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Bücher von Paul Tobin

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    von Paul Tobin
    37,98 €

    Multi-Eisner award-winning writer Paul Tobin pens a fantasy epic of the adventures of Geralt of Rivia, a witcher--one of the few remaining monster hunters from the critically acclaimed video game fantasy The Witcher by CD Projekt Red!Featuring story art by Joe Querio, Piotr Kowalski, Max Bertolini, with a bonus sketchbook section and additional art by Dave Johnson (100 Bullets), Dan Panosian (Slots), Stan Sakai (Usagi Yojimbo), Duncan Fegredo (MPH), Simon Bisley (Lobo), and a cover by Mike Mignola (Hellboy). Collects issues #1-#5 of the Witcher comic series House of Glass, Fox Children, Curse of Crows, and collected for the first time, Killing Monsters one-shot--and features annotations from the creators of the comics, as well as a sketchbook section.

  • von Paul Tobin
    42,00 €

    PSpice for Digital Signal Processing is the last in a series of five books using Cadence Orcad PSpice version 10.5 and introduces a very novel approach to learning digital signal processing (DSP). DSP is traditionally taught using Matlab/Simulink software but has some inherent weaknesses for students particularly at the introductory level. The 'plug in variables and play' nature of these software packages can lure the student into thinking they possess an understanding they don't actually have because these systems produce results quicklywithout revealing what is going on. However, it must be said that, for advanced level work Matlab/Simulink really excel. In this book we start by examining basic signals starting with sampled signals and dealing with the concept of digital frequency. The delay part, which is the heart of DSP, is explained and applied initially to simple FIR and IIR filters. We examine linear time invariant systems starting with the difference equation and applying the z-transform to produce a range of filter type i.e. low-pass, high-pass and bandpass. The important concept of convolution is examined and here we demonstrate the usefulness of the 'log' command in Probe for giving the correct display to demonstrate the 'flip n slip' method. Digital oscillators, including quadrature carrier generation, are then examined. Several filter design methods are considered and include the bilinear transform, impulse invariant, and window techniques. Included also is a treatment of the raised-cosine family of filters. A range of DSP applications are then considered and include the Hilbert transform, single sideband modulator using the Hilbert transform and quad oscillators, integrators and differentiators. Decimation and interpolation are simulated to demonstrate the usefulness of the multi-sampling environment. Decimation is also applied in a treatment on digital receivers. Lastly, we look at some musical applications for DSP such as reverberation/echo using real-world signals imported into PSpice using the program Wav2Ascii. The zero-forcing equalizer is dealt with in a simplistic manner and illustrates the effectiveness of equalizing signals in a receiver after transmission.

  • von Paul Tobin
    42,00 €

    In this book, PSpice for Filters and Transmission Lines, we examine a range of active and passive filters where each design is simulated using the latest Cadence Orcad V10.5 PSpice capture software. These filters cannot match the very high order digital signal processing (DSP) filters considered in PSpice for Digital Signal Processing, but nevertheless these filters have many uses. The active filters considered were designed using Butterworth and Chebychev approximation loss functions rather than using the 'cookbook approach' so that the final design will meet a given specification in an exacting manner. Switched-capacitor filter circuits are examined and here we see how useful PSpice/Probe is in demonstrating how these filters, filter, as it were. Two-port networks are discussed as an introduction to transmission lines and, using a series of problems, we demonstrate quarter-wave and single-stub matching. The concept of time domain reflectrometry as a fault location tool on transmission lines is then examined. In the last chapter we discuss the technique of importing and exporting speech signals into a PSpice schematic using a tailored-made program Wav2ascii. This is a novel technique that greatly extends the simulation boundaries of PSpice. Various digital circuits are also examined at the end of this chapter to demonstrate the use of the bus structure and other techniques.

  • von Paul Tobin
    42,00 €

    In PSpice for Analog Communications Engineering we simulate the difficult principles of analog modulation using the superb free simulation software Cadence Orcad PSpice V10.5. While use is made of analog behavioral model parts (ABM), we use actual circuitry in most of the simulation circuits. For example, we use the 4-quadrant multiplier IC AD633 as a modulator and import real speech as the modulating source and look at the trapezoidal method for measuring the modulation index. Modulation is the process of relocating signals to different parts of the radio frequency spectrum by modifying certain parameters of the carrier in accordance with the modulating/information signals. In amplitude modulation, the modulating source changes the carrier amplitude, but in frequency modulation it causes the carrier frequency to change (and in phase modulation it's the carrier phase). The digital equivalent of these modulation techniques are examined in PSpice for Digital communications Engineering where we examine QAM, FSK, PSK and variants. We examine a range of oscillators and plot Nyquist diagrams showing themarginal stability of these systems. The superhetrodyne principle, the backbone of modern receivers is simulated using discrete components followed by simulating complete AM and FM receivers. In this exercise we examine the problems ofmatching individual stages and the use of double-tuned RF circuits to accommodate the large FM signal bandwidth.

