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Bücher von Pawan Kumar

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  • von Pawan Kumar
    253,00 €

    Today, algorithms steer and inform more than 75% of modern trades. These mathematical constructs play an intricate role in automating processes, predicting market trends, optimizing portfolios, and fortifying decision-making in the financial domain. In an era where algorithms underpin the very foundation of financial services, it is imperative to hold a deep understanding of the intricate web of computational finance. Algorithmic Approaches to Financial Technology: Forecasting, Trading, and Optimization takes a comprehensive approach, spotlighting the fusion of artificial intelligence(AI) and algorithms in financial operations. The chapters explore the expansive landscape of algorithmic applications, from scrutinizing market trends to managing risks. The emphasis extends to AI-driven personnel selection, implementing trusted financial services, crafting recommendation systems for financial platforms, and critical fraud detection. This book serves as a vital resource for researchers, students, and practitioners. Its core strength lies in discussing AI-based algorithms as a catalyst for evolving market trends. It provides algorithmic solutions for stock markets, portfolio optimization, and robust financial fraud detection mechanisms.

  • 16% sparen
    von Pawan Kumar
    37,00 €

    "Para além do horizonte: Tales of Academic Triumph", é uma viagem inspiradora que se desenrola através de histórias que podem ser contadas, orientando os estudantes universitários na sua odisseia académica. No Capítulo 1, os leitores descobrem o poder transformador de mentores inesperados, fomentando a curiosidade e a aprendizagem ao longo da vida. O Capítulo 2 analisa os desafios do mundo académico, destacando a resiliência, a gestão do tempo e a importância de equilibrar a vida. O Capítulo 3 explora as maravilhas da descoberta intelectual, o envolvimento extracurricular e a alegria da aprendizagem apaixonada. À medida que os leitores avançam para o Capítulo 4, navegam por potenciais percursos de carreira, adquirindo conhecimentos sobre marcas pessoais, redes de contactos e empreendimentos empresariais. O livro termina no Capítulo 5, incentivando os estudantes a deixar um impacto duradouro através da orientação, do ativismo e do envolvimento social, criando um legado de apoio e de mudança positiva. Através da narração de histórias e de anedotas, o livro serve de guia motivador para os estudantes universitários que navegam pelas complexidades do mundo académico e não só.

  • 16% sparen
    von Pawan Kumar
    37,00 €

    "Au-delà de l'horizon : Tales of Academic Triumph", est un voyage inspirant qui se déroule à travers des histoires racontables, guidant les étudiants de premier cycle dans leur odyssée universitaire. Dans le chapitre 1, les lecteurs découvrent le pouvoir transformateur de mentors inattendus, qui favorisent la curiosité et l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie. Le chapitre 2 se penche sur les défis du monde universitaire, en mettant l'accent sur la résilience, la gestion du temps et l'importance d'équilibrer sa vie. Le chapitre 3 explore les merveilles de la découverte intellectuelle, l'engagement extrascolaire et la joie de l'apprentissage passionné. Au chapitre 4, les lecteurs explorent les possibilités de carrière, en se familiarisant avec l'image de marque personnelle, le réseautage et les projets d'entreprise. Le chapitre 5 conclut l'ouvrage en encourageant les étudiants à laisser un impact durable par le biais du mentorat, de l'activisme et de l'engagement social, en créant un héritage de soutien et de changement positif. Par le biais de récits et d'anecdotes racontables, le livre sert de guide motivant pour les étudiants de premier cycle qui naviguent dans les complexités du monde universitaire et au-delà.

