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Bücher von P. Saravanan

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  • von P. Saravanan
    31,00 €

    Embark on an intriguing journey into the microscopic world of viruses with "Virology," a beginner-friendly guide that demystifies one of the most dynamic areas of biological science.This book gently introduces you to the basics of virology. Discover the diverse world of viruses - from their unique structures and life cycles to the significant role they play in our ecosystem and human health."Virology" breaks down complex concepts into easy-to-understand language, supported by engaging illustrations and real-world examples. You will learn about the history of virology, including landmark discoveries and the evolution of our understanding of viruses. The book also delves into the impact of viruses on human health, discussing well-known viruses and recent global challenges.Whether you are a curious reader, a student starting a course in life sciences, or someone interested in understanding the viral phenomena that influence our world, "Virology" is your accessible and informative guide. Step into the world of these fascinating entities and gain a new appreciation for their role in the tapestry of life.

  • 15% sparen
    von P. Saravanan
    34,00 €

    Cette étude sur la sensibilisation à l'environnement a révélé que les enseignants des écoles urbaines, les enseignants des apprenants à distance dans les matières scientifiques ont un meilleur niveau de sensibilisation que les enseignants des écoles rurales, les enseignants de langues et de sciences sociales. Aucune différence significative n'a été constatée entre les enseignants masculins et féminins, les enseignants ayant moins de 10 ans et plus de 10 ans d'expérience dans l'enseignement ont une attitude et un niveau d'intention similaires en ce qui concerne la sensibilisation à l'environnement.

  • 15% sparen
    von P. Saravanan
    34,00 €

    Este estudio de concienciación medioambiental reveló que los profesores de escuelas urbanas, los profesores de educación a distancia que imparten ciencias tienen un mejor nivel de concienciación que los profesores de escuelas rurales, los profesores de lengua y los profesores de ciencias sociales. No se han encontrado diferencias significativas entre los profesores de ambos sexos, ni entre los que tienen menos de 10 años de experiencia docente y los que tienen más de 10 años.

  • 15% sparen
    von P. Saravanan
    34,00 €

    Este estudo de sensibilização ambiental revelou que os professores de escolas urbanas, os professores de alunos à distância que são professores de ciências têm um melhor nível de sensibilização do que os professores de escolas rurais, os professores de línguas e os professores de ciências sociais, tendo sido encontrada uma diferença significativa entre os professores de ciências e os professores de outras disciplinas no que respeita à atitude em relação à sensibilização ambiental. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os professores do sexo masculino e feminino, os professores com menos de 10 anos e mais de 10 anos de experiência de ensino têm um nível de atitude e intenção semelhante no que respeita à sensibilização para o ambiente.

  • 15% sparen
    von P. Saravanan
    34,00 €

    Questo studio sulla consapevolezza ambientale ha rivelato che gli insegnanti delle scuole urbane, gli insegnanti a distanza di materie scientifiche hanno un livello di consapevolezza migliore rispetto agli insegnanti delle scuole rurali, agli insegnanti di lingue e di scienze sociali. Non è stata riscontrata alcuna differenza significativa tra insegnanti di sesso maschile e femminile; gli insegnanti con meno di 10 anni e quelli con più di 10 anni di esperienza di insegnamento hanno un livello simile di atteggiamento e di intenzione nei confronti della consapevolezza ambientale.

  • von P. Saravanan
    39,90 €

    Diese Studie zum Umweltbewusstsein hat gezeigt, dass die Lehrer der städtischen Schulen, die Lehrer der Fernschüler und die Lehrer der naturwissenschaftlichen Fächer ein besseres Umweltbewusstsein haben als die Lehrer der ländlichen Schulen, die Lehrer der Sprach- und Sozialwissenschaften, wobei ein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen den Lehrern der naturwissenschaftlichen Fächer und den Lehrern der anderen Fächer hinsichtlich der Einstellung zum Umweltbewusstsein festgestellt wurde. Es wurde kein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen männlichen und weiblichen Lehrern, Lehrern mit weniger als 10 Jahren und Lehrern mit mehr als 10 Jahren Unterrichtserfahrung festgestellt, die ähnliche Einstellungen und Absichten in Bezug auf das Umweltbewusstsein haben.

  • 15% sparen
    von P. Saravanan
    34,00 €

    This environmental awareness study revealed that the urban school teachers, the distance learners¿ teachers who are science subject have better in the awareness level than the rural school teachers, language and social science teachers.Significant different in found between science teachers and other subjects with records to attitude towards environmental awareness. No significant difference in found between male and female teachers, below 10 years and above 10 years teaching experience teachers, have similar in the attitude and intention level with regard to environmental awareness.

  • 15% sparen
    von P. Saravanan
    34,00 €

    The selfconcept and moral values study revealed that the urban and rural teacher educators in pudukottaidistrict.The investigator found that, the B.Ed., trainees of male have more self concept when compared to the female trainees. Because of the male B.Ed., trainees are having more opportunity to solving the problem in the practical situation and more aware of the social customs. The outcome of this study that, the hostel B.Ed., trainees have more moral values than days scholar B.Ed., trainees. Due to the fact that hostel trainees are spending more time for maintain their friendship and discuss with their friends about personal values, discipline, social justice and professional ethics of the teachers compared to the day scholars. The researcher concluded that, the hostel trainees are having more self concept than day scholar trainees. Due to the fact that hostel trainees are having more opportunity to reading internet, newspapers, journals, magazine and also aware of technological learning resources.

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