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Bücher von Patrick Gorsky

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  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    Embark on a captivating journey through the pages of "The Great Show - Stories About Human Masks" and uncover the intricate layers of human behavior. This compelling book delves into the fascinating realm of the masks we wear in various life situations, shedding light on both their positive and negative implications. Through insightful narratives and thought-provoking analysis, readers will gain a deeper understanding of how these masks shape our interactions, relationships, and identities. Explore the complexities of authenticity versus adaptation, as the book navigates the fine line between genuine expression and societal expectations. Discover the empowering potential of understanding these masks, as they offer insights into our own psyche and the dynamics of human interaction. However, be prepared to confront the darker side of this phenomenon, as the book also uncovers the pitfalls of conformity and the erosion of genuine connection. "The Great Show" invites readers to reflect on their own masks and encourages them to embrace authenticity while navigating the intricacies of social dynamics. With its blend of storytelling and psychological exploration, this book is a must-read for anyone curious about the complexities of human behavior.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    Dive into the captivating exploration of human intimacy with '2 Sides of Sex.' This thought-provoking book delves deep into the complexities of relationships, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of human connection. Through eloquent prose and insightful narratives, the author skillfully navigates the intricacies of intimacy, unraveling the dual perspectives that define the very essence of human sexuality. '2 Sides of Sex' offers a unique and enlightening perspective on the diverse landscapes of love, desire, and communication. Engaging and relatable, this book challenges conventional notions, encouraging readers to reflect on their own experiences and relationships. Whether you're seeking personal growth, relationship advice, or simply an enthralling read, '2 Sides of Sex' promises to captivate your mind and heart, fostering a deeper understanding of the intricate dance between passion and connection. Don't miss the chance to embark on a literary journey that will resonate long after the final page is turned. Explore the dimensions of human intimacy, and discover the two sides that shape our most profound connections.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    Embark on a captivating journey through the pages of 'Benefits of Living in the United States,' a compelling exploration of the myriad advantages that make the United States a beacon of opportunity. This enlightening book delves into the rich tapestry of American life, uncovering the diverse array of benefits that citizens and residents enjoy. From the vibrant cultural melting pot to the robust economy, each chapter unveils a different facet of the American dream. Discover the unparalleled educational opportunities, the vast landscapes that stretch from sea to shining sea, and the dynamic cities pulsating with innovation and creativity. 'Benefits of Living in the United States' is a literary ode to the freedoms, rights, and opportunities that define the American experience. Engaging prose and insightful narratives make this book an indispensable guide for anyone seeking to understand and appreciate the unparalleled advantages that come with living in this great nation. A must-read for those eager to embrace the American spirit and explore the countless benefits that come with calling the United States home.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    Embark on a captivating exploration of human connections with 'Green and Red - About Flags in Relationships.' This insightful book decodes the subtle nuances of relationships using the metaphor of flags, offering a fresh and unique perspective on love, friendship, and familial bonds. Delving into the intricate dynamics that shape our connections, the book serves as a guide for navigating the complexities of human relationships. With a blend of psychological insights and cultural reflections, 'Green and Red' provides readers with a roadmap to enhance communication, deepen understanding, and foster meaningful connections. Whether you're starting a new chapter in your life or looking to strengthen existing ties, this book offers valuable wisdom and introspection. 'Green and Red' invites you to uncover the hidden language of emotions, guiding you towards more authentic and fulfilling connections. Open these pages and embark on a transformative journey into the heart of human connection.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    Hey there, fishing pals. Looking to up your fishing game and reel in those big catches? Well, do I have a fin-tastic recommendation for you. Dive into the "It's a Lunker Bro - Complete Fishing Guide" and get ready for a reel adventure. This book is like your trusty fishing buddy, sharing all the secrets to hooking those lunkers. From bait basics to secret spots, it's got it all. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned angler, the easy-to-follow tips and tricks will have you casting like a pro in no time. Picture this: lazy days by the water, the sun on your face, and the thrill of reeling in the biggest catch of your life - all thanks to the wisdom in this guide. Don't miss out on the chance to turn your fishing dreams into fin-tastic reality. Cast a line, and get ready to shout, "It's a lunker, bro!". Happy fishing.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    Dive into the world of wise property management with "Buy and Wait - Management of Rental Properties." This book is your friendly guide to making smart choices in the rental property game, written in simple words for everyone to understand. Learn the art of buying the right property and waiting for it to grow in value. Discover practical tips on managing rental properties effectively, from handling tenants to maximizing your investment returns. The author breaks down complex concepts into easy-to-follow steps, ensuring that even beginners can grasp the essentials. With real-life examples and straightforward advice, "Buy and Wait" empowers you to make informed decisions in the ever-evolving real estate market. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting, this book equips you with the knowledge to navigate the rental property landscape with confidence. Unlock the secrets of successful property management and embark on a journey towards financial growth. "Buy and Wait" is your key to mastering the art of patience and strategic decision-making in the world of rental properties. Start reading today and pave your way to a prosperous real estate journey.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    22,00 €

