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Bücher von Paul

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  • von Paul
    32,00 €

    Cancer is a word that strikes fear into the hearts of many people. It is a disease that affects millions of individuals across the globe, regardless of age, gender, or background. In this subchapter, we will explore the basics of cancer, shedding light on what it is, how it develops, and how it affects the lives of those diagnosed with it.At its core, cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. These cells have the potential to invade and destroy surrounding tissues and organs, leading to serious health complications. While there are over 100 different types of cancer, they all share a common characteristic: the disruption of the body's natural balance of cell growth and death.Understanding the development of cancer is crucial in comprehending its impact. The disease starts at a cellular level, with mutations occurring in the DNA of a cell. These mutations can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic predisposition, environmental exposures, lifestyle choices, and certain infections. Over time, these abnormal cells multiply, forming a tumor. While tumors can be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous), it is the latter that poses the greatest threat to human health.Cancer can affect any part of the body, with some of the most common types being breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer. Each type has its own unique characteristics, symptoms, and treatment options. It is important to note that cancer not only impacts the physical well-being of an individual but also takes a toll on their emotional, social, and financial aspects of life.Early detection and timely treatment play a vital role in the fight against cancer. Regular screenings, such as mammograms, Pap smears, and colonoscopies, can help identify cancer at its earliest stages when treatment is often more successful. Additionally, adopting a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption, can reduce the risk of developing cancer.

  • von Paul & Patti Quant
    13,00 €

  • von Paul
    23,00 €

  • von Lewis, Meyer, Paul & usw.
    49,00 €

  • von Paul
    15,90 €

    »Geld regiert die Welt« - angesichts der jüngeren Finanzkrisen eine Binsenweisheit. Die tatsächliche Herrschaft des Geldes ist jedoch selbst in den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften häufig unverstanden. Anstatt einzelne »alternative« Theorien des Geldes aneinanderzureihen, gibt dieser Band aus der Perspektive einer ökonomisch aufgeklärten, soziologischen Kredittheorie des Geldes einen kohärenten Überblick über die Anfänge, die Funktionsweise, die finanziellen und sozialstrukturellen Effekte unseres heutigen Geldwesens. Behandelt werden u.a. »primitive Gelder«, behavioral finance und Experimente mit Alternativwährungen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass nicht nur unser kapitalistisches Wirtschaftssystem als geldbestimmt, sondern die moderne westliche Gesellschaft selbst als monetär integriert aufgefasst werden muss.

  • - Walk Softly and Put Down That Big Stick
    von Paul & Jr Kay
    34,00 €

    "Thank you, Paul!" said the Little Spider, is a heartfelt, thought-provoking story intended for a maturing audience. The miracle we call life is found in an almost infinite variety of bodies. Arachnida, mammals, insects, fish, crustaceans, birds, reptiles, amphibians, plants, flowers, trees, and the microscopic literally are life's hosts. Humans are quick to tout their dominating position in a grand pyramid scheme they alone designed and continue to manipulate. This book implores everyone to take this self-appointed stewardship of earth with more understanding, empathy, and humility. Go outside. The lives you encounter will assume a defensive posture. The last thing any creature needs is another threat to its survival. People need to stop kowtowing to screens and start paying attention to real-life scenes.

  • - A Commentary on the Order of Dedication of a Church and an Altar
    von Paul & STD Turner
    34,00 €

  • - Christian Apocrypha Series
    von Paul
    22,00 €

  • von Paul, Linda Smith, MD Meier & usw.
    24,00 €

  • - The Life of a Heart Surgeon
    von Paul & M D Naffah
    66,00 €

  • von Paul & H. SCHNEITER
    24,00 €

  • - A Widow's Guide to Growing Stronger
    von Paul, Linda Smith, MD Meier & usw.
    24,00 €

