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Bücher von Peter Fenwick

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  • von Peter Fenwick
    32,00 €

  • von Peter Fenwick
    23,95 €

    Gibt es eine Kunst zu sterben? Und wenn ja, was können wir tun, um einen guten Tod zu erfahren?Der renommierte Neuropsychiater Dr. Peter Fenwick stellt in diesem Buch die provokative These auf, dass das Bewusstsein möglicherweise unabhängig vom Gehirn ist und so den Tod des Gehirns überleben kann - eine Theorie, die die wissenschaftliche Gemeinschaft gespalten hat. Fenwicks Forschung befasst sich mit den Phänomenen des Lebensendes und seine überzeugende Argumentation stützt sich auf zahlreiche Berichte und Nahtoderfahrungen von Sterbenden sowie die Erfahrungen von Hospiz- und Palliativpflegern und Verwandten sterbender Menschen.Die Kunst des Sterbens zeigt, dass wir dem Tod mit einem friedlichen und ungestörten Geist begegnen können. Dieser Tod ist nichts Endgültiges, sondern eine hoffnungsvolle Reise nach Anderswo, die neugierig macht.Fachmeinungen zum Buch:"Das Buch als Ganzes beeindruckt phänomenologisch ... und vom Bedürfnis nach verantwortetem Leben her. Ein sehr interessanter und in der gegenwärtigen Palliative Care untergewichteter Gedanke, das Sterben "von der Verantwortung her" zu denken!"(Dr. Monika Renz - St. Gallen, Psychoonkologin, Sterbebegleiterin, Autorin des Buches "Hinübergehen","Einer der international führenden Nahtod-Forscher nimmt uns mit dieser durch Tatsachenberichte prall gefüllten Abhandlung auf eine spannende Forschungsreise in bisher verschlossene oder zumindest verschlossen geglaubte Welten mit."(Prof. Dr. Udo Tworuschka - Bad Münstereifel, Religionswissenschaftler, Mitherausgeber des "Handbuch der Religionen", Westarp Science Fachverlag,"Als Wissenschaftler legt P. Fenwick in verständlicher Sprache und mit klarer Struktur Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse zum Thema Tod und Sterben dar. Die Zeit vor dem Tod, während des Sterbens und nach dem Tod wird sehr einfühlsam mit seinen Beobachtungen begleitet."(Elke Unmüssig - Berlin, Ärztin/Sterbebegleitung,

  • - Understanding and Controlling Dreams
    von Peter Fenwick
    28,00 €

    For as long as human history has been recorded, people have been fascinated by their dreams. From the mystical visions in the Bible to Freud, Jung and beyond, we have looked for the meaning and significance of dreams and tried to find the connection between our waking and sleeping thoughts. But how much do we really know about them, and what can they teach us?In this remarkable exploration of the mysterious world of dreams, Peter and Elizabeth Fenwick gather the latest research to show that by learning how to read the messages our dreams give, we can understand ourselves more fully. They examine the purpose of dreams, demonstrating how they can be experienced on different levels - sometimes simply mirroring fragments of our lives and at other times revealing aspects of personality, giving us emotional insights and helping us to solve problems.The Fenwicks also explore the fascinating territory of psi phenomena, such as telepathy and precognition, and its relationship to dreaming. Dreams may be the setting, too, for even more extraordinary occurrences, such as out-of-body experiences or the terror of night abductions by alien visitors. The authors show us how to gain access to the state of lucid dreaming, so that we can learn to direct our own dreams, going through the hidden door to enter a world of virtual reality where anything is possible. But dreams have a darker side, too; nightmares and terrors can make our sleep uneasy, and in their aftermath even murder has been committed.From the principle behind 'dream machines' to bizarre occurrences of shared dreams, The Hidden Door is an intriguing and revealing exploration of the strange world of our subconscious. Including many never-before-published accounts of bizarre dream experiences from the authors' own research, it provides compelling answers to the questions we all ask ourselves about our sleeping mind.

  • - The unconventional journey of a Neuroscientist
    von Peter Fenwick
    22,98 €

    What is consciousness? How does it relate to the brain, to the mind? Does it even extend beyond them? And if so, might those experiences - telepathy, extrasensory perception, near death experiences - be called 'paranormal' because we can't explain them by any normal means?Anything with a firm belief structure, whether it is science or religious faith, limits experimentation and a free spirit of enquiry. I wanted to find a synthesis between these two fields of experience, the measurable and the immeasurable. And it seemed to me that the best - indeed, the only way I could find out more was by finding people who had such immeasurable experiences and studying them.A few years ago I was introduced by a friend to a philosopher, Alain Forget, who, I was told, had a remarkable ability to give 'energy. During this 'energy-giving' process my friend had been aware of light radiating from him.My own ego wanted to persuade this unusual man to allow me to put him under the microscope. But in doing so I found myself, perhaps reluctantly at times, under the microscope of his perceptual grasp of human nature. And I realise that it has changed me, and that much of what I thought about myself was not based in reality.This book tells that story.~ Peter Fenwick

  • von Elizabeth Fenwick & Peter Fenwick
    26,00 €

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