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Bücher von Peter Walker

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  • 11% sparen
  • 11% sparen
    von Peter Walker
    24,00 €

    Upo¿ledzona percepcja bod¿ca wzrokowego (celu) spowodowana prezentacj¿ oddzielnego bod¿ca wzrokowego (maski) w bliskiej odleg¿o¿ci czasowej lub przestrzennej stäa si¿ znana jako maskowanie wzrokowe. Jednak¿e, podobno inna forma maskowania zostäa zg¿oszona przez Di Lollo et al. (2000) poprzez zamaskowanie krótko migaj¿cego, do zidentyfikowania bod¿ca docelowego poprzez obstawienie go czterema mäymi kropkami, które odpowiadäy naro¿nikom wyimaginowanego kwadratu otaczaj¿cego cel. W szeregu badä autorzy zasugerowali, ¿e aby ta nowa forma maskowania zaistniäa, przesuni¿cie wzoru kropki musi by¿ asynchroniczne w stosunku do celu. G¿ównym celem niniejszych badä by¿o zbadanie wp¿ywu czasowego grupowania wzorca maskuj¿cego kropki na wielko¿¿ efektu maskuj¿cego. W serii eksperymentów wykazano, ¿e wielko¿¿ efektu maskuj¿cego jest zale¿na od synchronicznego wygl¿du wzorca maskuj¿cego kropki.

  • von Peter Walker
    30,00 €

    Did your faith evolve to a means of impeaching? Have you been a part of the damage, far-reaching? In Matthew's Gospel, Jesus says that whatever is done to "the least of these brothers and sisters of mine" is done to him (Matt. 25:40 NIV). Jesus identifies himself with the poor, the sick, the outcast, and the socially-reviled. Just as striking, Jesus puts himself at odds with the religious establishment of his day. This fact leaves many of us inside and outside the Church asking, "What happened?" Jesus turned everything all downside-up, Replacing the whole world's measuring cup: Some wanted the safety of self-certainty, But black-and-white rules don't set anyone free... Downside Up: A Gospel Story, Re-Dreamed is a picture book for grown ups that combines rhyme and verse with biting satire and colorful illustrations. It explores what's gone wrong in modern Christianity, and whether there is any hope left for Jesus' fearless, downside-up message of peace and love.

  • von Peter Walker
    24,95 €

    Begeben Sie sich auf eine faszinierende Reise durch Israel! Dieses große illustrierte Sachbuch enthält einmaliges Bildmaterial, mit dem Sie Israel aus ganz neuen Perspektiven entdecken werden. Das Heilige Land ist schon seit Urzeiten der Schauplatz dramatischer Ereignisse. Dieser aufwändig gestaltete Bildband nimmt Sie mit auf einen Weg durch die bewegte Vergangenheit Israels. Diese Reise führt von den Anfängen der Geschichte bis zum Ende des britischen Mandats 1948, biblische Stätten werden besucht, historische Ereignisse rekonstruiert. Eine gelungene Synthese aus Wort und Bild, die das Heilige Land lebendig erfahrbar machen.

  • - Book Zero - The Village
    von Peter Walker
    43,00 €

  • - From There to Here
    von Peter Walker
    17,00 €

  • - Poems of Humanity and Nature
    von Peter Walker
    16,00 €

    This is Peter Walker's fifth collection of poetry, mature and deeply perceptive of the nature of being human in this wonderful natural world. As a teacher and priest, Walker is acutely aware of both the triumphs and the weaknesses of our spirituality. He expresses the full range of the spirit with sensitivity and often with searing, self-deprecating wit. This is a collection that the reader will want to return to again and again, each time perceiving something new in a certain pause or the choice of a precise word. Deserved winner of the Local Legend national Spiritual Writing Competition.

  • - Victims and destitution
    von Peter Walker
    78,00 €

    A famine is not a single natural catastrophe: it has different stages. This book is about the people who are caught up in the process of famine. It looks at how they perceive their predicament and what they do to avert mass starvation: and at what genuinely useful help can be offered in order to prevent irreversible disaster.

  • 16% sparen
    von Peter Walker
    41,00 €

    The impaired perception of a visual stimulus (the target) caused by the presentation of a separate visual stimulus (the mask) in close temporal or spatial proximity has come to be known as visual masking. However, a supposedly different form of masking was reported by Di Lollo et al. (2000) by masking a briefly flashed to-be-identified target stimulus by flanking it with four small dots that corresponded to the corners of an imaginary square surrounding the target. In a series of studies, the authors suggested that, in order for this new form of masking to occur, the the offset of the dot pattern must be asynchronous to the target. The primary goal of the present research was to explore the affect of temporal grouping of the dot masking pattern on the magnitude of the masking effect. In a series of experiments, it was shown that the magnitude of the masking effect was dependent upon the synchronous appearance of the dot-masking pattern.

  • 19% sparen
    von Peter Walker
    64,00 €

  • - Religious Toleration and the Landed Classes, 1687-1688
    von Peter Walker
    91,55 €

    William of Orange's invasion destroyed the king's plans, but given the time, could James have nurtured these 'green shoots' of religious pluralism in what was still a fiercely Protestant nation? This title reveals an endorsement of the general concept of religious toleration.

  • 10% sparen
    von Peter Walker
    48,00 €

    This book adopts a practical, example-led approach to mathematical analysis that shows both the usefulness and limitations of the results. A number of applications show what the subject is about and what can be done with it; the applications in Fourier theory, distributions and asymptotics show how the results may be put to use.

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