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Bücher von Otto Rank

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  • - Creative Urge and Personality Development
    von Otto Rank
    33,00 €

    "[Rank's thought] has implications for the deepest and broadest development of the social sciences . . . and of all [Rank's] books, Art and Artist is the most secure monument to his genius." -Ernest Becker

  • von Otto Rank
    16,00 €

    "Au-delà du freudisme : La Volonté du Bonheur" d'Otto Rank est une ¿uvre qui explore et élargit les idées freudiennes tout en présentant une perspective originale sur la psychanalyse. Otto Rank, psychanalyste autrichien et l'un des collaborateurs initiaux de Sigmund Freud, propose ici une réflexion approfondie sur la nature humaine, la psyché et le désir de bonheur.Dans cet ouvrage, Rank remet en question certaines notions fondamentales de la théorie freudienne, notamment le complexe d'¿dipe, et il propose une vision plus optimiste de la nature humaine. Il met l'accent sur le rôle central de la volonté du bonheur dans la vie psychique, suggérant que l'individu est motivé par un désir fondamental de réaliser son potentiel et d'atteindre le bonheur.Rank explore également la dynamique des relations interpersonnelles et l'impact de la culture sur la construction de soi. Il aborde des thèmes tels que l'individuation, l'estime de soi et le rôle des valeurs culturelles dans le développement personnel.Ce livre se distingue par son approche critique envers certaines doctrines psychanalytiques établies, offrant ainsi une contribution importante au champ de la psychologie. "Au-delà du freudisme" demeure un ouvrage influent qui a contribué à élargir les horizons de la psychanalyse et à susciter des débats sur la nature humaine et le bien-être psychologique.

  • von Otto Rank
    32,90 €

    Otto Rank entwirft in Grundzüge einer Genetischen Psychologie ein dynamisches Modell kindlicher Entwicklung von der Zeit vor der Geburt bis zur Erwachsenenreife. Dabei betont er in Abgrenzung zu seinem Lehrer Sigmund Freud die Bedeutung der frühen Mutter-Kind-Beziehung für den Aufbau von Ich-Struktur und nimmt so auch spätere theoretische Entwicklungen in den psychoanalytischen Objektbeziehungen vorweg.Einen besonderen Stellenwert für die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung misst Rank im zweiten Teil dieses Buchs der menschlichen Kreativität bei: Nimmt in der Kindheit die Identifizierung mit den Eltern eine dominierende Stellung ein, kann es in der Pubertät zu schöpferischen Entwürfen der eigenen Lebensentwicklung kommen. Diese Betonung des Kreativen und Schöpferischen macht Rank zu einem wichtigen Impulsgeber für die Humanistische Psychotherapie.

  • von Otto Rank
    29,00 €

    Otto Rank hatte in der frühen Psychoanalyse das volle Vertrauen von Freud, der ihn in der psychoanalytischen Bewegung eine herausragende Position einnehmen ließ. Das änderte sich grundlegend nach Erscheinen seines Buches Trauma der Geburt, das zu einem Zerwürfnis der beiden führte. Rank ging zuerst nach Paris, dann weiter nach USA und schrieb weiterhin bedeutende tiefenpsychologische Werke, bereichert um Erkenntnisse aus Philosophie, Literatur und Ethnologie.Amerika sollte seine neue Heimat werden, aber auch hier wurde er von seinen ehemaligen Kollegen verschmäht und verleugnet. In dem Buch Jenseits der Psychologie fasst er seine lebenslangen Forschungen über die menschliche Psyche zusammen. Seine Überzeugung war, die Psychologie des Selbst müsse im Anderen gefunden werden.Mein Lebenswerk ist beendet. Die Gegenstände meines früheren Interesses, der Held, der Künstler, der Neurotiker erscheinen nochmals auf der Bühne, und zwar nicht nur als Mitspieler im ewigen Drama des Lebens, sondern ohne Maske, nachdem der Vorhang gefallen ist, unbekleidet und ohne Prunk. Auch nicht als geplatzte Illusionen, sondern als menschliche Wesen, die keines Interpreten bedürfen.