  • 16% sparen
    von Pawan Kumar
    37,00 €

    "Más allá del horizonte: Tales of Academic Triumph", es un viaje inspirador que se desarrolla a través de historias relatables, guiando a los estudiantes universitarios en su odisea académica. En el capítulo 1, los lectores descubren el poder transformador de mentores inesperados, que fomentan la curiosidad y el aprendizaje permanente. El capítulo 2 profundiza en los retos del mundo académico, haciendo hincapié en la resiliencia, la gestión del tiempo y la importancia de conciliar la vida. El capítulo 3 explora las maravillas del descubrimiento intelectual, el compromiso extracurricular y la alegría del aprendizaje apasionado. A medida que los lectores avanzan hacia el Capítulo 4, navegan por las posibles trayectorias profesionales, adquiriendo conocimientos sobre la marca personal, la creación de redes y las iniciativas empresariales. El libro concluye en el capítulo 5, en el que se anima a los estudiantes a dejar un impacto duradero a través de la tutoría, el activismo y el compromiso social, creando un legado de apoyo y cambio positivo. A través de relatos y anécdotas, el libro sirve de guía motivadora para los estudiantes universitarios que se enfrentan a las complejidades del mundo académico y de otros ámbitos.

  • 16% sparen
    von Pawan Kumar
    37,00 €

    "Oltre l'orizzonte: Tales of Academic Triumph", è un viaggio ispiratore che si snoda attraverso storie verosimili, guidando gli studenti universitari nella loro odissea accademica. Nel Capitolo 1, i lettori scoprono il potere trasformativo di mentori inaspettati, che favoriscono la curiosità e l'apprendimento permanente. Il Capitolo 2 approfondisce le sfide del mondo accademico, sottolineando la resilienza, la gestione del tempo e l'importanza di bilanciare la vita. Il Capitolo 3 esplora le meraviglie della scoperta intellettuale, dell'impegno extrascolastico e della gioia dell'apprendimento appassionato. Nel capitolo 4, i lettori navigano nei potenziali percorsi di carriera, acquisendo conoscenze sul personal branding, sul networking e sulle iniziative imprenditoriali. Il libro si conclude nel Capitolo 5, incoraggiando gli studenti a lasciare un impatto duraturo attraverso il mentoring, l'attivismo e l'impegno sociale, creando un'eredità di sostegno e cambiamento positivo. Attraverso la narrazione di storie e di aneddoti, il libro è una guida motivante per gli studenti universitari che si trovano ad affrontare le complessità del mondo accademico e non solo.

  • 16% sparen
    von Pawan Kumar
    37,00 €

    Kniga "Za gorizontom: Rasskazy ob akademicheskom triumfe" - äto wdohnowlqüschee puteshestwie, kotoroe razworachiwaetsq cherez legko uznawaemye istorii, naprawlqüschie studentow starshih kursow w ih akademicheskoj odissee. V glawe 1 chitateli uznaüt o preobrazuüschej sile neozhidannyh nastawnikow, sposobstwuüschih razwitiü lüboznatel'nosti i obucheniü na protqzhenii wsej zhizni. Glawa 2 poswqschena trudnostqm akademicheskogo obrazowaniq, w nej podcherkiwaetsq stojkost', tajm-menedzhment i wazhnost' balansa mezhdu zhizn'ü i ucheboj. Glawa 3 rasskazywaet o chudesah intellektual'nyh otkrytij, wneklassnoj rabote i radosti uwlechennogo obucheniq. V glawe 4 chitateli znakomqtsq s potencial'nymi kar'ernymi putqmi, poluchaq predstawlenie o lichnom brendinge, networkinge i predprinimatel'skoj deqtel'nosti. Kniga zawershaetsq glawoj 5, w kotoroj studentam predlagaetsq ostawit' posle sebq neizgladimyj sled w wide nastawnichestwa, aktiwizma i social'noj aktiwnosti, sozdawaq nasledie podderzhki i pozitiwnyh izmenenij. Posredstwom rasskazow i legko zapominaüschihsq anekdotow kniga sluzhit motiwiruüschim rukowodstwom dlq studentow, orientiruüschihsq w slozhnostqh akademicheskoj zhizni i ne tol'ko.

