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Bücher von Paulo Coelho

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  • von Paulo Coelho
    20,00 €

    Since his novel "The Alchemist" appeared three years ago, Paulo Coelho has emerged from Latin America to become one of the world's most widely-read authors. With his unique, even magical ability to meld gripping action and powerful spiritual insight, his books have become world favorites, selling more than ten million copies in 47 countries and being translated into 23 languages. "By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept" tells of Pilar, a frustrated scholar looking for some greater meaning in the endless cycle of her days. When a childhood friend contacts her, she is surprised to learn that her former playmate is now a charismatic spiritual leader, someone revered as a miracle worker. She is even more astonished when he reveals that Pilar has always been his great love. Confused by this sudden opportunity for a new chance at life, Pilar gradually comes to realize that the man she loves is being called upon to choose between her and his spiritual calling. As the suffering lovers travel through sacred sites in the French Pyrenees, the difficult choice they face offers a startling revelation about the divine and the redemptive power of love. Full of warmth and wisdom, joy and unexpected sorrow, their story is a magical celebration of the endless possibilities that life has to offer, and a fable about opening your heart to miracles.

  • von Paulo Coelho
    21,00 €

    "Superabundant talent, stunning originality, an elegant way with words... The Zahir is something more."-- Los Angeles TimesThe narrator of The Zahr is a bestselling novelist who lives in Paris and enjoys all the privileges money and celebrity bring. His wife of ten years, Esther, is a war correspondent who has disappeared along with a friend, Mikhail, who may or may not be her lover.Was Esther kidnapped, murdered, or did she simply escape a marriage that left her unfulfilled? The narrator doesn't have any answers, but he has plenty of questions of his own. Then one day Mikhail finds the narrator and promises to reunite him with his wife. In his attempt to recapture a lost love, the narrator discovers something unexpected about himself.A haunting and redemptive story about obsession, The Zahir explores its potential to fulfill our dreams, and to destroy them.

  • von Paulo Coelho
    20,00 €

    "The book casts a curiously sweet spell." - Entertainment WeeklyEleven Minutes tells the story of Maria, a young girl from a Brazilian village whose first innocent brushes with love leave her heartbroken. At a tender age, she becomes convinced that she will never find true love, instead believing that "love is a terrible thing that will make you suffer." A chance meeting in Rio takes her to Geneva, where she dreams of finding fame and fortune, yet ends up working as a prostitute.In Geneva, Maria's despairing view of love is put to the test when she meets a handsome young painter. In this odyssey of self-discovery, Maria must choose between pursuing a path of darkness--sexual pleasure for its own sake--or risking everything to find her own inner light and the possibility of true love.

  • von Paulo Coelho
    20,00 €

  • von Paulo Coelho
    13,00 €

  • von Paulo Coelho
    13,00 €

  • von Paulo Coelho
    11,00 €

  • von Paulo Coelho
    10,28 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Paulo Coelho
    16,00 €

  • 29% sparen
    von Paulo Coelho
    67,00 €

    Paulo Coelho's essential collection in one sleek boxed set. Includes six classic books: The Alchemist, The Pilgrimage, Warrior of the Light, The Valkyries,Veronika Decides to Die, and Eleven Minutes.

  • 20% sparen
    von Paulo Coelho
    20,00 €

    Impara ad ascoltare il tuo cuore: è l'insegnamento che scaturisce da questa favola spirituale e magica. Alle frontiere tra il racconto da mille e una notte e l'apologo sapienziale, "L'alchimista" è la storia di una iniziazione. Ne è protagonista Santiago, un giovane pastorello andaluso il quale, alla ricerca di un tesoro sognato, intraprende quel viaggio avventuroso, insieme reale e simbolico, che al di là dello stretto di Gibilterra e attraverso tutto il deserto nordafricano lo porterà fino all'Egitto delle piramidi. E sarà proprio durante il viaggio che il giovane, grazie all'incontro con il vecchio alchimista, salirà tutti i gradini della scala sapienziale: nella sua progressione sulla sabbia del deserto e, insieme, nella conoscenza di sé, scoprirà l'anima del mondo, l'amore e il linguaggio universale, imparerà a parlare al sole e al vento e infine compirà la sua leggenda personale. Il miraggio, qui, non è più solo la mitica pietra filosofale dell'alchimia, ma il raggiungimento di una concordanza totale con il mondo, grazie alla comprensione di quei "segni", di quei segreti che è possibile captare solo riscoprendo un linguaggio universale fatto di coraggio, di fiducia e di saggezza che da tempo gli uomini hanno dimenticato. Das Urheberrecht an bibliographischen und produktbeschreibenden Daten und an den bereitgestellten Bildern liegt bei Informazioni Editoriali, I.E. S.r.l., oder beim Herausgeber oder demjenigen, der die Genehmigung erteilt hat. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

  • von Paulo Coelho
    18,00 - 20,00 €

  • 17% sparen
    von Paulo Coelho
    23,98 €

  • von Paulo Coelho
    12,00 - 13,00 €

  • von Paulo Coelho
    14,00 €

    Simyaci, dünyaca ünlü Brezilyali yazar Paulo Coelhonun ücüncü romani. 1996 yilindan bu yana Türkiyede de cok okundu, cok sevildi, cok övüldü bu kitap.Bir büyük Dogu klasigi olan Mevlananin ünlü Mesnevisinde yer alan bir kücük öyküden yola cikarak yazilan bu roman, yüreginde cocuklugunun cirpinislarini tasiyan okurlar icin bir klasik yapit haline geldi.Simyaci, Ispanyadan kalkip Misir piramitlerinin eteklerinde hazinesini aramaya giden Endülüslü coban Santiagonun masalsi yasaminin öyküsü. Ama ayni zamanda bir nasihatname; Yazgina nasil egemen olacaksin Mutlulugunu nasil kuracaksin Gibi sorulara yanit arayan bir yasam ve ahlak kilavuzu. Mistik bir peri masalina benzeyen bu romanin, dünyanin dört bir yaninda bunca sevilmesinin gizi, kuskusuz bu kilavuzluk niteliginden kaynaklaniyor. Simyaciyi okumak, herkes daha uykudayken safak vakti uyanip, günesin dogusunu izlemeye benziyor.

