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Bücher von Pholo Raseala

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  • von Pholo Raseala
    43,00 €

    The question of land has become the most burning topic in our contemporary politics and debates. However, these street altercations, formal and informal debates surrounding the question of land, have a long history within the politics of our continent (Africa). In actual fact it is safe to prematurely conclude in this premise that the history of the African struggle is centered around the land question. Whether it is the expropriation, exploitation, extraction from or ¿acquisition¿ of the African land. Although the history of land dispossession dates centuries back, its severity is still felt till date. This investigation will primarily focus on the prospects and challenges that the land reform programme of South Africa presents, using Ga-Sekgopo Village as a case study of the research. The investigation will employ a qualitative research methodology to determine the opportunities and challenges that come with the land reform question.

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