    Get ready for a fascinating journey into the pages of "We Are Human - Learn Typical Human Behavior." This book is like a window into the world of human behavior, explaining why we do the things we do in simple terms. Explore the depths of laughter, tears, and the quirks that make us human. The author breaks down complex ideas into easy-to-understand language, making it an enjoyable read for everyone. Settle in with a cup of your favorite beverage, and let the words of this book unravel the mysteries of human nature. It's not just a book; it's a guide to understanding ourselves and those around us. Discover the beauty of kindness, friendship, and the unique aspects that define us as human beings.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    22,00 €

    Embark on a journey into the electrifying world of "Virtual Shock - Learn the Secrets of Smartphones," a book that unveils the mysteries behind our beloved gadgets. Discover the magic and mayhem woven into the fabric of our digital companions, as this insightful read lays bare the captivating tales of smartphones. In the pages of this book, you'll unlock the door to a realm where the glow of screens illuminates both dreams and dilemmas. Delve into the positive powers of connection, where friendships blossom in the touch of a button. But be warned, as you navigate through the chapters, you'll also encounter the shadows lurking in the realm of endless scrolling and notifications. Feel the pulse of excitement as you absorb the author's revelations about the impact of smartphones on our daily lives. Let your curiosity be your guide through the stories that echo the joys and challenges of our digital existence. Don't miss out on the chance to be enlightened, entertained, and maybe a little surprised by the secrets your smartphone holds. Dive into "Virtual Shock" and let the adventure unfold.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    Discover hope and healing in "Yes, We Can Talk - How to Deal With Trauma." This accessible guide offers simple yet powerful strategies to overcome trauma. Through relatable stories, the author provides practical tools for self-expression and communication. The book is a compassionate companion on your journey to resilience, emphasizing that recovery is achievable. It speaks directly to the heart, making it a valuable resource for those navigating tough times. "Yes, We Can Talk" is more than a book; it's a friend that walks with you, fostering understanding and support. With each page, you'll gain insights that transform pain into strength. Don't miss this beacon of hope and start your healing journey today.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    22,00 €

    Dive into the fascinating world of "Cyber Coin - Artificial Intelligence in the World of Cryptocurrencies" and unlock the secrets behind the rise of digital money. This book is your passport to understanding how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the landscape of cryptocurrencies in a way that's easy to grasp. Discover how AI algorithms power the smart decisions behind successful crypto trading and learn how they navigate the complex world of blockchain technology. "Cyber Coin" is your friendly guide, breaking down complex concepts into bite-sized pieces, making it perfect for beginners. Uncover the synergy between AI and cryptocurrencies, demystifying the tech jargon along the way. From Bitcoin to Ethereum, this book simplifies the intricate relationship, making it an enjoyable read for anyone curious about the future of finance. Don't miss out on the chance to elevate your understanding of the digital revolution. Embark on a journey that will leave you enlightened and excited about the limitless possibilities at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Cryptocurrencies.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    22,00 €

