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Bücher von Pourya Zarshenas

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  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    53,00 €

    International Economics is concerned with the effects upon economic activity from international differences in productive resources and consumer preferences and the international institutions that affect them. It seeks to explain the patterns and consequences of transactions and interactions between the inhabitants of different countries, including trade, investment and transaction. International trade studies goods and services flows across international boundaries from supply-and-demand factors, economic integration, international factor movements, and policy variables such as tariff rates and trade quotas.International finance studies the flow of capital across international financial markets, and the effects of these movements on exchange rates. International monetary economics and international macroeconomics study flows of money across countries and the resulting effects on their economies as a whole.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    53,00 €

    La física atómica es el campo de la física que estudia los átomos como un sistema aislado de electrones y un núcleo atómico. La física atómica suele referirse al estudio de la estructura atómica y la interacción entre átomos. Se ocupa principalmente del modo en que los electrones se disponen alrededor del núcleo y de los procesos por los que cambian estas disposiciones. El término física atómica puede asociarse con la energía nuclear y las armas nucleares, debido al uso sinónimo de atómico y nuclear en el inglés estándar. Los físicos distinguen entre física atómica -que se ocupa del átomo como sistema formado por un núcleo y electrones- y física nuclear, que estudia las reacciones nucleares y las propiedades especiales de los núcleos atómicos.Como ocurre con muchos campos científicos, la delimitación estricta puede ser muy artificiosa y la física atómica suele considerarse en el contexto más amplio de la física atómica, molecular y óptica.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    53,00 €

    La fisica atomica è il campo della fisica che studia gli atomi come sistema isolato di elettroni e nucleo atomico. La fisica atomica si riferisce tipicamente allo studio della struttura atomica e dell'interazione tra gli atomi. Si occupa principalmente del modo in cui gli elettroni sono disposti intorno al nucleo e dei processi attraverso i quali tali disposizioni cambiano. Il termine fisica atomica può essere associato all'energia nucleare e alle armi nucleari, a causa dell'uso sinonimo di atomico e nucleare nell'inglese standard. I fisici distinguono tra la fisica atomica - che si occupa dell'atomo come sistema costituito da un nucleo e da elettroni - e la fisica nucleare, che studia le reazioni nucleari e le proprietà speciali dei nuclei atomici. Come per molti campi scientifici, una delimitazione rigida può essere molto artificiosa e la fisica atomica è spesso considerata nel contesto più ampio della fisica atomica, molecolare e ottica.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    53,00 €

    La physique atomique est le domaine de la physique qui étudie les atomes en tant que système isolé d'électrons et de noyau atomique. La physique atomique se réfère généralement à l'étude de la structure atomique et de l'interaction entre les atomes. Elle s'intéresse principalement à la manière dont les électrons sont disposés autour du noyau et aux processus par lesquels ces dispositions changent. La physique atomique peut être associée à l'énergie nucléaire et aux armes nucléaires, en raison de l'utilisation synonyme d'atomique et de nucléaire dans l'anglais standard. Les physiciens font la distinction entre la physique atomique, qui traite de l'atome en tant que système composé d'un noyau et d'électrons, et la physique nucléaire, qui étudie les réactions nucléaires et les propriétés spéciales des noyaux atomiques. Comme pour de nombreux domaines scientifiques, une délimitation stricte peut être très artificielle et la physique atomique est souvent considérée dans le contexte plus large de la physique atomique, moléculaire et optique.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    68,90 €

    Die Atomphysik ist das Gebiet der Physik, das sich mit den Atomen als isoliertes System von Elektronen und einem Atomkern befasst. Die Atomphysik bezieht sich in der Regel auf die Untersuchung der Atomstruktur und der Wechselwirkung zwischen Atomen. Sie befasst sich in erster Linie mit der Art und Weise, wie die Elektronen um den Kern angeordnet sind, und mit den Prozessen, durch die sich diese Anordnungen verändern. Der Begriff Atomphysik kann mit Kernkraft und Kernwaffen in Verbindung gebracht werden, da die Begriffe "atomic" und "nuclear" im Standard-Englisch synonym verwendet werden. Physiker unterscheiden zwischen der Atomphysik, die sich mit dem Atom als einem aus einem Kern und Elektronen bestehenden System befasst, und der Kernphysik, die sich mit Kernreaktionen und den besonderen Eigenschaften von Atomkernen befasst, wobei eine strikte Abgrenzung wie bei vielen anderen wissenschaftlichen Bereichen sehr konstruiert sein kann und die Atomphysik oft im weiteren Kontext der Atom-, Molekular- und optischen Physik betrachtet wird.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    53,00 €