  • von Paul Tobin
    42,00 €

    PSpice for Digital Communications Engineering shows how to simulate digital communication systems and modulation methods using the very powerful Cadence Orcad PSpice version 10.5 suite of software programs. Fourier series and Fourier transform are applied to signals to set the ground work for the modulation techniques introduced in later chapters. Various baseband signals, including duo-binary baseband signaling, are generated and the spectra are examined to detail the unsuitability of these signals for accessing the public switched network. Pulse code modulation and time-division multiplexing circuits are examined and simulated where sampling and quantization noise topics are discussed. We construct a single-channel PCM system from transmission to receiver i.e. end-to-end, and import real speech signals to examine the problems associated with aliasing, sample and hold. Companding is addressed here and we look at the A and mu law characteristics for achieving better signal to quantization noise ratios. Several types of delta modulators are examined and also the concept of time divisionmultiplexing is considered. Multi-level signaling techniques such as QPSK andQAMare analyzed and simulated and 'home-made meters', such as scatter and eye meters, are used to assess the performance of these modulation systems in the presence of noise. The raised-cosine family of filters for shaping data before transmission is examined in depth where bandwidth efficiency and channel capacity is discussed. We plot several graphs in Probe to compare the efficiency of these systems. Direct spread spectrum is the last topic to be examined and simulated to show the advantages of spreading the signal over a wide bandwidth and giving good signal security at the same time.

  • von Paul Tobin
    42,00 €

    PSpice for Circuit Theory and Electronic Devices is one of a series of five PSpice books and introduces the latest Cadence Orcad PSpice version 10.5 by simulating a range of DC and AC exercises. It is aimed primarily at those wishing to get up to speed with this version but will be of use to high school students, undergraduate students, and of course, lecturers. Circuit theorems are applied to a range of circuits and the calculations by hand after analysis are then compared to the simulated results. The Laplace transform and the s-plane are used to analyze CR and LR circuits where transient signals are involved. Here, the Probe output graphs demonstrate what a great learning tool PSpice is by providing the reader with a visual verification of any theoretical calculations. Series and parallel-tuned resonant circuits are investigated where the difficult concepts of dynamic impedance and selectivity are best understood by sweeping different circuit parameters through a range of values. Obtaining semiconductor device characteristics as a laboratory exercise has fallen out of favour of late, but nevertheless, is still a useful exercise for understanding or modelling semiconductor devices. Inverting and non-inverting operational amplifiers characteristics such as gain-bandwidth are investigated and we will see the dependency of bandwidth on the gain using the performance analysis facility. Power amplifiers are examined where PSpice/Probe demonstrates very nicely the problems of cross-over distortion and other problems associated with power transistors. We examine power supplies and the problems of regulation, ground bounce, and power factor correction. Lastly, we look at MOSFET device characteristics and show how these devices are used to form basic CMOS logic gates such as NAND and NOR gates.

  • von Paul Tobin
    12,00 €

    Neue Geschichten mit der freundlichen Spinne aus der Nachbarschaft für junge Leserinnen und Leser.

  • von Paul Tobin
    49,00 €

    DIE COMIC-ABENTEUER DES HEXERSGeralt von Riva ist längst eine Fantasy-Ikone, und dieser Band präsentiert den ersten Teil seiner Comic-Abenteuer. In ihnen stellt sich der Antiheld und Monsterjäger aus den Büchern, den Videogames und der Netflix-Serie den Geheimnissen und Dämonen des labyrinthischen Glashauses sowie dem Zorn einer Fuchsfrau. Außerdem erlebt der Hexer ein von Magie und Monstern durchsetztes Abenteuer mit seinem Schicksalskind Ciri und seiner großen Liebe, der Zauberin Yennefer ...Die offiziellen Comics zum Multimedia-Hit The Witcher, in Szene gesetzt von Eisner Award-Gewinner Paul Tobin (CONAN, Feuer und Stein: Prometheus), Joe Querio (Geschichten aus dem Hellboy-Universum), Piotr Kowalski (STEPHEN KINGS DER DUNKLE TURM) und anderen.Mit reichlich Bonusmaterial.