    Discover a world of understanding and connection in 'Ok I See - Exploring the Power of Emotional Intelligence.' This book is like a friendly guide, unlocking the secrets of emotions in simple words for everyone. Dive into stories and examples that make emotions easy to grasp, helping you navigate the ups and downs of life with grace. Written with warmth and clarity, 'Ok I See' empowers you to connect with your own emotions and those of others. Learn how emotional intelligence can be a superpower in relationships, at work, and in your personal growth journey. It's not just a book; it's a companion that teaches you to listen to your feelings and respond with wisdom. This delightful read is a journey of self-discovery, offering practical insights that anyone can apply. Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply someone curious about the power of emotions, 'Ok I See' is a must-read. Open your heart to understanding, and let the adventure into emotional intelligence begin.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    Unlock the power of effective communication with 'Talk Time - How to Communicate Effectively and Influence People.' This book is your guide to mastering the art of conversation in a simple and engaging way. Learn the secrets to clear and impactful communication that will transform your personal and professional relationships. Packed with practical tips and true guidance, 'Talk Time' is a must-read for anyone looking to boost their communication skills. Whether you're a student, professional, or just want to improve your daily interactions, this book provides valuable insights that are easy to apply. Discover the keys to persuasive communication, active listening, and building rapport. Elevate your conversations and make a lasting impression. Embark on a journey to become a more confident and influential communicator. Your success in relationships and communication starts here.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    24,00 €

    Discover the joy of creating delicious, wholesome snacks with the "Complete Dehydrator Cookbook." This cookbook is your go-to guide for turning fresh fruits, veggies, and more into tasty treats that burst with flavor. Easy-to-follow recipes make dehydrating a breeze, whether you're a kitchen novice or a seasoned chef. Explore a world of culinary possibilities as you learn the art of preserving food with simplicity and style. From sweet and chewy dried fruits to savory jerky, this cookbook offers a variety of recipes that cater to every taste bud. With clear instructions and basic ingredients, you'll master the dehydrating process in no time. Turn your kitchen into a haven of healthy, homemade snacks that are perfect for on-the-go or entertaining friends. The "Complete Dehydrator Cookbook" is a must-have for anyone looking to add a dash of creativity to their culinary adventures. Unleash your inner chef, and embark on a journey of flavors with this accessible and delightful cookbook.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    Discover the secrets to becoming the boss of your own life with 'Who Is the Boss? - A Manual on How to Be Important and Respected.' This empowering book is your guide to unlocking the keys to success in a simple and relatable way. Packed with practical advice and tips, it's a must-read for anyone aspiring to be more influential and respected. Learn valuable lessons on leadership, communication, and self-confidence that will transform your personal and professional life. With an engaging writing style, this manual makes complex ideas easy to understand, ensuring that readers of all backgrounds can grasp the principles of importance and respect. Take charge of your destiny, gain confidence, and build the skills needed to make a lasting impact. Who says being the boss is only for a select few? This book proves that anyone can be important and respected by embracing key principles and adopting a positive mindset. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your life and embark on a journey toward personal and professional success.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    22,00 €

