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Bücher von Philip Krill

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  • von Philip Krill
    43,00 €

    To appreciate the theological genius of Hans Urs von Balthasar, we must note his inseparable connection with Adrienne von Speyr. Balthasar referred to Von Speyr as the inspirational source of his theological vision and literary achievements. Says Balthasar: 'Her work and mine are neither psychologically nor philologically to be separated: two halves of a single whole, which has as its center a unique foundation' (My Work: In Retrospect, 105, 89).This 'unique foundation' is a mystical apprehension of the immanent Life of the Trinity. At the heart of the Trinity, Balthasar and Speyr see a primordial Mystery of Kenosis, i.e., self-dis-possession. Balthasar terms this Trinitarian self-expropriation Ur-kenosis, since the self-emptying (kenosis) within the Trinity applies not only to Christ but also to the Father and the Holy Spirit. The Father divests himself of himself in the begetting of his Son; the Holy Spirit is the fontal Power of self-abnegation (kenosis) within the Trinity, so 'emptied of himself' that he, as Spirit, is absolutely incognito.DIVINE KENOSIS is an attempt to draw attention to the neo-patristic synthesis and anagogical vision promoted by Han Urs von Balthasar and Adrienne von Speyr. It is also an extension of my personal mission to 'promote a Trinitarian vision of deification and contemplative prayer.'

  • von Philip Krill
    25,00 €

    This little book is an exercise in theological imagination - a theologumenon. It is a modest attempt, in an intentionally untoward way, to re-acquaint us with a patristic vision of the universally salvific love of God that reconciles and divinizes all things in Christ that he may be 'all in all' (1 Cor. 15:28).Aporiae approaches the most controversial issues in theology - universal salvation, freedom, evil, etc. - using an entirely interrogative form. I'm not trying to get anyone to believe anything. I'm pointing towards a Horizon and a Mystery of divine goodness and love that infinitely exceeds anything of which the human mind and heart can conceive (cf. 1 Cor 2:9).I pray the questions I raise in this little book will affect the reader as I intend - as sincere 'inquiries from the eschaton'. They are inspired, I believe, by an intuitive apprehension of the universally redemptive Mystery of trinitarian Love, and filled with the 'hope does not disappoint, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit' (cf. Rom 5:5), convincing us that 'just as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive' (1 Cor. 15:22).

  • von Philip Krill
    22,00 €

    This is the last in a trilogy of aphoristic reflections on the mystery of Presence. Unlike my previous two books on this subject, Apokalypteria seeks to bridge the gap between those who are drawn to the mystery of Presence but have no hard and fast religious beliefs, and those devout and religious believers who view 'Presence' as a poor substitute when speaking about things sacred, holy and divine.We are currently witnessing the great deconstruction of institutionalized Christianity. This is as fortunate as it is inevitable. Christianity, as genuine, kerygmatic Evangel, defies definition. Christianity is the dissolution of every form of status quo, giving rise to a communion of persons knowing themselves to be in the world but not of the world for the life of the world.This book is a babbling collection of effusive aphorisms spoken in an eschatological key offered in the hope that atheists, agnostics and believers alike may perceive their essential unity in the Mystery of Christ who is present in the Mystery of Presence. In the end, it is all a single Mystery - the triune Mystery of God.

  • von Philip Krill
    22,00 €

    PAROUSIA (, parousia) is a Greek term meaning 'presence' or 'arrival.' Because it is used as a technical term referring to the return of Christ in glory, its more immediate, existential impact is often overlooked. Presence restores the epiphanic power of Parousia, opening us to the Eternal Now of a divine Fulness (Plrma) that is not yet completely revealed. Presence is a simple, immediately accessible entrée into what metaphysicians and theologians call the Mystery of 'God.' Presence is not identical with 'God' - what is? Yet Presence is that sophianic handmaid of 'God' - Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom) - who was 'created at the beginning of God's work' and who rejoices in God's created world and delights in the human race (Prv. 8:22- 31). Presence is the Sapientia of 'God', providing us with a taste of divine bliss otherwise inaccessible to the human heart (cf. 1 Cor. 2:9).I offer this book as an invitation for you to enter more deeply into the mystery of Presence where you may experience the Parousia of God.

  • von James McCullough & Philip Krill
    27,00 - 37,00 €

  • von Philip Krill
    41,00 €

    Mindfulness is an English synonym for the Oriental term, Mushin. Mushin is a shortened version of the Zen expression mushin no shin (), meaning 'mind without mind' or, simply, 'No Mind'. Mushin or Mindfulness is a state where we become empty of all desires, thoughts, and assumptions, but remain alert, attentive, open and receptive to all that is. In Mindfulness our minds and hearts are free of anger, fear, or ego. In Mindfulness there is an absence of discursive thinking and deliberative judgment, but a fullness of intuitive knowing. In mindfulness we are free to act and respond without disturbance from our thoughts. In Mindfulness we intuitively know how to handle situations which previously baffled us. This book is a continuation of my previous writings on the Mystery of Presence. Mindfulness and Presence are terms pointing to the same ineffable, but immediately accessible encounter with what some people call God. I offer this book as a fruit of Presence, i.e. of my fledgling attempts to practice Mindfulness in every present moment. I have found that only words flowing from Presence, only books written in Mindfulness, have the power to communicate the Mystery of Mindfulness and Presence. I pray this book serves as a sacrament of God's Presence for you and encourages you to begin or deepen your own practice of Mindfulness.

