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Bücher von Paul Miller

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  • - The Amazing Psychic Art of Frank Leah
    von Paul Miller
    19,00 €

  • von Paul Miller
    79,00 €

    This book provides a detailed overview of the history, current status and future needs of fertiliser developments in an era where sustainability is of paramount importance. Chapters also review recent advances in the use of fertiliser technologies, such as crop sprayers.

  • von Paul Miller
    12,00 €

    Michal Dobrovolný je ¿eský spisovatel, noviná¿,astrofyzik a matematik. Je autorem více ne¿ tisíceknih.Narodil se v kv¿tnu roku 2007 v T¿ebí¿i. StudovalZ¿ Tomá¿e Garrigua Masaryka, poté na místnímgymnáziu. P¿i studiu napsal tém¿¿ tisíc knih. Jehoprvní publikace (Tabulky goniometrických funkcí)byla vydána v b¿eznu 2022.V 15 letech zäal studovat prost¿ednictvímcelöivotního vzd¿lávání astrofyziku naMasarykov¿ univerzit¿.V IQ testu Mensy dosáhl výsledku 160 IQ.Koná cykly p¿edná¿ek z matematiky, fyzikya astronomie pro ve¿ejnost. Dlouhodob¿ se v¿nuje¿urnalistice, a to jak pro vlastní periodika(elektronické ¿asopisy Bolid, Pulsar a Boson),tak pro r¿zné nejen ¿eské zpravodajské weby.Spole¿n¿ se svým otcem vlastní nakladatelství,které rön¿ vydá okolo tisíce knih, sám pakspravuje zahrani¿ní nakladatelství CosinusPublishing. Toto nakladatelství se pak rovn¿¿ staráo p¿eklady jeho knih do jiných jazyk¿.

  • von Paul Miller & Kevin Ellman Cfp
    42,00 €

    Family businesses are the backbone of the American economy. It is not surprising, therefore, that many founders of family businesses want the fruits of their labor to survive and continue to grow for generations to come.For families of wealth, the set up and maintenance of a successful Wealth Preservation, Transfer and Succession Plan often involves complex elements and techniques that require advanced planning and proper tool implementation by a broad team of professionals. Unfortunately, a critical factor that Families of Wealth often overlook in this process is having a 360┬░ Family Wealth Manager oversee and coordinate their diverse cast of professionals, frequently including lawyers, accountants, stockbrokers, insurance agents and bankers. This lack of oversight and coordination by a 360┬░ Family Wealth Manager can result in unintended but severe consequences. Throughout this book, Kevin Ellman, CFP and Paul Miller, Family Wealth Managers, use a combination of case studies, and in-depth examination of the various planning tools, strategies, and techniques, that can be employed to help reduce or even eliminate the potential damaging effects of poor Wealth Preservation and Transfer Planning.In their view, Kevin and Paul believe that 360┬░ Family Wealth Management provides the best opportunity for implementing and maintaining a successful Family Wealth Management Plan. Can Your Family Wealth Management Plan Pass The 360┬░ STRESS TEST?

  • von Paul Miller
    20,00 €

    A long overdue reprint of the rare classic book from 1945 by Paul Miller. The author scoured many books and papers of eminent scientists who investigated psychic phenomena and mediums in the early days of Spiritualism (from Russel Wallace to Sir Wm Crookes and Dr Crawford with the Goligher Circle). The book contains not only detailed descriptions of the experiments of 10 of those men, but also their own words justifying their conclusions of the phenomena they had witnessed with various mediums under tight experimental control. Miller's aim in collecting this evidence is to stimulate curiosity, and to advance interest until people find for themselves whether this thing be true or false for them, just as it has been proved to myriads of others on this planet. Often vilified for their work in this area it is important that their work is remembered and gives us stepping stones in the future.

  • von Paul Miller
    92,00 €

    This practical resource is the first to apply EMDR to clients/patients with psychotic disorders. It provides a summary of the latest research covering the use of EMDR in schizophrenia and the other psychoses, and demonstrates how an easy to use adaptation of the standard EMDR 8-phase protocol, the ICoNN model can be successfully applied in this client group with good outcomes.

  • von Paul Miller
    27,00 €

  • von Paul Miller
    66,00 €

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