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Bücher von Peter F. Hamilton

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  • von Peter F. Hamilton
    14,98 €

    Humanity is in crisis, as cities fall to an unstoppable alien threat. The Salvation Sequence comes to its thrilling conclusion with The Saints of Salvation - by Britain's no.1 science fiction writer, Peter F. Hamilton.

  • von Peter F. Hamilton
    12,00 €

    The thrilling follow-up to Salvation, featuring alien first contact, threats to humanity, a future war and amazing technological advances - the page-turning adventure continues.

  • von Peter F. Hamilton
    9,48 €

    Peter F. Hamilton's dazzling space opera features alien first contact, threats to humanity, a future war and amazing technological advances - the author's incredible imagination breaks new ground.

  • von Peter F. Hamilton
    15,00 €

    The Reality Dysfunction by Peter F. Hamilton is the first in a sweeping galactic trilogy, The Night's Dawn trilogy, from the master of space opera.In AD 2600, the human race is finally realizing its potential. The galaxy's colonized planets host a multitude of diverse cultures. Genetic engineering has defeated disease and produced extraordinary space-born creatures. Huge fleets of sentient trader starships thrive, living on the wealth created by industrializing entire star systems. And throughout inhabited space, the Confederation Navy keeps the peace.Then something goes catastrophically wrong. On a primitive colony planet, a renegade criminal encounters an utterly alien entity. And this unintended meeting triggers the release of those that should never see the light, threatening everything we've become. An extinct race named this phenomenon 'the Reality Dysfunction'. It is a nightmare that has haunted us since the dawn of time.The Reality Dysfunction is followed by The Neutronium Alchemist and The Naked God.

  • von Peter F. Hamilton
    15,00 €

    Set in the near future, over three hundred years before Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained, Peter F. Hamilton's Misspent Youth is a gripping introduction to the world of the Commonwealth Saga.Jeff Baker is granted the gift of eternal youth. However, it's not all it seems . . . It is 2040 and, after decades of research, we can finally rejuvenate a human being. At seventy-eight years old, Jeff Baker -renowned inventor and philanthropist - has given the world much of his creative genius. He's therefore selected as first choice for this gift. At first, rejuvenation feels like a miracle, until the glow begins to fade. Personal relationships start to break down and the world waits for more brilliant new work. Living the dream will come at a cost, but can Jeff pay the price?

  • von Peter F. Hamilton
    16,00 €

    Following the astonishing The Abyss Beyond Dreams, Night Without Stars is the epic second and final part to Peter F. Hamilton's Chronicle of the Fallers.The planet Bienvenido is in crisis. It has finally escaped the Void, emerging into regular space. But it's millions of light-years from Commonwealth assistance, and humans are battling the Fallers for control of their world. This rapacious adversary, evolved to destroy all sentient life, has infiltrated every level of human society - hijacking unwilling bodies so its citizens fear their leaders, friends and family.A mysterious figure known as the Warrior Angel leads a desperate resistance. She's helped by forbidden Commonwealth technology, which gives her a crucial edge. But the government obstructs the Angel's efforts at every turn, blinded by prejudice and technophobia. As Fallers also prepare to attack from the skies, she might need to incite rebellion to fight this invasion. But the odds seem impossible.Then astronaut Ry Evine uncovers one last hope. On a mission against the enemy, his spacecraft damages an unidentified vessel. This crash-lands on the planet carrying unexpected cargo: a baby. This extraordinary Commonwealth child possesses knowledge that could save them all. But if the Fallers catch her, the people of Bienvenido will not survive.

  • von Peter F. Hamilton
    15,00 €

    A Quantum Murder is the thrilling second book in Peter F. Hamilton's incredibly successful Greg Mandel series.Dr Edward Kitchener was a brilliant researcher into quantum cosmology . . . but he's found dead, lungs spread on either side of his open chest. His employers, Event Horizon, now want to know what happened - and fast. Many were anxious to stop Kitchener's work, and could have paid an assassin's fee. And only a mercenary could've breached Launde Abbey's premier-grade security system. Yet why would a professional waste time ritually slaughtering the target?Greg Mandel, psi-boosted ex-private eye, is enticed out of retirement to track the killer. He launches himself on a convoluted trail which will mean confronting the past. But - according to Kitchener's theories - this past might never have happened.A Quantum Murder is followed by The Nano Flower to complete the Greg Mandel trilogy.

