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Bücher von Peter Zweifel

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  • von Peter Zweifel, Friedrich Breyer & Mathias Kifmann
    70,00 - 95,00 €

    This is the most complete text available on the economics of health behavior and health care delivery. The text provides the key analytical tools required to understand current research and models existing complexities as they are.

  • von Roland Eisen, Peter Zweifel & David L. Eckles
    58,00 €

  • von Peter Zweifel
    79,00 €

    Insurance Economics brings together the economic analysis of decision making under risk, risk management and demand for insurance among individuals and corporations, objectives pursued and management tools used by insurance companies, the regulation of insurance, and the division of labor between private and social insurance.Appropriate both for advanced undergraduate and graduate students of economics, management, and finance, this text provides the background required to understand current research. Predictions derived from theoretical arguments are not merely stated, but also related to empirical evidence. Throughout the book, conclusions summarize key results, helping readers to check their knowledge and comprehension. Issues discussed include paradoxes in decision making under risk and attempts at their resolution, moral hazard and adverse selection including the possibility of a ¿death spiral¿, and future challenges to both private and social insurance such as globalization and the availability of genetic information.This second edition has been extensively revised. Most importantly, substantial content has been added to represent the evolution of risk-related research. A new chapter, Insurance Demand II: Nontraditional Approaches, provides a timely addition in view of recent developments in risk theory and insurance. Previous discussions of Enterprise Risk Management, long-term care insurance, adverse selection, and moral hazard have all been updated. In an effort to expand the global reach of the text, evidence and research from the U.S. and China have also been added.

  • - Konsequenzen der Deregulierung fur Wettbewerbsordnung und Unternehmensfuhrung
    von Wolfgang Muller & Peter Zweifel
    54,99 €

  • - Theory and Applications
    von Peter Zweifel, Aaron Praktiknjo & Georg Erdmann
    45,00 - 74,00 €

    The authors discuss the engineering properties of energy technologies including renewables, the economics of natural resources and environmental protection, market liberalization, and energy trade as well as the experience of the German energy transformation.

  • von Roland Eisen & Peter Zweifel
    69,00 €

    Presenting theoretical foundations and empirical research, this text introduces the reader to the core issues and analytical tools of insurance economics, examining in detail a host of key factors including supply and demand, regulation and social insurance.

  • von Peter Zweifel, Friedrich Breyer & Mathias Kifmann
    49,99 €

    Dieses Buch macht den Leser mit den zentralen Fragestellungen und dem analytischen Werkzeug der Gesundheitsökonomik vertraut. Erörtert werden u.a. die Ausgabendynamik im Gesundheitswesen, der Umgang mit der Gesundheit, die Rolle des Arztes und sein Verhalten, Ineffizienzen in Krankenhäusern und die Anreize zur Risikoselektion im Krankenkassenwettbewerb. Diese Themen werden stringent mit mikroökonomischen Methoden analysiert, ethische Gesichtspunkte jedoch auch berücksichtigt. Diskutiert werden zudem Ergebnisse empirischer Forschung und aktuelle Reformvorschläge wie die Bürgerversicherung und die Einführung von Pauschalprämien in der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung. Die 6. Auflage wurde vollständig überabeitet, um wichtige Neuerungen ergänzt und aktualisiert.

  • von Peter Zweifel
    130,00 €

    Confronted with the continuing cost expansion in the health care sector, policy makers face a dilemma: limiting moral hazard in medical care requires that consumers participate in the cost, yet copayment is strongly resisted by today's socially insured.

  • von Peter Zweifel
    54,99 €

  • von Roland Eisen & Peter Zweifel
    54,99 €

  • von Peter Zweifel
    131,00 €

    Confronted with the continuing cost expansion in the health care sector, policy makers face a dilemma: limiting moral hazard in medical care requires that consumers participate in the cost, yet copayment is strongly resisted by today's socially insured.

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