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Bücher von Paul Bocuse

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  • von Paul Bocuse
    29,98 €

    The unequivocal reference tome on the full spectrum of twentieth-century French cooking, interpreted and revised by master chef Paul Bocuse for the home cook. Celebrated chef Paul Bocuse is the authority on classic French cuisine. In this volume, he shares 500 simple, traditional French recipes. Aimed at the beginner, but with enough breadth to entice the confident chef, these recipes can be readily prepared at home, and emphasize the use of fresh and widely available ingredients. This new cookbook is a complete collection of Bocuse's classic French recipes, which have been tried and tested over a lifetime in the business, and revised and adapted here to be accessible for the modern kitchen. With 221 colour photographs to inspire the home cook, this indispensable kitchen companion is also an authoritative culinary reference work on traditional French cooking, which remains an international, UNESCO-protected benchmark in world gastronomy. Divided into 22 chapters, with 14 covering savoury recipes and 8 covering sweet recipes, Bocuse covers everything from from soups to soufflés, by way of terrines, fish, meat, vegetables, and sauces. Practical appendixes include average cooking times for different types of meat, conversion tables, and a glossary of key French culinary terms.

  • von Paul Bocuse
    16,00 €

    Der König der Köche in Ihrer KüchePaul Bocuse hat neue Maßstäbe für eine Kultur des Essens und Trinkens gesetzt. Kein Koch ist weltweit so berühmt geworden wie er. In diesem Standardwerk zur "Nouvelle Cuisine" erklärt Bocuse die Grundregeln seiner Kunst und stellt in zwölf Kapiteln eine reiche Auswahl der besten Rezepte vor, von Vorspeisen und Suppen über Fisch, Fleisch und Schalentiere bis zu Gemüsegerichten und Desserts.Ein echter Klassiker, unentbehrlich für alle Kenner und Freunde erlesener Gaumenfreuden und hoher Esskultur!

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