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Bücher von Phill Akinwale

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  • von Phill Akinwale
    35,00 €

    In the dynamic world of modern leadership, the concept of respect is often overshadowed by the pursuit of hard metrics and tangible achievements. Yet, the true measure of effective leadership lies in the ability to create and sustain a culture of respect. "Leader's Guide to a Respectful Workplace" is a pivotal publication that re-centers this essential element at the heart of successful management and team dynamics.Navigating through seven transformative chapters, this guide is more than just a book-it's a roadmap to cultivating a workplace environment where respect is the cornerstone of every interaction. Each chapter journeys into key aspects of respect, from maintaining composure under pressure to empowering team members, and from acknowledging the human element in leadership to the art of retrospection.But this book does more than just explore concepts; it provides practical, real-world applications. Through engaging stories of renowned leaders, robust exercises, and insightful anecdotes, it equips readers with the tools to implement respectful practices in their daily leadership roles. Whether you're a seasoned executive or a new team leader, this guide is tailored to help you foster an atmosphere where respect drives productivity, innovation, and mutual understanding."Leader's Guide to a Respectful Workplace" is not just about changing workplace dynamics; it's about transforming how we view leadership itself. It challenges readers to go beyond traditional management paradigms and embrace a leadership style that is both empathetic and effective.In this book, respect isn't just a concept-it's a practice, a skill, and a commitment. It's a journey that starts with self-reflection and extends to reshaping organizational cultures. If you're ready to lead with respect and create a workplace that values every voice, then this is the guide for you.Join us in redefining leadership for the modern era. Where respect leads, success follows.

  • von Phill Akinwale
    44,00 €

    In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of project management, AI does not create the elements of leadership and communication, much like Storm does not create the elements of nature in the X-Men universe. Instead, AI provides project managers with the power to harness these fundamental skills and amplify them-transforming them into weapons for good, for progress, and for the successful realization of visionary projects."AI Superheroes: Elevating Communication and Leadership with AI" is a manifesto for the modern project manager-a beacon that guides you through the complexities of integrating artificial intelligence into the core of project management. Within these pages lies the secret to not only adapting to the digital revolution but leading it.As a project manager, you are the catalyst for change, the strategist in a world where data and human insight intersect. This book empowers you to become an AI Superhero, teaching you how to channel the boundless potential of AI to elevate your team's collaboration, drive innovation, and sharpen your decision-making prowess.You'll learn not just to coexist with AI but to wield it with the finesse of a seasoned leader, aligning technology with the quintessential human values that make for truly exceptional projects. AI becomes more than a tool-it becomes an extension of your leadership, a new facet of your command, enabling you to inspire trust, navigate through uncertainty, and create a legacy of successful projects.Embrace this journey and discover how you, too, can transform the raw energy of AI into a force for leadership good.

  • von Phill Akinwale
    34,00 €

    In the vast realm of project management, earning a PMP certification is akin to a knight being anointed or a noble ascending to the throne. It's a significant milestone, a testament to one's dedication, skill, and expertise. But as with all crowns, the PMP certification is not just an emblem of honor; it's a call to greater responsibility, leadership, and excellence.Welcome to "Becoming a Project Management King and Queen," where the journey beyond the PMP certification unfolds. This book is not merely a guide; it's a compass, pointing you towards the uncharted territories of leadership, innovation, and unparalleled success in the world of project management.While the PMP certification equips you with the technical knowledge and foundational skills, this book aims to mold you into a sovereign of your domain. It's about transcending the ordinary, leading with vision and empathy, and crafting legacies that stand the test of time.Whether you envision yourself as a king, leading with authority and strategy, or a queen, guiding with intuition and grace, the path to regal project management awaits. Embrace the journey, for in these pages lies the map to your kingdom. Let's embark on this quest together, transforming you from a certified professional into project management royalty.

  • von Phill Akinwale
    22,00 €

    In the cutthroat world of flooring design, one company stands at the brink of collapse. OakLine, once a beacon of innovation, is now teetering on the edge of oblivion. Its charismatic CEO, Silas Carter, is desperate, outmaneuvered, and running out of time.Enter the realm of corporate warfare, where rivals resort to sabotage, espionage, and underhanded tactics. CedarCorp, a merciless competitor, is closing in, ready to devour OakLine and claim its secrets. But all is not lost.A spark of genius, a fusion of art and artificial intelligence, gives OakLine a fighting chance. Silas and his team embark on a daring journey to revolutionize the very essence of flooring. The stakes are high, the battles fierce, and the quest for perfection becomes a race against time.From boardroom duels to technological marvels, from moral dilemmas to thrilling triumphs, "Battles & Boards: Silas Carter's Quest for the Artificial Floor" is a rollercoaster ride of emotion, intrigue, and innovation.Are you ready to walk the floor with Silas?Join the adventure, where floors come to life, dreams are woven in algorithms, and the battle for integrity is as gripping as the fight for survival.

