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Bücher von Osoul Center

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  • von Osoul Center
    33,00 €

    The book is dedicated to non-Muslims who desire to know Islam in brief and look forward to know its most important teachings. We hope the book will also be useful for Muslims as well as the newly converted. The book has been translated to many languages, and its core shall be a basis to a new huge site that is being prepared now.

  • von Osoul Center
    39,00 €

    Ease and Tolerance Two beautiful, intrinsic qualities of Islam Faith.

  • von Osoul Center
    39,00 €

    This book, Bilal ibn Rabah: Islam's Attitude to Racial Discrimination, outlines the history of Bilal ibn Rabah, a former slave from Abyssinia who became a companion of the Prophet. Islam elevated his status and the Prophet gave him the happy news of being destined for heaven in the life to come.

  • von Osoul Center
    28,00 €

    The book makes clear that when the early Muslims overpowered major empires and took over vast areas, their motives were not to subjugate people or to enrich themselves. Indeed Islam stands firmly against injustice, tyranny and corruption and builds a state where all people, Muslims and non-Muslims can enjoy full justice and true compassion. Islam helps people to discard the worship of other beings so that they worship God alone.

  • von Osoul Center
    28,00 €

    This book, Life: the Beginning and the End, deals with questions of the creation, existence and progress of the universe. This is a subject that has been raised by many communities throughout the ages, yet Islam addressed it in a most direct and clear way right from its earliest days. Islam gives detailed explanations where details are needed and clarifies the issues that need to be clear in people''s minds. The Islamic view of this issue is that God is the Creator of the world we know and all that lies beyond it. He is in no need of anyone of His creation, but they all need Him. Belief and good action based on faith and following the teachings of God''s messengers will definitely benefit man. In the book, the question is raised of the purpose of the creation of mankind and the jinn. The author responds to this question by saying that the ultimate objective of creation is that all creatures must submit themselves to God and worship Him alone. The author concludes his thesis by stating that all aspects of life in the universe will inevitably end in death, confirming the Qur''anic statement: "All that lives on it perishes; but forever will remain the face of your Lord, full of majesty, granting grace." (55: 26-27)

  • von Osoul Center
    28,00 €

    An account of the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the book introduces us to the Prophet's noble character, his humble life and his conduct with his family at home, his companions and people in all their different positions in society. It tells us how he strove to fulfil the task God assigned to him and we contemplate how he dealt with his enemies and the exceptional magnanimity he showed to all. We will learn about his simple, but highly effective, method of advocating his message, based on wisdom and gentle admonition and how keen he was to ensure that justice and security should be enjoyed by all people. In short, we realize that theProphet's life was a practical reflection of what God says about him in the Qur'an: "We have sent you as a manifestation of Our grace towards all the worlds." (21: 107)

  • von Osoul Center
    31,00 €

    In order to become a Muslim, there are no specific religious rituals or customs that you need to perform, neither in specific areas nor in front of people. For non-Muslim readers this book explains how to embrace Islam, showing that this does not require much effort and a person who wishes to become a Muslim only needs to make a simple but far-reaching declaration of belief in God's oneness and the message of Islam: "I bear witness that there is no deity other than God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is God servant and messenger."The book explains to new Muslims the essential elements of Islam, and describes the character of Prophet Muhammad, his qualities and the message he delivered to mankind. It lucidly discusses the various acts of worship Muslims are required to offer, their purposes and significance.

  • von Osoul Center
    19,00 €

    This book, Bilal ibn Rabah: Islam's Attitude to Racial Discrimination, outlines the history of Bilal ibn Rabah, a former slave from Abyssinia who became a companion of the Prophet. Islam elevated his status and the Prophet gave him the happy news of being destined for heaven in the life to come.

  • von Osoul Center
    31,98 €

    This book explains that the way of life Islam provides for its followers is divine, intended to ensure that people enjoy real happiness in this present life and in the life to come. Whatever the Islamic way of life includes of obligations and prohibitions meets human needs and ensures man's happiness, neither restricting people's freedom nor imposing a burden on them. Islam gives its followers a clear concept of man's status and his relationship with the universe around him.Islam establishes the concept of true and everlasting happiness, which is the happy future life in heaven. This makes Muslims aspire to the sublime through obedience of God and earning His pleasure.

  • von Osoul Center
    29,00 €

    God's messengers and prophets are assigned the task of giving people the right concept of God, their Creator, and this book speaks first about people's need to receive the divine message through prophets. It explains how prophets taught people how to earn His pleasure and acceptance and how to avoid incurring His anger. They put this into practice, so that their teachings would serve as a code by which to live, setting human life on the right course and ensuring happiness in the life to come.The book relates the story of Jesus, son of Mary (peace be upon him), starting when his virtuous mother was pregnant, then describing his birth, his message and the opposition he had to endure. The author then discusses the Qur'anic account of Jesus, which makes clear that he enjoys a very high position with God Almighty.We trust that you will enjoy reading this book and we will be happy to receive your comments and observations.

  • von Osoul Center
    22,98 €

    The book defines bid'ah (religious innovation) and numerates its kinds. It shows its negative effects on the lives of Muslims, and on how non-Muslims perceive Islam. The book clarifies the Islamic position with regard to bid'ah in religion

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