  • von Philip Krill
    22,00 €

    After Jesus of Nazareth fed the five thousand with five loaves and two fishes (Lk. 9:10-17), his apostles collected twelve wicker baskets of leftover fragments. The perfection of these numbers - seven and twelve - indicates the Divine Abundance of everything that comes from the hands of God. Mystics of the ancient Orient also knew of Divine Abundance. They called this mystery Saccidannda, a Hindu term that connotes the divine Bliss (Ananda) that arises within us when our Awareness (Chit) rests in Being (Sat), not in thinking. The experience of Saccidannda is what Jesus meant when he said, 'The kingdom of God is within you' (Lk. 17:28). One way of entering the kingdom of God, or experiencing Saccidannda, is to contemplate the Mystery of Presence. Presence, like the Mystery of God, is impossible to describe, yet, is as undeniable as it is indefinable. Presence is the experience of being completely empty of thought and devoid of agenda. Presence is the experience of transcendental Awareness that intuits the infinity of Being, and imparts such Divine Bliss that we sense it can only be coming from God. This book is a collection of fragments gleaned from the experience of Presence. They are given here to help the reader be present, and grow in contemplative prayer.

  • von Philip Krill
    32,00 €

    Gelassenheit is a German word with many meanings: relinquishment, surrender, abandonment, submission, detachment, letting go, allowing, acquiescence, etc. Meister Eckhart's favorite term for Gelassenheit is releasement. Eckhart, like mystics of every age, experienced God as a Mystery of Releasement. Gelassenheit involves the whole trinitarian Life. The father 'lets go of' Himself to be begotten in an intra-trinitarian act of Gelassenheit, and together, Father and Son 'release' the Holy Spirit, for the salvation of the world. These meditations on Gelassenheit are offered to help us experience God as a Mystery of Divine Releasement. And since the spiritual life is also a progressive growth in interior Gelassenheit, the author also hopes that this book will inspire a trinitarian vision of deification and contemplative prayer. Meister Eckhart (1260-1328) was a German theologian, philosopher, and mystic. A Dominican priest, his writings, comprised mostly of sermons, were considered heretical during his lifetime but are now considered the mystical gold standard of the Middle Ages.

  • von Philip Krill
    41,00 €

    In 1884, Karl Rahner predicted that 'the Christian of the future will be a mystic or he will not exist at all.' These many years later, Rahner's words are no less prophetic. As organized religion continues to atrophy at an unstoppable rate, the need for a contemplative spirituality continues to grow. Tearing the Veil of this Sweet Encounter is a modest attempt to meet this need. Fr. Philip Krill's personal mission is to 'promote a trinitarian vision of deification and contemplative prayer.' The author prays that all who read this book will be inspired to seek God, not in the moral platitudes of religion, but in the silent depths of contemplative prayer.

  • von Philip Krill
    41,00 €

    PRAYING WITH THE FATHERS:A Year of Neo-patristic Mediations is a day-by-day prayer book based on selections from the Early Church Fathers. In these meditations, Philip Krill, whose mission is 'promoting a Trinitarian vision of deification and contemplative prayer,'' seeks to introduce the reader to the Fathers' vision of our divinization in Christ and the universally salvific impact of His Incarnation. It is also his hope that those who read these meditations will be drawn more deeply into contemplative prayer.

  • - Meditations on the Mystery of Presence
    von Philip Krill
    41,00 €

  • - : A Year of Neo-Patristic Reflections
    von Philip Krill
    43,00 €

  • - Mysteries of Light
    von Philip Krill
    32,00 €

  • - The Pauline Mysticism of Romans 8
    von Philip Krill
    23,00 €

  • - A Contemplative Reading of Colossians 1
    von Philip Krill
    25,00 €

    THE HOPE OF GLORY is a contemplative reading of St. Paul's first chapter to his letter to the Colossians. Written in the lectio divina key and after the fashion of the works of Adrienne von Speyr and Erasmo Leiva-Merikakas, THE HOPE OF GLORY seeks the mystical meaning of the text. It represents a small contribution to the neo-patristic synthesis and participative exegesis emerging in the contemporary church.

  • - Towards an Anagogical Catholicism
    von Philip Krill
    42,00 €

    DEIFIED VISION: TOWARDS AN ANAGOGICAL CATHOLICISM is an attempt at activating an "anagogical imagination." It requires of us that we pray for a share in God's own contemplation of the world; that we allow our imaginations to get "lifted up" into His own; that we desire to receive, through the illumination of His Holy Spirit, a participation in His own love and desire for all He has created. One author has called this process 'acquiring an "epistemic participation" in the Mind of Christ.'

  • - Mysteries of Joy
    von Philip Krill
    28,00 €

    Mary is known in tradition as the Mystical Rose, and praying her rosary is meant to be a mystical encounter with the Most Holy Trinity. Mary is the daughter of the Father, mother of the Son, and spouse of the Holy Spirit. GAUDETE is a scriptural rosary written in a lectio divina key, inviting us to contemplate the Trinitarian dimensions of the Mysteries of Joy.About the Author:Philip Krill is a priest in the Archdiocese of St. Louis, MO.

  • - Encountering the Trinity in Ephesians 1
    von Philip Krill
    25,00 €

    Inspired by the spiritual exegesis of the early church fathers, and modeled on the revival of an imaginative and contemplative approach to Scripture developed by Adrienne von Speyr, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Joseph Ratzinger, and Erasmo Leiva-Merikakas, BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD takes a small portion of a single letter of St. Paul and invites us to communion with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit through an extended exercise in lectio divina. According to the ressourcement theological vision advocated by the authors above, our reading of Scripture should be a living encounter with the Eternal Word in every word of the Bible. BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD invites us into just such an encounter.

  • - A Catholic Vision of Communion and Deification
    von Philip Krill
    29,00 €

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