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Bücher von Olusegun Asekun

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  • von Olusegun Asekun
    28,00 €

  • von Olusegun Asekun
    19,00 €

    There are many people in the United States today who are illegal alien. Many of these people entered the United States legally but became illegal for lack of knowledge of what to do to remain legal. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Some are even afraid to take the right step. Some rely on the faulty step taken by people around them when they entered the United States. Some are discouraged from taking the right step. Some are ill advised. Some believes that it cost fortune to consult an Attorney. The author, who himself entered the United States as a visitor but later changed his status, encountered some of this discouragement. However, considering his background as an Attorney, who was familiar with the effect of being illegal, it was easy for him to overcome the obstacles. Consequently, he decided to write this book to assist others who may have otherwise fallen into the same trap.

  • - True Life Story
    von Olusegun Asekun
    18,00 €

    This book is a True life Story that demonstrates the power of God over all known Science and Technology. There are still many mysteries about the world that no science can explain. There is therefore the need for human being to go back to the root that is reliance on God. The author was declared medically unable to impregnate a woman. Series of treatments were conducted without any success. Frustrations and disappointment set in. However, by divine arrangement, he was forced to rely on God. The result is this testimony.

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