  • von Otto Rank
    34,90 - 59,90 €

  • von Otto Rank
    46,90 €

    Der Germanist und Psychoanalytiker Otto Rank (1884 - 1939), enger Mitarbeiter Sigmund Freuds, ist durch seine wegweisenden psychoanalytischen Mythen- und Literatur-Interpretationen bekannt geworden. In dem hier vorliegendem Werk "soll ... der Versuch gemacht werden, auf völlig neuer Grundlage und von ungewohnten Gesichtspunkten aus, Einblicke in die innerste Struktur des Kunstwerkes und in die Bedingungen sowie in die Vorgänge des dichterischen Schaffens zu gewinnen." (Einleitung)Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1912.

  • von Otto Rank
    22,90 €

  • von Otto Rank
    22,90 €

  • von Otto Rank
    26,90 €

  • von Otto Rank
    22,90 €

  • von Otto Rank
    18,90 €

  • von Otto Rank
    22,90 €

  • von Otto Rank
    26,00 €

    Originally published in 1914, this fascinating volume in the Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph Series presents a psychological interpretation of characters from classical mythology, from Oedipus to Perseus, and Hercules to Jesus. Authored by Dr Otto Rank (1884-1939), an associate of Sigmund Freud, it is suited to those interested in the classics, history and mythology, and psychoanalysis alike. Chapters include: introduction - Sargon - Moses - Karna - Oedipus - Paris -Telephos - Perseus - Gilgamos - Kyros - Tristan - Romulus - Hercules - Jesus - Siegfried - Lohengrin. We are republishing this rare, vintage text in a high quality, modern and affordable edition, complete with a specially written concise biography.

  • von Otto Rank
    16,00 €

    2011 Reprint of 1914 edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Otto Rank, (1884--1939), was an Austrian psychologist who was part of Sigmund Freud's inner circle. This early monograph by Rank is a groundbreaking application of the psychoanalytic method to comparative mythology. In this study Rank looks at a wide variety of Eurasian hero birth narratives, including Greek, Roman, Judeo-Christian, Indian, and Germanic legendary figures. He uses the methodology and vocabulary of classic Freudian psychoanalysis to do so. The middle part of this book, where Rank enumerates some of these tales, will be the most useful for modern readers, as he draws on a wide range of sources, some of them fairly obscure. A classic work, which much influenced later writers, particularly Joseph Campbell.

  • von Otto Rank
    19,90 €

  • von Otto Rank
    23,00 €

    2011 Reprint of 1950 Translation by William Turner. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Recommended, both as a fascinating and little-known document in the history of psychology and as a provocative reading of the history of psychology. (Religious Studies Review).Will interest many students of the history of psychoanalysis... Rank's conclusions contribute to present-day controversies about the status of psychoanalysis as a science. (Psychiatric Times )The first complete English translation of a work that Rank published in 1930. It draws on anthropology, sociology, mythology, religion, philosophy, history, and literature to chart the development of the human psyche... The book's antimaterialistic passion makes it a compelling counterpoint to the stern biology of our own age, and the bounds it sets to what psychoanalysis can claim are justly drawn. (Wilson Quarterly )Unquestionably Rank's most important work... This new translation is an effort to create a Rank for our millennium... [and it] reads elegantly and comfortably in English... The argument is complex and intricate, consisting of a long historical/ethnographic sweep that takes us from a 'primitive' state, via animism through the Christian or sexual era to the scientific era and modern development of psychology... Along the way we find traces of many of Rank's other brilliant psychological surveys -- the double, Don Juan, heroes' birth myths, the theme of incest -- woven into this massive canvas and viewed on the largest scale... Throughout this book, the grand tapestry is set with some remarkable gems of observation. (Naomi Segal Psychoanalysis and History )This is the first complete translation of Otto Rank's fascinating text on the nature and history of the concept of the Soul and Will in the psychological history of humankind... a tour de force in vigour, scope and application to many contemporary issues such as sexual behaviors, the nature of dreaming, incest prohibitions and narcissism, to name but a few.(L.R. Edgar Journal of the Royal Anthropological Society ) In his last years, Otto Rank turned his lifetime of thought and learning toward two of the most difficult topics in human history: religion and the soul. The result was this now-classic work, available in this new, very accessible English translation. Unlike many other intellectuals of the twentieth century, Rank maintains a place for the soul rather than dismissing it as a fantasy. The soul and the beliefs about it, he argues, set forth the foundation for psychology, with its complex analyses of consciousness, self-consciousness, and personality. Rank's commentary is not limited to beliefs about individual souls but includes ideas about group souls, sometimes encompassing nations or generations. Rank suggests that it is in expression of group beliefs that the idea of the soul attains its greatest power. What is the soul? Otto Rank treats it as a universal and essential belief for individuals and their societies, constant in function but evolving in form through millennia. To borrow a post-Rankian metaphor, the soul was created in the big bang of irresistible psychological force colliding with immutable biological fact-our will to live forever against death. The collision creates a spark in our individual and social consciousness which through history has become both consolation and inspiration: the immortal soul. All ideologies reflect this phenomenon and modify its expression to suit the era.Otto Rank wrote before the atom bomb or television, both of which alter our perception of death without changing the fact. Rank's introduction of the soul as an essential part of contemporary psychology helps explain a number of perplexing, irrational phenomena in contemporary life.

