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Bücher von Omnec Onec

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  • von Omnec Onec
    16,00 €

    Ein spiritueller Führer für die Meisterschaft des Lebens aus der Perspektive der Seele Omnec Onecs erstes Buch Ich kam von der Venus berührte bereits Tausende von Lesern weltweit und weckte in ihnen latente Erinnerungen an ihre Essenz als Seele. Dieses kleine Handbuch venusischer Spiritualität entstand aus dem Wunsch der Menschen, mehr darüber zu erfahren, wie sie spirituelle Heilung und wahre Liebe in sich selbst finden können. Es enthält die Essenz der Botschaft, mit der die Venusier schon seit langer Zeit im Einklang mit den Gesetzen der Höchsten Gottheit leben. Aufgrund ihres Mitgefühls, ihres Einheitsbewusstseins und ihrer Liebe zu allem, was ist, sind sie mit den Schlüsseln zur Anhebung ihrer Frequenz ausgestattet.Da die Erde derzeit einen dimensionalen Aufstieg erlebt, können wir von dem Wissen unseres Schwesterplaneten Venus profitieren, der diese Transformation bereits durchlaufen hat. Die AutorinIn ihrer Autobiographie Ich kam von der Venus berichtet die Venusierin über das Leben und die Gesellschaft auf der astralen Ebene der Venus und darüber, wie und warum sie im Jahr 1955 als 7jähriges Mädchen das Abenteuer auf sich nahm, in ihrem eigenen physischen Körper auf die Erde zu kommen.

  • von Omnec Onec
    26,00 €

    A spiritual guide that teaches how to understand and master life from the perspective of Soul. Omnec Onec's international bestseller From Venus I Came touched the hearts of countless people around the globe and awakened within them latent memories of the Soul. The presence of this woman who descended from the astral plane into the physical on Earth sparked desires for people to know more about how they could also raise their frequencies and vibration. This was the impetus for Omnec to begin holding seminars in order to convey these teachings of unconditional love.This handbook contains the essence of the message by which the Venusians have been living in harmony with the Laws of the Supreme Deity for a very long time. Due to their compassion, oneness and love for all that is, they have been naturally gifted with the keys to raising their frequency and vibration.As Earth currently is experiencing a shift from the third to the fifth dimension, we can benefit from the knowledge of our sister planet Venus which has already gone through this transformation. This little book contains the essentials to help expand the consciousness as we proceed through the process of ascension.

  • von Omnec Onec
    32,00 €

    Autobiography of an Extraterrestrial Part 2: Experiences and Mastership of Unconditional Love lived on Earth Angels Don't Cry is the stunning sequel to Omnec Onec's autobiography FROM VENUS I CAME. This book is about the earthly life of the Venusian, who came to Earth from the astral Venus as a child and who grew up in the USA. Difficult family circumstances, constant changes of location and a spiritually unawakened environment presented very challenging conditions for the conscious child from Venus. The telepathic and sometimes physical contact with her friends and relatives from Venus as well as the awareness of her mission gave Omnec the strength to endure this life and to master it in love. Further rays of hope were her encounters with Indians, who recognized in her the prophesied "Great White Hope", and in later years the re-encounter with her spiritual teachings through Paul Twitchell, who recognized her from an astral journey to Venus. Slowly, Omnec's way to the public was paved and the fulfillment of her mission as an Ambassador of Venus took hold with the publication of her life story by Lt. Col. Ret. Wendelle C. Stevens.The title, Angels Don't Cry, comes from a childhood anecdote.

  • von Omnec Onec
    32,00 €

    Autobiography of an Extraterrestrial: A Guide to Self-Realization and Ascension by a Woman who came to Earth with a Mission of Love and BrotherhoodOmnec Onec came here to Earth from the Astral Plane of Planet Venus. She came as a child, in a physical body, in a spaceship. She arrived in 1955 and was raised by an Earth family. In her autobiography, Omnec explains the history, culture, and spiritual teachings of the Venusians, who have lived on the Astral Plane for a very long time and who are part of our ancestry. She tells us about her first years of life, which were spent on Venus, and about her Venusian Family. She explains why and how she came to Earth, and the mission that she was to fulfill. As a sister planet to Earth, Venus had already gone through a transformation to a higher consciousness and frequency, similar to what the Earth and many people are now experiencing. Venus at one time had a physical society on it's surface as well, Omnec reveals, and in the course of its evolution ascended to a higher plane. The History of Venus, as described by Omnec, and the spirituality of the Venusians, are a Gift of Pure Love. By applying Omnec's teachings, we learn how Transformation into expanded consciousness and ascension into Higher realms can be mastered by people on Earth, in accordance with the Universal "Laws of the Supreme Diety". This book is the authorized re-publication of the original version, as written by Omnec Onec in the late 1960s and as first published in the U.S.A in 1991 by Lt. Col. Ret. Wendelle C. Stevens.

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