  • von Paul Tobin
    16,99 €

    EIN NEUES ABENTEUER VON DEN MACHERN DES GAME-BESTSELLERS THE WITCHER 3: WILD HUNTDer legendäre Hexer Geralt von Riva und seine junge Gefährtin Ciri verdienen sich ihren Lebensunterhalt als Monsterjäger. Auf dem Weg in die Stadt Novigard, wo sie einer ebenso bestialischen wie gefährlichen Striege gegenübertreten sollen, müssen der Weiße Wolf und sein Schicksalskind es mit Trollen, Werwölfen und anderen Kreaturen aufnehmen. Und während Ciri eine sprechende Krähe trifft, sieht sich Geralt plötzlich der Zauberin Yennefer gegenüber, seiner komplizierten großen Liebe. Ciri trifft unterdessen eine folgenschwere Entscheidung... Bestseller-Autor Paul Tobin (CONAN) tut sich mit den Autoren des Game-Hits The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt und dem international erfolgreichen Zeichner Piotr Kowalski (STEPHEN KING - DER DUNKLE TURM) zusammen, um ein brandneues Fantasy-Abenteuer aus der Welt der Videospielreihe und der Buchserie von Andrzej Sapkowski zu erzählen.DER OFFIZIELLE COMIC ZUR PREISGEKRÖNTEN VIDEOGAME-REIHE THE WITCHER

  • von Paul Tobin
    16,99 €

    DER HEXER GEGEN FUCHSMAGIE UND FLUSSMONSTER:Der Hexer Geralt von Riva ist einer der berüchtigtsten Monsterjäger weit und breit. In diesem Band ist der verachtete Mutant und meisterhafte Schwertkämpfer, der berufsmäßig den Schrecken aus Märchen, Mythen und Legenden gegenübertritt, mit dem Zwerg Addario unterwegs. Die beiden verschlägt es auf ein wahres Narrenschiff, dessen übrige Passagiere auf dem Wasser mit dem Feuer spielen. Denn sie haben den Zorn einer Werfüchsin auf sich gezogen, die mit ihrer Magie dafür sorgt, dass dem Hexer und allen an Bord eine gefährliche Odyssee entlang des Flusses bevorsteht... Ein neuer Comic mit dem Fantasy-Antihelden aus den Witcher-Videogame-Bestsellern und den Büchern von Andrzej Sapkowski! Dieser Band enthält die komplette US Miniserie The Witcher: Fox Children 1-5, geschrieben von CONAN- und ADVENTURE-TIME-Autor Paul Tobin und gezeichnet von Joe Querio.

  • von Paul Tobin
    16,99 €

    EIN FINSTERES FANTASY-ABENTEUER AUS DER WELT DER WITCHER-GAMESDer als Hexer bekannte Monsterjäger Geralt von Riva ist eine lebende Legende. Auf seinen Streifzügen durch eine düstere, mittelalterliche Fantasy-Welt bekommt er es diesmal mit den Geheimnissen und Bewohnern des verfluchten Glashauses zu tun, in dessen labyrinthischen Fluren neben einem Sukkubus-Dämon noch viele weitere schreckliche Kreaturen und verlorene Seelen lauern - und am Ende selbst auf den tapfersten und erfahrensten Krieger womöglich nur der Wahnsinn wartet...Ein neuer Comic mit dem Antihelden aus den The Witcher-Videogame-Bestsellern und den hoch gelobten Büchern von Andrzej Sapkowski! Dieser Band enthält die komplette US-Miniserie The Witcher 1-5, geschrieben von CONAN- und ADVENTURE-TIME-Autor Paul Tobin und gezeichnet von Joe Querio.

  • von Paul Tobin
    13,00 €

    Will Flora the Sunflower and Neighborville''s plant platoon hit a triple-bonus combo or will their efforts ride the outlanes to certain loss? Enjoy this hilariously pinball-primed Plants vs. Zombies tale crafted by series veteran Paul Tobin!Plunge into another battle between plants and zombies as Dr. Zomboss turns the entirety of Neighborville into a giant, fully-functional pinball machine! With bumpers, flippers, and pegs meticulously scattered across town by the zombie pinball wizard himself, Nate, Patrice, and their plant posse must find a way to revert Neighborville to its normal state and halt this uniquely horrifying zombie invasion. With every ball and bumper set against them, will they hit a run of zombie knock-out skill shots--or will the battle go full tilt zombies?! Eisner Award-winning writer Paul Tobin (Bandette, Genius Factor) collaborates with artist Christianne Gillenardo-Goudreau (Plants vs. Zombies: Better Homes and Guardens) for a brand-new Plants vs. Zombies journey!

  • von Paul Tobin
    63,00 €

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