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Bücher von PJ Lolly

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  • von PJ Lolly
    21,00 €

    At the age of nine, PJ Lolly asked Jesus to come into her heart, but she never remembers a time in her life when she didn't know that Jesus had died on the cross to pay her sin debt. When she was in high school, a minister encouraged her to read through the New Testament and find verses with the phrases "e;in Him,"e; "e;in Christ,"e; and "e;in God"e; in order to understand her identity because of Jesus' shed blood, death, and resurrection. She took that to heart and has been finding those verses ever since. Today, she reads the Old Testament and the New Testament to discover all that she is because the GREAT I AM lives in her.PJ Lolly has a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary through 8th grade Education and a Master's Degree in Special Education. Over the past 45 years, she has used her degrees to teach English, Bible, and reading. Her favorite grade to teach is 8th.She has been married for 45 years and has two wonderful daughters and sons-in-law. To date, they have given her four grandchildren, two boys and two girls. The grands make PJ Lolly's life grand.

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