  • von Phill Akinwale
    56,00 €

    With the rapid pace of technological advancement, AI is not just an abstract concept of the future-it's a present reality transforming the field of project management. 'Artificial Intelligence for Project Managers' unveils this potent tool, demonstrating how AI can foster innovation, augment efficiency, and pave the way for success in project management.Penned by Phill Akinwale, OPM3, PMP, a seasoned project management professional and trainer to distinguished entities including NASA, FBI, USAF, USACE, and the US Army, this book is a practical and comprehensive guide. It navigates the real-world applications of AI, from optimizing Kanban boards to providing real-time project insights. But it goes beyond looking into the ethical terrain to discuss the social and moral implications of AI integration in project management practices.Drawing from a wealth of experience, Phill enriches the book with a fun-filled story modeled after his classes, case studies, exercises, and real-life examples. He challenges project managers to not only stay abreast of AI's potential impact but also to consider the ethical dimensions of its application.Whether you're a veteran project manager seeking to stay ahead of the technological curve, or a novice looking to navigate this evolving landscape, 'AI for Project Managers' is your essential guide. Embrace the future, arm yourself with knowledge, and ride the crest of the AI wave under the expert guidance of your friend Phill.

  • von Phill Akinwale
    49,00 €

    In the glittering world of Hollywood, where dreams are made and broken, storytelling reigns supreme. The magic of the silver screen relies on compelling narratives, complex characters, and plot twists that capture the audience's imagination. As an aspiring screenwriter or author, you dream of creating a story that resonates, enchants, and leaves your audience craving for more. You dream of Hollywood.But crafting a riveting narrative can be a challenging task. It's a creative endeavor that requires not only imagination but also a keen understanding of story structure, character development, and thematic coherence. It's an art that demands mastery over the subtle dance between plot and emotion, between revelation and suspense. That's where "The Hollywood Model" steps in.This book isn't just another guide on writing; it's a revolutionary approach to storytelling that merges creativity with technology. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence, the landscape of creative writing and screenwriting is undergoing a transformation. AI isn't just about robots and automation; it's about enhancing our creativity, augmenting our imagination, and enabling us to tell stories in ways we've never done before."The Hollywood Model" will introduce you to the exciting world of AI-enhanced writing. It presents a structured model, inspired by successful Hollywood narratives, and demonstrates how you can use AI to create compelling screenplays and book narratives. It dives deep into the nuances of character development, plot creation, emotional resonance, and much more, providing you with a comprehensive guide to crafting stories that captivate and inspire.But this book isn't just about theory. It's packed with practical exercises, detailed worksheets, and real-world examples that will help you apply these concepts to your writing. You'll learn to harness the power of AI, transforming it from a technological tool into a creative ally in your storytelling journey."The Hollywood Model" isn't just a book-it's your ticket to Hollywood. Whether you're an aspiring author, an experienced screenwriter, or just someone who loves telling stories, this book will empower you to tell your stories better, taking your creativity to unprecedented heights. Welcome to the future of storytelling. Welcome to "The Hollywood Model".

  • von Phill Akinwale
    31,00 €

    Introducing "PMP Exam Mindset: Unlocking Success in Agile and Predictive Project Management"Are you ready to conquer the PMP exam and take your project management career to new heights? Look no further! "PMP Exam Mindset" is your essential guide to unlocking success in both agile and predictive project management domains.In this book, we dive deep into the mindset required to excel on the PMP exam, covering the critical people, process, and business domains. With a comprehensive and unique approach, we equip you with the right frame of mind to conquer this beast of an exam.Drawing on years of experience and expertise, we present 36 powerful mantras and guiding principles specifically designed to help PMP exam candidates succeed. These mantras serve as your roadmap, guiding you through the intricate maze of project management concepts and techniques.We understand that the PMP exam has evolved, placing greater emphasis on servant-leadership and a people-centric approach. Therefore, our book focuses on agile, hybrid, and predictive "good thinking" methodologies, ensuring you are well-prepared for the modern exam landscape.By examining each of the ten knowledge areas through an agile lens, we provide insights into how these concepts are applied in agile project management. Whether you're navigating people management, process optimization, or strategic business alignment, this book has got you covered.Additionally, we devote special attention to the five process groups, studying them meticulously with the PMP exam in mind. We unravel the intricacies of each process group, equipping you with the knowledge and strategies needed to tackle exam questions effectively.To reinforce your learning and gauge your progress, we conclude the book with a series of short tests covering each domain of people, process, and business. These tests are invaluable tools in assessing your readiness for the PMP exam and ensuring you have mastered the required knowledge.Prepare yourself for success and embark on your PMP exam journey with confidence. "PMP Exam Mindset" is your trusted companion, providing the essential mindset and knowledge to overcome the challenges and achieve PMP exam excellence.Unlock the door to PMP success today and embrace a future filled with exciting project management opportunities.