  • von Paulo Coelho
    9,00 €

    Manual del Guerrero de la Luz es el nuevo libro de inspiración del autor de El Alquimista, el bestseller internacional que ha fascinado a millones de lectores en el mundo entero.Cada breve pasaje nos invita a vivir nuestros sueños, aceptar la incertidumbre de la vida y a alzarnos ante nuestro propio destino. Con su inconfundible estilo, Paulo Coelho nos ayuda a descubrir el guerrero de la luz que se encuentra en cada uno de nosotros. En inspiradores textos breves, invita al lector a seguir el camino del guerrero; el camino de aquel que sabe valorar el milagro de la vida, aceptar la derrota y cuya búsqueda lo lleva a convertirse en quién quiere ser.Paulo Coelho es uno de los escritores más apreciados de nuestra época. Ahora, en el muy esperado Manual del Guerrero de la Luz, nos presenta una colección de pensamientos filosóficos e historias que fascinarán a sus lectores del mundo entero.

  • von Paulo Coelho
    14,00 €

    In >Der Sieger bleibt alleinElf Minuten

  • von Paulo Coelho
    12,00 €

  • von Paulo Coelho
    14,00 €

  • von Paulo Coelho
    12,00 €

  • von Paulo Coelho
    12,00 - 50,00 €

  • von Paulo Coelho
    10,00 €

    A community devoured by greed, cowardice, and fear. A man persecuted by the ghosts of his painful past. A young woman searching for happiness. In one eventful week, each will face questions of life, death, and power, and each will choose a path. Will they choose good or evil?In the remote village of Viscos -- a village too small to be on any map, a place where time seems to stand still -- a stranger arrives, carrying with him a backpack containing a notebook and eleven gold bars. He comes searching for the answer to a question that torments him: Are human beings, in essence, good or evil? In welcoming the mysterious foreigner, the whole village becomes an accomplice to his sophisticated plot, which will forever mark their lives.Paulo Coelho's stunning novel explores the timeless struggle between good and evil, and brings to our everyday dilemmas fresh perspective: incentive to master the fear that prevents us from following our dreams, from being different, from truly living.The Devil and Miss Prym is a story charged with emotion, in which the integrity of being human meets a terrifying test.

  • von Paulo Coelho
    13,00 €

  • von Paulo Coelho
    12,00 €

  • von Paulo Coelho
    10,00 - 12,00 €

    Sie waren Jugendfreunde, ehe sie sich aus den Augen verloren. In Madrid treffen sie sich wieder: sie, eine angehende Richterin, die das Leben gelehrt hat, stark und vernünftig zu sein; er, Weltenbummler und sehr undogmatischer Seminarist, der vor seiner Ordination Pilar noch einmal wiedersehen will. Beide verbindet ihr Drang, aus ihrem sicheren Leben auszubrechen und ihre Träume zu wagen.

  • von Paulo Coelho
    12,00 €

  • von Paulo Coelho
    9,00 €

    En anerkjent forfatter oppdager at kona hans, en krigskorrespondent, er sporløst forsvunnet. Etter som tida går, oppnår han mer suksess og opplever kjærligheten på nytt, men han er stadig fascinert av hennes fravær. Ble hun kidnappet eller utpresset, eller var hun simpelthen lei av ekteskapet deres? Hans søken etter henne og etter sannheten om sitt eget liv fører han ut på ei reise til Sør-Amerika, Spania, Frankrike, Kroatia og til slutt til Sentral-Asia. Det fører også til at han får en ny forståelse av kjærlighetens natur, skjebnens makt og hva det virkelig betyr å følge sitt eget hjerte.

  • von Paulo Coelho
    8,98 €

    Veronika er ung og vakker og har alt. Likevel er hun ikke lykkelig, noe mangler i livet hennes. Hun bestemmer seg for å dø og tar en overdose sovetabletter, bare for å våkne litt senere på nærmeste sykehus. Der blir hun fortalt at selv om hun er i live, har hun bare noen få dager igjen å leve. Fortellingen følger Veronika gjennom disse dagene mens erfaringene hun gjør får henne til å stille spørsmål ved hva galskap er, før hun forstår at hvert øyeblikk vi lever er et valg vi alle gjør mellom å leve og dø.

  • von Paulo Coelho
    9,00 €

    Pilar og følgesvennen hennes gjennomfører en mystisk reise over Pyreneene. De søker åndelig mening, og i sin søken etter Gud oppdager de også en dyp kjærlighet for hverandre. Sentralt i boka står budskapet om betydningen av å overgi seg betingelsesløst til denne kjærligheten.

  • von Paulo Coelho
    9,00 €

    I denne boken beskrives prøvelsene Paulo Coelho og hans mystiske mentor Petrus gjennomgikk under en reise gjennom Spania, på søken etter et sverd med mirakuløse egenskaper. De to reiser langs den legendariske pilegrimsleden mot Santiago de Compostela, benyttet av pilegrimer siden middelalderen.

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