    Widows may ask:· My husband and I were one. What do I do now that half of me is gone? · Who am I now? · Will this pain ever end?· What do I do when I feel so all alone?· How will I find a new normal?Don't Lose Heart! A Widow's Guide to Growing Stronger explores these questions and more, addressing the feelings of desolation and disorientation that widows often experience.Therapist Mary Beth Woll wrote her first book with psychiatrist Dr. Paul Meier. Growing Stronger: 12 Guidelines Designed to Turn Your Darkest Hour into Your Greatest Victory was designed to help women experiencing crises, trauma, depression and grief. When Mary Beth lost her husband Bob, she realized that widows also needed such a book to specifically address their anguish. Linda Smith and Mary Beth Woll met in 1978. Linda husband Kirby died in 2013. Mary Beth's husband Bob died in 2019. Becoming widows took their friendship to a new level as Linda mentored Mary Beth through her deep grief. Together, Linda and Mary Beth now bring the comfort and hope to other widows which they themselves have received from God. Don't Lose Heart! can be used for individual or group study. The questions following each chapter will prompt meaningful discussion. Mary Beth Woll, MA is Co-Director of The Widows Project and a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with Meier Clinics, She is the mother of four adult children and eight grandchildren. She makes her home in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.Linda R. Smith is Co-Director of The Widows Project, a teacher, and a mentor to widows. She is the mother of two and Grandma to six. She lives in Edmond, WA and attends Westgate Chapel.Paul Meier, MD is a psychiatrist and founder of the national chain of Meier Clinics. He is also the author of more than 100 books that have sold over seven million copies in more than thirty languages.

  • - 15th Anniversary
    von B. TCHOUNWOU & Paul
    226,00 €

  • - Life-Saving Strategies The News Media Will Never Tell You
    von M D Thomas & Paul
    33,00 €

  • - Mountain in the Clouds
    von Paul & PhD Nemeth Major U S a F Retired
    19,00 - 26,00 €

  • - The New World
    von Paul
    34,00 €

  • von M D Raffer & Paul
    21,00 €

  • von Paul
    23,00 €

  • - Leader's Guide To Change Management
    von Paul & PhD Gerhardt
    65,00 €

    This is a complete step-by-step guide for being an effective leader of organizational change. Remember when organizations like K-Mart, Sears, and HP were at the top of their industries? In today?s workplaces, things change very rapidly. Failing to create an organizational culture that knows how to change effectively, means that the competition will gain a competitive edge that you may never recover from. No organization can fair to lose its share of the market. Use this workbook to read about what it takes to create positive organizational change. Everything you need to know about creating change based upon the latest research and models. External and Internal factors bring about change.Major lessons from year's of research and insights learned from doing organizational change in today's every-changing workplaces have led to the development of this workbook. Start by reading each lesson and then do the activity as you desire. Visit:

  • von Paul Frise Ph D
    18,98 €

  • - Could It Happen Again?
    von MD Lefort & Paul
    26,00 €

    This book discusses the turning point in history marked by the advent of Hitler, Nazism, and World War II. How could a political leader radically change the configuration of the world in a period of just twelve years? This approach will allow the reader to explore a civilization slippage that illustrates the potential of love and hatred in the depths of human nature. This book also uses the recent developments in psychology and psychiatry research to shed a new perspective on one individual who, without being affected by a mental illness, showed a severe personality disorder. This historic disaster has the profile of a scam on a global scale-based on seduction, lies, and deception. Democracy, which two essential markers are access to information and freedom of press, appears as the least imperfect political system for the protection of human rights and is vulnerable to the unpredictability of human nature in situations of power.

  • von Paul & Dr Gouda
    33,00 €

  • von Paul & D. (Queen Mary University of London) Hamilton
    18,00 €

  • von Paul & Jr Loatman
    29,00 €

  • von Kirsty Hutcheon & Paul
    32,00 €

  • von PH.D. Carus & Paul
    25,90 €

  • - Second edition
    von Paul & PH.D. Carus
    22,90 €

  • von PhD Adam & Paul
    24,90 - 29,90 €

  • - Deutscher Sprache Ehrenkranz
    von Ph.D. Pietsch & Paul
    26,90 €

  • von Victor Considerant, PhD Adam & Paul
    37,00 €

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