  • - A Psychological Interpretation Of Mythology (1914)
    von Otto Rank
    20,00 €

    The Myth Of The Birth Of The Hero: A Psychological Interpretation Of Mythology (1914) is a book written by Otto Rank, a prominent psychoanalyst of the early 20th century. In this book, Rank explores the psychological significance of the myth of the birth of the hero, which is a common theme in many mythologies around the world. Rank argues that the myth of the birth of the hero is a reflection of the human psyche and its desire for transcendence and self-realization. He examines the various elements of this myth, such as the miraculous conception, the divine or supernatural parentage, and the heroic deeds of the hero, and shows how they relate to the psychological processes of individuation and transformation.Rank draws on examples from a wide range of mythologies, including Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse, as well as from folklore and literature. He also discusses the influence of this myth on modern culture, particularly in the realm of literature and the arts.Overall, The Myth Of The Birth Of The Hero: A Psychological Interpretation Of Mythology is a seminal work in the field of psychoanalytic literary criticism and a fascinating exploration of the human psyche and its relationship to myth and storytelling.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • von Otto Rank
    31,00 €

    ""The Significance of Psychoanalysis for the Mental Sciences"" is a seminal work by the Austrian psychoanalyst Otto Rank, first published in 1916. In this book, Rank argues that psychoanalysis is not only a valuable tool for understanding the human psyche, but also has broader implications for the study of the mind and human behavior.Rank begins by outlining the basic principles of psychoanalysis, including the role of the unconscious, the importance of early childhood experiences, and the significance of sexuality in human development. He then goes on to explore the relationship between psychoanalysis and other fields, such as philosophy, sociology, and biology. One of the key arguments of the book is that psychoanalysis offers a unique perspective on human behavior that cannot be fully captured by other disciplines. Rank contends that psychoanalysis provides a deeper understanding of the motivations and desires that underlie human actions, and can shed light on phenomena such as creativity, religion, and social organization.Throughout the book, Rank draws on a wide range of examples and case studies to illustrate his points, and engages with the work of other prominent thinkers in the field, such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Overall, ""The Significance of Psychoanalysis for the Mental Sciences"" is a groundbreaking work that helped to establish psychoanalysis as a legitimate field of study and opened up new avenues for research into the human mind and behavior.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • von Otto Rank
    18,90 €

    Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1925.

  • von Otto Rank
    27,00 €

    2010 Reprint of 1952 Edition. First published in 1924, Otto Rank's The Trauma of Birth took as its starting point a note that Freud added to his The Interpretation of Dreams : "Moreover, the act of birth is the first experience of anxiety, and thus the source and prototype of the affect of anxiety". Rank set out to identify "the ultimate biological basis of the psychical," the very "nucleus of the unconscious" (p. xxiii). For him this was the physical event of birth, whereby the infant passes from a state of perfectly contented union with the mother to a state of parlous separation via an oppressive experience of asphyxiation, constriction, confinement in the vaginal canal, and so on-all feelings recognizable in anxiety states of every kind. It was the struggle against this traumatic experience of birth, in Rank's account, that structured the fantasy life of the child, including the disavowal of the difference between the sexes, infantile sexual theories, and oedipal scenarios. Castration anxiety was a defensive derivative of the anxiety associated with the birth trauma.

  • von Sigmund Freud
    27,90 - 44,90 €

  • - Psychonalytische Studien
    von Otto Rank
    24,50 €

  • - Ein Beitrag zu ihrer Motivgestaltung und Deutung
    von Otto Rank
    27,50 €

  • von Otto Rank
    24,90 €

  • von Otto Rank
    38,00 - 85,00 €

  • - A Psychological Exploration of Myth
    von Otto Rank
    42,00 €

    Segal as well as Otto Rank's 1914 essay "The Play in Hamlet."

  • von Otto Rank
    86,00 €

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