    Discover the magic of everyday happiness with "The Simplest Kinds of Joy." This heartwarming book invites you to explore the beauty in life's small moments, reminding you that joy can be found in the simplest of things. Through easy-to-understand language and relatable stories, the author gently guides readers on a journey to appreciate the ordinary and find happiness in the everyday. From the warmth of a morning cup of coffee to the joy of a shared smile, "The Simplest Kinds of Joy" is a celebration of life's uncomplicated pleasures. Its pages are filled with charming anecdotes and uplifting insights that inspire a positive outlook on life. Perfect for anyone seeking a dose of positivity and a reminder to cherish the little things, this book is a delightful companion for moments of reflection and gratitude. Embrace the simplicity of joy, and let this book be your guide to a brighter, more fulfilling life.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    Discover the transformative magic within the pages of "The Power of the Morning," a book that unveils the secrets to kickstarting your day for unparalleled success. This gem is a guide to cultivating impactful morning habits that can shape a brighter, more fulfilling life. Dive into practical insights and easy-to-follow routines that promise to elevate your mornings and set the tone for triumph throughout the day. "The Power of the Morning" is your passport to unlocking hidden potential and achieving your goals by harnessing the untapped energy of the early hours. With straightforward language, it introduces practical tips that anyone can incorporate into their daily routine. Learn how small changes in your morning rituals can lead to big victories in your personal and professional life. This book isn't just about waking up early; it's a blueprint for crafting a morning routine that empowers you to conquer challenges, boost productivity, and cultivate a positive mindset. Join the countless readers who have embraced the wisdom of "The Power of the Morning" and witnessed remarkable transformations in their lives. Grab your copy today and embark on a journey to embrace the dawn of each day with newfound vigor and purpose.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    Unlock the door to a more fulfilling and passionate connection with "Secrets of Successful Sex". This captivating book is your guide to discovering the keys to a truly satisfying and exciting intimate life. Dive into the pages and explore a world of simple yet powerful secrets that can transform your relationship. Written in an easy-to-understand language, this book is perfect for everyone, whether you're just starting your journey into intimacy or looking to add a spark to your existing connection. "Secrets of Successful Sex" covers a range of topics, from communication to understanding desires, offering practical tips and insights that you can easily apply in your own life. It's not just a book about physical intimacy; it's a manual for building a stronger emotional connection with your partner. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your relationship and create lasting memories together.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    "Mega Focus - How to Control Mental Chaos?" is your go-to guide for taming the wild thoughts in your mind! This uplifting book takes you on a journey to discover practical and simple ways to gain control over mental chaos. With easy-to-understand language, it offers effective techniques to sharpen your focus and regain clarity in your daily life.Written with your well-being in mind, "Mega Focus" provides actionable tips and tricks to declutter your mind and enhance concentration. Whether you're a student, professional, or just someone looking for a mental boost, this book is a friendly companion on your path to improved focus. You'll find inspiration, relatable anecdotes, and step-by-step strategies that empower you to overcome distractions and unlock your full cognitive potential. Dive into "Mega Focus" and embark on a positive journey towards a calmer, more focused, and happier you.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    "History Shot - About Human History in the World" is a captivating exploration of humanity's journey from its beginnings to the present. Written in accessible language, it unveils the stories of ancient civilizations, from Egypt's pyramids to the grandeur of the Roman Empire. The book spans pivotal moments, from early human evolution to the modern space age. It serves as a time machine, providing a vivid and engaging narrative of triumphs, struggles, and innovations. Whether you're a history buff or a novice, the book promises an enlightening experience. Each page is a snapshot of our remarkable past, offering a comprehensive understanding of our shared history. "History Shot" encourages readers to appreciate the present while contemplating the possibilities of the future. It's an educational and thrilling adventure, making history come alive for all readers. Dive into the richness of human history with this accessible and informative book.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    Discover the secrets to becoming a poker legend with 'How to be a Grandmaster in Texas Hold'em Poker.' This book is your ultimate guide to mastering the art of Texas Hold'em, written in a simple and engaging language that everyone can understand. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, this book breaks down the game into easy-to-follow strategies, helping you elevate your skills and make informed decisions at the poker table. Uncover the tactics used by grandmasters to read opponents, bluff effectively, and build a winning mindset. From understanding hand rankings to mastering the psychology behind the game, this book provides a comprehensive roadmap to turn you into a Texas Hold'em grandmaster. With real-life examples and practical tips, you'll gain the confidence to navigate any poker scenario. Get ready to dominate your poker nights and tournaments, as 'How to be a Grandmaster in Texas Hold'em Poker' unveils the playbook for success in the thrilling world of high-stakes poker. Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your game and outsmart your opponents.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    Step into the world of delicious simplicity with the "Extra Easy Keto Diet Cookbook." This culinary treasure is a gateway to a healthier lifestyle, offering 40 mouthwatering recipes that are not just easy, but extra easy! Whether you're a seasoned keto enthusiast or just starting your low-carb journey, this cookbook is your go-to guide for tasty and uncomplicated meals. Discover a variety of recipes designed to make your keto experience a breeze, from hearty breakfasts to satisfying dinners. Each recipe is crafted with simplicity in mind, using everyday ingredients that are easy to find. Dive into a world of flavors without the hassle, as the "Extra Easy Keto Diet Cookbook" empowers you to create wholesome meals effortlessly. Say goodbye to complicated cooking and hello to a stress-free keto lifestyle. With clear instructions and simple ingredients, this cookbook makes the ketogenic diet accessible to everyone. Elevate your culinary skills and embark on a delicious journey towards a healthier you. Grab your apron, and let the simplicity of the "Extra Easy Keto Diet Cookbook" inspire your kitchen adventures.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    24,00 €