  • von Phill Akinwale
    26,00 €

    Unlock the mysteries of Artificial Intelligence and master the foundations of the RGB Prompt Engineering Model with "AI Basics: A Practical Understanding of RGB Prompt Engineering"!This comprehensive guide is designed for AI enthusiasts, tech hobbyists, and professionals alike who want to delve deeper into the world of AI and understand the groundbreaking RGB Prompt Engineering Model. Each chapter carefully presents a structured pathway from AI's historical origins to the most advanced applications in today's technology landscape.The book navigates you through key AI concepts like Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Computer Vision, setting a robust base for exploring the unique capabilities of the RGB Model.What sets this guide apart is its specific focus on the RGB Prompt Engineering Model, a state-of-the-art tool in AI that elevates machine understanding to new heights. With detailed explanations, real-world examples, and hands-on exercises, you will learn to effectively harness the power of this groundbreaking model."AI Basics: A Practical Understanding of RGB Prompt Engineering" offers you the future of AI today. Let it be your companion in this fascinating journey towards understanding and applying AI in our daily lives. Prepare to step into the future, one prompt at a time!

  • von Phill Akinwale
    25,00 €

    Agile is often misunderstood as a methodology or framework, but it is much more than that. It is a mindset that shapes how individuals and teams approach work, collaborate, and deliver value. In "Agile is a Mindset", we embark on an enlightening adventure with Billy, a local Agile superstar who realizes that he lacks a deep understanding of the essence of agility.In this book, we delve into the core principles of Agile and unravel the true meaning behind the Agile mindset. We follow Billy as he encounters various challenges, misconceptions, and eye-opening experiences that challenge his preconceived notions about Agile. While frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming are commonly associated with Agile, we emphasize that they are merely implementation approaches of Agile practices. Instead of focusing solely on the mechanics of these frameworks, we explore the fundamental values and principles that underpin Agile.Throughout the story, Billy learns that Agile is about embracing adaptability, flexibility, and continuous improvement. It encourages individuals and teams to respond to change rather than blindly adhering to rigid plans. Collaboration, transparency, and empowerment are at the heart of the Agile mindset, fostering effective communication, close teamwork, and shared ownership of outcomes.Join Billy on his journey as he discovers the essence of Agile, unveils its true nature, and learns valuable lessons about Scrum along the way. Through relatable experiences and practical insights, "Agile is a Mindset" offers readers a refreshing and distilled view of Agile principles and their application in real-world scenarios.Whether you're new to Agile or seeking a deeper understanding of its principles, this book serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards embracing an Agile mindset and achieving greater success in today's fast-paced and ever-changing world.Get ready to embark on a transformative journey with Billy and discover the power of Agile!

  • von Phill Akinwale
    34,00 €

    As a Scrum trainer and coach, I have seen first-hand the struggles that many Scrum Masters face in leading their teams. It's not uncommon for them to feel uncertain about their role, particularly when working with high-performing teams right from the start after getting CSM or PSM certified. However, the truth is that the role of the Scrum Master is not just about managing mundane tasks, generating tickets and labels in Jira or Rally and burn charts, but rather it is about leading teams to success through the application of effective leadership skills.This book, "SCRUM LEADERSHIP: 5 Levels of Leadership for Agile Success", was written with the aim of providing Scrum Masters with the guidance and tools they need to lead their teams to greatness. The book is based on my experiences, insights, and learnings as an Agile coach and trainer, and it provides practical advice and techniques for leading teams effectively.The 5 levels of leadership outlined in this book are designed to help Scrum Masters understand the cycle of life within the Scrum team and the importance of developing great leadership skills day by day. From Collaborative Leadership to Results-Oriented Leadership, this book provides a comprehensive guide to the different leadership styles that Scrum Masters can use to help their teams achieve Agile success.Whether you are a new or experienced Scrum Master, this book is an essential resource for anyone looking to improve their leadership skills and take their team to the next level. So, dive in, learn, and become the best Scrum Master and "Agilist" you can be!

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