  • von Pawan Kumar
    43,90 €

    "Jenseits des Horizonts: Tales of Academic Triumph" (Geschichten über akademische Triumphe) ist eine inspirierende Reise, die sich durch nachvollziehbare Geschichten entfaltet und Studenten auf ihrer akademischen Odyssee begleitet. In Kapitel 1 entdecken die Leser die transformative Kraft von unerwarteten Mentoren, die Neugier und lebenslanges Lernen fördern. Kapitel 2 befasst sich mit den Herausforderungen der akademischen Welt und betont die Wichtigkeit von Resilienz, Zeitmanagement und der Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf. Kapitel 3 beschäftigt sich mit den Wundern intellektueller Entdeckungen, außerschulischem Engagement und der Freude am leidenschaftlichen Lernen. In Kapitel 4 lernen die Leser mögliche Karrierewege kennen und erhalten Einblicke in Personal Branding, Networking und unternehmerische Unternehmungen. Das Buch schließt mit Kapitel 5, in dem die Schüler ermutigt werden, durch Mentorenschaft, Aktivismus und soziales Engagement einen bleibenden Eindruck zu hinterlassen und so ein Vermächtnis der Unterstützung und des positiven Wandels zu schaffen. Durch Erzählungen und nachvollziehbare Anekdoten dient das Buch als motivierender Leitfaden für Studenten, die sich durch die Komplexität der akademischen Welt und darüber hinaus bewegen.

  • 19% sparen
    von Pawan Kumar
    65,00 €

    Dr. Pawan Kumar, a distinguished expert in the field of statistics, is currently employed as Assistant Professor statistics at the esteemed Forest College and Research Institute in Hyderabad. Dr. Pawan Kumar holds a Ph.D. in Statistics and is awarded a Gold medal for his outstanding performance, reflecting his extensive academic journey and dedication to advancing knowledge of specialization in sample survey and Design of experiments. With his profound understanding of statistical methodologies, data analysis techniques, machine learning, and mathematical modeling. Holding a graduation root in the field of Forestry and a Master¿s degree in Statistics from Dr. YSPUHF Nauni. Dr. Pawan Kumar plays a pivotal role in disseminating knowledge of statistical analysis to enhance research and decision-making processes. With their Ph.D. in Statistics, combined with their dedication to research and teaching, Dr. Pawan Kumar continues to make significant contributions to the Forest College and Research Institute¿s mission of fostering sustainable forest management practices.

  • von Pawan Kumar
    18,00 €

  • von Pawan Kumar
    18,00 €

  • von Pawan Kumar
    19,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Pawan Kumar
    34,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Pawan Kumar
    31,00 €

    The present study entitled ¿Stability Analysis in Cluster bean was carried out using 30 genotypes for 12 characters. The experimental material was planted in randomized block design with three replications under four environments created by two dates of sowing (24 July, 2014 and 7 August, 214) with two irrigation levels (three and one irrigation) in kharif 2014. The genotypes RGC 1066, RGC 1038, RGC 1002, RGC 936, RGC 1055, RGC 1031 and RGC 1017 having superior per se performance and stability for seed yield and other contributing characters, suggested their suitability for inclusion in breeding programme for development of stable varieties. The genotype RGC 986 was found suitable for good and rich environments while genotypes RGC 1033 was best in poor environments for seed yield. Therefore, both of these genotypes might be utilized accordingly.

  • 15% sparen
    von Pawan Kumar
    34,00 €

    Behavioral disorders like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiance Disorder etc. has been associated with criminal behavior. The onset of these disorders occurs early in life. It is now increasingly being felt that criminal behavior has a biologic and medical basis. ADHD commonly occurs in association with oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, depression, anxiety disorder, and with many developmental disorders, such as speech and language delays and learning disabilities. The present study has revealed that ADHD and its Comorbid Disorders are more common among Children in Conflict with Law. Therefore, if medical intervention is made in early childhood, incidence of crime committed by children can be minimized to great extent.

  • 15% sparen
    von Pawan Kumar
    34,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Pawan Kumar
    34,00 €

  • von Pawan Kumar
    39,90 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Pawan Kumar
    34,00 €

  • von Pawan Kumar
    59,00 €

  • - Significance, Threats & Conservation
    von Pawan Kumar
    59,00 €

  • von Pawan Kumar
    59,00 €

  • von Pawan Kumar
    59,00 €

  • von Pawan Kumar
    59,00 €

  • von Pawan Kumar
    64,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Pawan Kumar
    34,00 €

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