    Embark on an exciting journey to financial success with "Millionaire Adventure - Learn the Secrets of Rich People." This book is your roadmap to understanding how wealthy individuals achieve their dreams and build fortunes. Packed with simple and easy-to-understand language, it unveils the secrets that millionaires use to create abundance in their lives.Discover practical tips on budgeting, saving, and investing that anyone can apply. The author breaks down complex financial concepts into straightforward ideas, making it accessible for readers of all backgrounds. You'll learn the art of smart decision-making, setting achievable goals, and developing a millionaire mindset.With engaging anecdotes and real-life examples, "Millionaire Adventure" provides inspiration and motivation to take charge of your financial destiny. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to enhance your wealth-building strategies, this book is your trusted companion. Uncover the simple yet powerful principles that can pave the way to financial freedom. Don't miss out on the chance to turn your dreams into reality - join the "Millionaire Adventure" today.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    "The Great Test of Life" is a transformative exploration of a mindset that advocates testing everything in life, rejecting the need for excessive proficiency or undue stress. The book challenges conventional wisdom, urging readers to approach challenges with curiosity and ease. It champions a testing mindset, promoting experimentation, resilience, and a joy for discovery. With relatable anecdotes and practical advice, the author guides readers on incorporating this mindset into daily life. The book encourages viewing every experience as an opportunity to test, iterate, and grow. From acquiring new skills to navigating relationships, it provides a roadmap for shedding unnecessary expectations. "The Great Test of Life" is a manifesto for a liberating and joyful existence, challenging the notion that expertise is a prerequisite for action. It invites readers to embrace the freedom that comes with taking life one test at a time. The author asserts that life's greatest tests are invitations to savor the journey and uncover boundless potential. It advocates for living in a perpetual state of testing, where failure is not feared but seen as an integral part of the process.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    "Neo Key" introduces you to a special ancient key that holds the secrets of the universe. This key is like a tool that opens up mysteries, blending real and fantasy worlds. As you understand the unique key, you reveal connections that link to an unknown destiny. Think of this book as a puzzle, taking you on an adventure into unknown territories that keep you excited and curious. "Neo Key" doesn't fit into one category; it's a journey into magical and mysterious places. With each turn of the page, the excitement grows, and the key beckons for an extraordinary experience. This captivating journey leaves you amazed and intensely curious. Dive into the unknown, follow the clues, and uncover the secrets hidden within the pages. It's an invitation to explore the magic of words and find extraordinary things in ordinary places. The key is ready, and the adventure starts with the very first mysterious sentence.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    20,00 €

    "Complete Training" is a game-changing manual presenting a straightforward 2-step strength and endurance program crafted for rugged men. This robust approach simplifies traditional fitness, delivering an easily applicable system for individuals leading demanding lives. The book prioritizes practicality, requiring no high-priced gym memberships or specialized equipment. Focused on unleashing primal strength and enduring power, the program seamlessly integrates into daily routines, whether at home or on the go. Beyond exercises, it explores resilient nutrition, recovery strategies, and mental toughness for a holistic approach to warrior wellness. Tailored for both seasoned warriors and those stepping onto the battlefield, it ensures physical transformations and a surge in confidence. "Complete Training" isn't just a guide; it's a warrior's manifesto, challenging readers to unlock their full, unyielding potential. The emphasis on simplicity sets it apart, making combat-ready fitness accessible to all. It's your ticket to becoming a powerhouse, forging a tougher, more resilient self. Are you ready to embark on the journey to warrior-grade mastery?