  • von Peter F. Hamilton
    14,99 €

  • von Peter F. Hamilton
    14,99 €

  • von Peter F. Hamilton
    14,99 €

  • von Peter F. Hamilton
    20,00 €

    »Der Meister der Science-Fiction auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Kunst!« SFF WorldSeit Jahren belagern die Olyix, eine feindliche Alienrasse, die Erde und ernten die Menschen für ihren Gott. Eine Stadt nach der anderen fällt ihren verheerenden Waffen zum Opfer. Als das Ende der Menschheit unausweichlich scheint, gelingt es einer Gruppe von Freiheitskämpfern, das Schiff der Olyix zu infiltrieren. Ihre einzige Hoffnung liegt darin, eine Tausende Lichtjahre entfernte verborgene Enklave zu erreichen und von dort aus zukünftigen Generationen den geheimen Standort der Feinde zu senden ...Das epische Finale der Salvation-Saga von SPIEGEL-Bestsellerautor Peter F. Hamilton!

  • von Peter F. Hamilton
    24,00 €

    Die Menschheit tritt ihrem ultimativen Feind gegenüber. Im 23. Jahrhundert haben sich die Menschen eine Art Utopia erschaffen. Bis eine vermeintlich friedliche Alienrasse sich als die größte Bedrohung für unsere Zivilisation herausstellt: Getrieben von religiösem Extremismus, setzen die Olyix alles daran, die anderen Völker des Universums zu unterwerfen. Aber die Menschheit ist ein ebenbürtiger Gegner, der nicht die Absicht hat, aufzugeben. Im Gegenteil wächst unter den Menschen der Wille, den Feind ein für alle Mal auszulöschen. Allerdings ist nichts im Universum so festgeschrieben wie die Tatsache, dass auch der beste Plan eine Schwachstelle hat ... Deutsche Erstausgabe

  • von Peter F. Hamilton
    20,00 €

    Das 22. Jahrhundert: Die Menschen haben Raumschiffe zu mehreren Sternen ausgesandt und begonnen, Planeten zu terraformen. Durch Portalsysteme miteinander verbunden, können Reisende in Nullzeit zwischen den Welten hin- und herspringen. Bei der Erforschung des Alls stoßen die Menschen im Jahr 2150 auf ein gigantisches, außerirdisches Schiff. Es gehört den Olyix, einer uralten Rasse, die sich auf einer epischen Reise bis zum Ende der Zeit befindet. Doch die Olyix sind nicht so friedlich gesinnt, wie sie vorgeben. Ihre Mission ist geheim, unerbittlich - und brandgefährlich für die gesamte Menschheit ... Mit »Befreiung« beginnt Peter F. Hamilton eine neue, großangelegte Science-Fiction-Saga.

  • von Peter F. Hamilton
    15,00 €

    The epic final instalment of The Queen of Dreams trilogy - a remarkable children's fantasy series by Peter F. Hamilton: the UK's bestselling adult science fiction author. Beautifully illustrated by Rohan Eason, this is a future classic in the making.

  • von Peter F. Hamilton
    12,98 €

    A short story collection from one of the world's bestselling SF writers

  • von Peter F. Hamilton
    10,00 €

    WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER*;';An interstellar suspense thriller . . .sweeping in scope and emotional range.'San Antonio Express-NewsIn the star-spanning civilization known as the Intersolar Commonwealth, twenty-three planets have fallen victim to the Prime, a technologically advanced alien species genetically hardwired to exterminate all other forms of life. But the Prime is not the only threat. The Starflyer, an alien with mind-control abilities impossible to detect or resist, has secretly infiltrated the Commonwealth and is sabotaging the war effort. Is the Starflyer an ally of the Prime, or has it orchestrated a fight to the death between the two species for its own advantage? Caught between two deadly enemies, the fractious Commonwealth must unite as never before. This will be humanity's finest houror its last gasp.Praise for Judas Unchained, the sequel to Pandora's Star';Bristles with the energy of golden age SF, but the styleand characterizations are polished and modern.'SF Site';You're in for quite a ride.'The Santa Fe New Mexican';The reader is left breathless in amazement.'SFRevu

  • von Peter F. Hamilton
    32,00 €

    Peter F. Hamilton's Night's Dawn Trilogy has proved one of the bestselling science fiction series of the last decade, and has placed British SF firmly back on the map. The Confederation Handbook by Peter F. Hamilton is an essential companion volume to The Reality Dysfunction, The Neutronium Alchemist and The Naked God for all the countless readers past, present and future for whom this massive trilogy has evolved into a defining SF classic. It comprises general background information relating to all three volumes, with comprehensive notes and glossaries on the major characters, planets, space stations, political hierarchies, weaponry, spacecraft, invasions, and the many alien races with their diverse social economies, industries and technologies.

  • - Celebrating the First Ten Years of Newcon Press
    von Peter F. Hamilton, Adrian Tchaikovsky, Tricia Sullivan, usw.
    23,00 €

  • von Peter F. Hamilton, Tricia Sullivan, Jaine Fenn, usw.
    24,00 €

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