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Bücher von Pablo Neruda

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  • 14% sparen
    von Pablo Neruda
    12,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    - Selected Poems
    von Pablo Neruda
    14,00 €

    Bilingual selection of 50 of Pablo Neruda's best poems, many newly translated, with an introduction by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. This edition results from an initiative including the Neruda Estate and leading Neruda scholars and translators to produce an authoritative introduction to his work.

  • von Pablo Neruda
    27,00 €

    This is the translation of Nobel Laureate Pablo Neruda's two books: 1. 100 Love Sonnets, 2. Twenty Love Poems and A Song of Despair. This is the first Odia translation of these world bestsellers.

  • von Pablo Neruda
    13,00 €

    'Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair' is a collection of romantic poems by Pablo Neruda, a Chilean poet-diplomat and politician who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971.This became Neruda's most popular book and immediately established his reputation. It also became one of the most widely read collections of poetry written in Spanish. The book stands as an essential collection that continues to inspire lovers and poets around the world. The collection begins with passion, describing sensual affection that slackens into melancholy and separation in the later verses. The closing poem, "A Song of Despair," is painful and anguished.

  • 14% sparen
    von Pablo Neruda
    18,00 €

  • von Pablo Neruda
    19,90 €

    Réussissez votre bac de français 2023 grâce à notre fiche de lecture de La Centaine d'amour de Pablo Neruda !Validée par une équipe de professeurs, cette analyse littéraire est une référence pour tous les lycéens.Grâce à notre travail éditorial, les points suivants n'auront plus aucun secret pour vous : la biographie de l'écrivain, le résumé du livre, l'étude de l'oeuvre, l'analyse des thèmes principaux à connaître et le mouvement littéraire auquel est rattaché l'auteur.

  • von Pablo Neruda
    18,00 €

    Pablo Neruda genießt als größter lebender spanisch­amerikanischer Lyriker heute Weltruhm. Die Auswahl aus seinen Gedichten zeigt ihn in allen seinen Entwicklungsstufen, allen seinen verschiedenen Formen und Inhalten, die sich zu einer einzigen großen Gonfession vereinen. Neben den Neruda der frühen, modernistischen Periode tritt der Besinger der Dinge und der Geschichte des südamerikanischen Subkontinents, der gejagte Landflüchtige und der mitreißende politische Dichter.

  • von Pablo Neruda
    16,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Pablo Neruda
    18,00 €

    Fragen an die Welt - von einem der größten Dichter aller Zeiten. Über die Rätsel der Natur und die kleinen und großen Mysterien unseres Lebens. Eine inspirierende Gedichtsammlung des Literaturnobelpreisträgers Pablo Neruda. Wenn alle Flüsse süß sind, wo hat das Meer sein Salz her? Wie teilen die Orangen sich am Baum die Sonne auf? Ist unser Leben wohl ein Tunnel, von einem vagen Licht zum anderen? Über viele Jahre hat der große lateinamerikanische Dichter und Nobelpreisträger Pablo Neruda seine ganz persönlichen Fragen an die Welt aufgeschrieben: Gedanken über die kleinen und großen Mysterien des Lebens, die Rätsel der Natur, die unerklärlichen und zugleich faszinierenden Dinge unserer Existenz. Dieser inspirierende Band ist Nerudas poetisches Testament, in dem der staunende Blick eines Kindes auf den Erfahrungsschatz eines altersweisen Mannes trifft. Fragen und Gedichte, die dazu einladen, die Welt mit unbefangener Neugier zu betrachten. Liebevoll illustriert von der katalanischen Künstlerin Maria Guitart. Ausstattung: mit 13 farbigen Illustrationen von Maria Guitart

  • von Pablo Neruda
    37,00 €

    In The Book of Questions, Pablo Neruda refuses to be corralled by the rational mind. Composed entirely of unanswerable couplets, the poems integrate the wonder of a child with the experiences of an adult. Whether comic, surreal, or Orphic, Neruda's poignant questions lead the reader beyond reason into realms of sudden intuition and pure imagination.

  • von Pablo Neruda
    24,00 €

  • von Pablo Neruda
    27,00 €

    Pablo Neruda is known first as a poet, but the prose pieces in this collection reflect the enormous hunger he demonstrated throughout his career for new modes of expression, new adventures, new challenges. Passions and Impressions is both a sequel to and an enlargement of Neruda's Memoirs, recording a lifetime of travel, of friendships and enmities, of exile and homecoming, of loss and discovery, and of history both public and personal. Above all, it is a testament to Neruda's love for Chile-for its citizens, its flora and fauna, its national identity. His abiding devotion pervades these notes on a life fully lived.