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    21,00 €

    Do you worry about losing your independence as you get older? Are you concerned about falls or injuries that could limit your mobility? You're not alone...If you're like most seniors, you're familiar with health concerns, especially when it comes to flexibility and mobility. For some, it can feel like it's too late for you to get in shape and improve your fitness - especially if you don't have prior fitness experience. But don't despair! Exercise remains accessible at any age. It's all a matter of recognizing your limits and abilities - and working with them, rather than against them. You shouldn't feel like you're fighting an uphill battle when it comes to your health. Many older people would like to have a relaxing form of exercise that doesn't put too much strain on muscles and joints or interfere with their daily routines. Chair yoga provides the perfect opportunity to get moving while limiting the risk of injury and improving flexibility. You can achieve many of the same benefits as other forms of yoga and will find yourself looking and feeling better than ever before by following the simple and short routines within this book. Illustrated charts are included to make these routines easy for beginners to follow. With these accessible moves and step-by-step guidance, you'll discover everything you need to know to get started with a regular chair yoga practice. Going beyond the physical movements, this guide addresses the importance of all aspects of wellness with tips and tricks for making the most of the resources you have available to you. In this guide, here is just a fraction of what you will discover: -A lot of quick and simple chair yoga poses for the absolute beginner with illustrations to follow along with.-The surprising impact of positive expectations and mindset on exercise results.-How to prevent injury and maximize the benefits of a chair yoga practice.-Why yoga isn't just for young people and other commonly held myths and misconceptions.-Benefits of a yoga practice that go beyond the physical - some of them may surprise you!-Simple tips for flexibility. You can incorporate yoga practice into your day at any time - all you need is a chair! Yoga comes with a host of physical and mental benefits, and as you get into the practice, you'll feel more flexible, relaxed, and calm. With strategies to help you start and stick to a routine, you'll have everything you need at your fingertips. If you're ready to transform your health and start feeling younger than ever, this guide is for you!

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    21,00 €

    Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results. No matter for kids goals, Bomb Habits offers a proven framework for improving - every day. This guide reveals practical strategies that will teach kids exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results. If there is a problem with changing habits, the problem is not you or your child. The problem is system. Bad habits are repeated not because you don't want to change them, but because the system for changing them is bad. You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. Here, you'll get a proven system that can take you and your child to new heights. This book is known for his ability to distill complex topics into simple behaviors that can be easily applied to daily life and work. It contains numerous stories in the form of fairy tales that refer to specific habits and summaries that allow you to implement the habits immediately. Bomb Habits will reshape the way you and your kids think about progress and success, and give you the tools and strategies you need to transform your habits - whether who you are. Learn how to: - Make time for new habits (even when life gets crazy)-Overcome a lack of motivation and willpower-Design your environment to make success easier-Get back on track when you fall off courseAnd much more Books contain additional materials (extension).

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    23,00 €

    Czy chcesz przestä przejmowä si¿ tym, co my¿l¿ o Tobie inni? Odkryj sprawdzone sposoby na bycie sob¿ z pewnöci¿ i bez skrupüów.W tym przewodniku znajdziesz najlepsze sposoby na odzyskanie przestrzeni, odzyskanie kontroli i rozpocz¿cie ¿ycia dok¿adnie tak, jak chcesz. W tym e-booku znajdziesz jasne metody, jak ¿y¿ pewnie, pomimo os¿dów i opinii innych. Möe chcesz pod¿¿ä za swoj¿ pasj¿, znale¿¿ wybranego partnera, a möe po prostu zrobi¿ cö, o czym zawsze marzy¿e¿, ale nie mog¿e¿, bo zastanawiäe¿ si¿, jak inni Ci¿ odbior¿. Prze¿am ten schemat my¿lenia i znajd¿ wolnö¿ na drugim köcu, aby by¿ sob¿. Zastosuj metody sugerowane w tej ksi¿¿ce, aby odkry¿, jak bardzo odnowiona pewnö¿ siebie möe wp¿yn¿¿ na Twoje relacje osobiste i zawodowe. Dowiedz si¿, jak by¿ zrelaksowanym, spokojnym i szcz¿¿liwym wewn¿trz pomimo trudnych relacji. W tej ksi¿¿ce znajdziesz: -Najlepsze sposoby, aby przestä martwi¿ si¿ tym, co my¿l¿ inni-Jak radzi¿ sobie z konfliktami, nie psuj¿c relacji-Dlaczego zadowalanie ludzi nie dziäa i co möna zrobi¿ zamiast tego-Proste sposoby na stworzenie ¿wietnego wizerunku na autopilocie, b¿d¿c autentycznie sob¿-Jak odzyskä swoj¿ przestrze¿, gdy ludzie naruszaj¿ Twoje granice-Jak sobie poradzi¿ ze strachem przed ocen¿ lub odrzuceniem przez innych-Zrozum sprzeczny z intuicj¿ powód, dla którego ludzie próbuj¿ Ci¿ kontrolowä lub manipulowä W tej ksi¿¿ce znajdziesz jasne wskazówki, jak zyskä pewnö¿ siebie i przestä martwi¿ si¿ tym, co my¿l¿ o Tobie inni. Nie ma znaczenia, jak d¿ugo mniej dbäe¿ o to, czego chcesz, a bardziej o to, co my¿l¿ inni. Nadal möesz zmieni¿ to, co stanie si¿ pó¿niej. Chcesz wiedzie¿ jak?

