eugenia Okougbo
    35,00 €

    The world may be fast approaching the perfect storm, with the intersection of two major global trends. At a moment of historic transition, when the post-WWII and post-Cold War international order is eroding amid competing visions of world order and renewed geopolitical rivalries, the world is also in the early stages of an unprecedented technological transformation. It promises to be a period of exponential change, the second¿and far more disruptive¿chapter of the digital revolution that began with the Internet in the 1990s. Historically, technology usually races ahead of institutions, rules, and norms. The extraordinary magnitude of change at a time of global institutional fraying and disorder, however, portends a particularly dangerous gap in global governance impacting economies, societies, and the future of war.Substantially more technology-driven change will take place during the coming two decades than in the first ICT (information and communications technology)-based revolution, with profound social, economic, and geopolitical ramifications.

  • von Obosa Eugenia Okougbo
    35,00 €

    The world may be fast approaching the perfect storm, with the intersection of two major global trends. At a moment of historic transition, when the post-WWII and post-Cold War international order is eroding amid competing visions of world order and renewed geopolitical rivalries, the world is also in the early stages of an unprecedented technological transformation. It promises to be a period of exponential change, the second¿and far more disruptive¿chapter of the digital revolution that began with the Internet in the 1990s. Historically, technology usually races ahead of institutions, rules, and norms. The extraordinary magnitude of change at a time of global institutional fraying and disorder, however, portends a particularly dangerous gap in global governance impacting economies, societies, and the future of war.Substantially more technology-driven change will take place during the coming two decades than in the first ICT (information and communications technology)-based revolution, with profound social, economic, and geopolitical ramifications.

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