  • 14% sparen
    von Pablo Neruda
    14,98 €

  • 20% sparen
  • von Pablo Neruda
    18,00 €

    Pablo Neruda gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Dichter der Weltliteratur. Mit "20 Liebesgedichte und ein Lied der Verzweiflung" eroberte er die Herzen der Leser weit über die Grenzen Südamerikas hinaus. Vierzig Jahre nach Nerudas Tod wurden nun 21 Gedichte im Nachlass des Nobelpreisträgers entdeckt - darunter auch sechs neue Liebesgedichte. In »Dich suchte ich« besingt Neruda die Liebe und den Schmerz der Trennung, er erzählt von Chile, von der Natur seines Heimatlandes, vom Reisen. Verse, spontan zu Papier gebracht auf Zetteln, Menükarten, Konzertprogrammen, wie die diesem Band beigefügten Faksimiles zeigen. In diesen erst vor wenigen Jahren entdeckten Gedichten begegnen wir einem der wichtigsten lateinamerikanischen Autoren des 20. Jahrhunderts auf dem Höhepunkt seines Schaffens.

  • von Pablo Neruda
    12,00 €

    Die Verse der Kapitäns«, »Zwanzig Liebesgedichte« und »Der rasende Schleuderer« sind die drei wichtigsten Liebesgedichtzyklen im Werk des Nobelpreisträgers Pablo Neruda. Sie werden hier in einer vollständigen zweisprachigen Werkausgabe vorgelegt.

  • von Pablo Neruda
    23,00 €

  • von Pablo Neruda
    26,00 €

  • von Pablo Neruda
    22,00 €

    An engaging and accessible collection that includes some of the Nobel Prize winner's own favorite poems, with the English translations and original Spanish presented on facing pages."The Sea"A single entity, but no blood.A single caress, death or a rose.The sea comes in and puts our lives togetherand attacks alone and spreads itself and singsin nights and days and men and living creatures.Its essence-fire and cold; movement, movement.Pablo Neruda himself regarded Fully Empowered -- which first appeared in Spanish in 1962 under the title Plenos Poderes -- as a particular favorite, in part because it came out of a most fruitful period in his life. These thirty-six poems vary from short, intense lyrics to characteristic Neruda odes to magnificent meditations on the office of poet, including poems that would undoubtedly claim a place in any selection of Neruda's greatest work. "The People" ("El Pueblo"), about the state of the working man in Chile's past and present, and the most celebrated of Neruda's later poems, completes this reflective, graceful collection.

  • von Pablo Neruda
    32,00 €

    "Laughter is the language of the soul," Pablo Neruda said. Among the most lasting voices of the most tumultuous (in his own words, "the saddest") century, a witness and a chronicler of its most decisive events, he is the author of more than thirty-five books of poetry and one of Latin America's most revered writers, the emblem of the engaged poet, an artist whose heart, always with the people, is literally consumed by passion. His work, oscillating from epic meditations on politics and history to intimate reflections on animals, food, and everyday objects, is filled with humor and affection.This bilingual selection of more than fifty of Neruda's best poems, edited and with an introduction by the distinguished Latin American scholar Ilan Stavans and brilliantly translated by an array of well-known poets, also includes some poems previously unavailable in English. I Explain a Few Things distills the poet's brilliance to its most essential and illuminates Neruda's commitment to using the pen as a calibrator for his age.

  • von Pablo Neruda
    26,00 €

    Reflective later poems of the fiery, Nobel-Prize winning Chilean poet, with English translations and the original Spanish side-by-side on facing pages.While things are settling down,here I've left my testament,my shifting extravagaria,so whoever goes on reading itwill never take in anythingexcept the constant movingof a clear and bewildered man,a man rainy and happy,lively and autumn-minded.--from "Autumn testament"Extravagaria marks an important stage in Neruda's progress as a poet. The book was written just after he had returned to Chile after many wanderings and moved to his beloved Isla Negra on the Pacific coast. The collection celebrates this coming to rest, this rediscovery of the sea and the land, and the evolution of a a lyric poetry that is decidedly more personal than Neruda's earlier work. Written in what he called his "autumnal" period, the sixty-eight poems range from the wistful to the exultant, combining psalm and speculation, meditation and humorous aside.

  • von Pablo Neruda
    21,00 €

    Pablo Neruda's most famous long poem, with the English translations and original Spanish presented side by side.The Heights of Macchu Picchu is the finest and most famous of Neruda's longer poems and provides the key to his earlier work. It was inspired by his journey to Macchu Picchu, the Peruvian Inca city high in the Andes. Neruda's journey takes on all the symbolic qualities of a personal "venture into the interior" as the poem progresses, exploring both the roots of the poet's identity and the history of Latin America. This translation has been rendered by the distinguished poet Nathaniel Tarn and is presented in a bilingual edition, with the Spanish and English texts on facing pages.

  • von Pablo Neruda
    27,00 €

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