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    24,00 €

    "Jak znale¿¿ spokój ducha" oferuje zestaw przyst¿pnych, popartych naukowo strategii, które pokazuj¿, ¿e droga do mniej niespokojnego ¿ycia i jeszcze wi¿kszej produktywnöci prowadzi bezpörednio przez spokój. Rady dotycz¿ce produktywnöci dziäaj¿ - a teraz potrzebujemy ich bardziej ni¿ kiedykolwiek - ale równie wäne jest, aby¿my rozwijali tak¿e nasz¿ zdolnö¿ do zachowania spokoju. Znajduj¿c spokój i przezwyci¿¿aj¿c niepokój, nie tylko czujemy si¿ bardziej komfortowo we w¿asnej skórze, ale inwestujemy w brakuj¿cy element, który z biegiem czasu prowadzi do zrównowäonego rozwoju naszych wysi¿ków. Budujemy g¿¿bszy, bardziej ekspansywny zbiornik energii, z którego möemy czerpä w ci¿gu dnia i mamy do dyspozycji wi¿ksze zasoby mentalne, aby nie tylko wykonywä dobr¿ prac¿, ale tak¿e prowadzi¿ dobre ¿ycie. W¿ród tematów Jak uspokoi¿ umys¿ znajduj¿ si¿: -Jak ¿wiat analogowy i cyfrowy na ró¿ne sposoby wp¿ywaj¿ na spokój i niepokój;-Jak nasze pragnienie dopaminy rodzi niepokój,-Jak ukryte ¿ród¿a stresu möna okie¿znä poprzez "szybk¿ stymulacj¿";-Jak "zaj¿cie" jest w równym stopniu stanem umys¿u, co rzeczywistym stanem ¿ycia. D¿¿enie do spokoju ostatecznie prowadzi nas do wi¿kszego zaangäowania, skupienia i przemy¿lanöci, a jednocze¿nie czyni nas bardziej produktywnymi i ogólnie zadowolonymi z naszego ¿ycia. W niespokojnym ¿wiecie osi¿gni¿cie spokoju jest najlepszym ratunkiem.

  • von Patrick Gorsky
    22,00 €

    Discover the benefits of holistic wellness designed specifically for women's need in "Natural Wellness Strategies For Woman" With the use of natural and powerful methods, this in-depth booklet will show you how to reach your maximum potential for health, energy, and balance. Discover a world of self-care that is geared around a woman's body's natural cycles, from diet and exercise to stress reduction and mental health. Explore the complexities of hormonal balance, appreciate the elegance with which we age, and unlock the healing power of herbal medicines and dietary supplements. This booklet gives you the tools you need to design a customized wellness strategy that work for you, including useful insights, doable advice and professional help. On your road toward natural health, make relevant objectives, monitor your progress, and maintain motivation. Give yourself the tools you need to live a life that exudes natural well-being, vigor, and harmonious wholeness. Begin your journey right now and enjoy the transformational power of natural techniques created just for women.

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