    A física atómica é o campo da física que estuda os átomos como um sistema isolado de electrões e um núcleo atómico. A física atómica refere-se normalmente ao estudo da estrutura atómica e da interação entre os átomos. Preocupa-se principalmente com a forma como os electrões estão dispostos em torno do núcleo e com os processos pelos quais estes arranjos se alteram. O termo física atómica pode ser associado à energia nuclear e às armas nucleares, devido à utilização sinónima de atómico e nuclear no inglês padrão. Os físicos distinguem entre a física atómica - que trata do átomo como um sistema constituído por um núcleo e electrões - e a física nuclear, que estuda as reacções nucleares e as propriedades especiais dos núcleos atómicos. Tal como acontece com muitos domínios científicos, uma delimitação rigorosa pode ser altamente artificial e a física atómica é frequentemente considerada no contexto mais vasto da física atómica, molecular e ótica.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    53,00 €

    I honestly think atheism is inconsistent with the scientific method. What I mean by that is, what is atheism? It¿s a statement, a categorical statement that expresses belief in nonbelief. ¿I don¿t believe even though I have no evidence for or against, simply I don¿t believe.¿ Period. It¿s a declaration. But in science we don¿t really do declarations. We say, ¿Okay, you can have a hypothesis, you have to have some evidence against or for that.¿ And so an agnostic would say, look, I have no evidence for God or any kind of god (What god, first of all? The Maori gods, or the Jewish or Christian or Muslim God? Which god is that?) But on the other hand, an agnostic would acknowledge no right to make a final statement about something he or she doesn¿t know about. ¿The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence,¿ and all that. This positions me very much against all of the ¿New Atheist¿ guys¿even though I want my message to be respectful of people¿s beliefs and reasoning, which might be community-based, or dignity-based, and so on. And I think obviously the Templeton Foundation likes all of this, because this is part of an emerging conversation.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    74,00 €

    Petroleum, also known as crude oil and oil, is a naturally occurring, yellowish-black liquid found in geological formations. It is commonly refined into various fuels and chemicals. Components of petroleum are separated by means of distillation. Petroleum mainly consists of hydrocarbons as well as traces of other organic compounds. The name petroleum covers both naturally occurring unprocessed crude oil and petroleum products that are made up of refined crude oil. A fossil fuel, petroleum is formed when large quantities of dead organisms, mostly zooplankton and algae, are buried underneath sedimentary rock and subjected to both prolonged heat and pressure.Petroleum has mostly been recovered by oil drilling. Drilling is carried out after studies of structural geology, sedimentary basin analysis, and reservoir characterization. Recent developments in technologies have also led to exploitation of other unconventional reserves such as oil sands and oil shale.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    53,00 €

    Atomic physics is the field of physics that studies atoms as an isolated system of electrons and an atomic nucleus. Atomic physics typically refers to the study of atomic structure and the interaction between atoms. It is primarily concerned with the way in which electrons are arranged around the nucleus and the processes by which these arrangements change. This comprises ions, neutral atoms and, unless otherwise stated, it can be assumed that the term atom includes ions.The term atomic physics can be associated with nuclear power and nuclear weapons, due to the synonymous use of atomic and nuclear in Standard English. Physicists distinguish between atomic physics -which deals with the atom as a system consisting of a nucleus and electrons- and nuclear physics, which studies nuclear reactions and special properties of atomic nuclei.As with many scientific fields, strict delineation can be highly contrived and atomic physics is often considered in the wider context of atomic, molecular, and optical physics.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    35,00 €

    The economic theory of international trade differs from the remainder of economic theory mainly because of the comparatively limited international mobility of the capital and labor. In that respect, it would appear to differ in degree rather than in principle from the trade between remote regions in one country. Thus the methodology of international trade economics differs little from that of the remainder of economics. However, the direction of academic research on the subject has been influenced by the fact that governments have often sought to impose restrictions upon international trade, and the motive for the development of trade theory has often been a wish to determine the consequences of such restrictions. The branch of trade theory which is conventionally categorized as "classical" consists mainly of the application of deductive logic, originating with Ricardo's Theory of Comparative Advantage and developing into a range of theorems that depend for their practical value upon the realism of their postulates. "Modern" trade analysis, on the other hand, depends mainly upon empirical analysis.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    53,00 €

    Industrial Economics also gives insights into how firms organize their activities, as well as considering their motivation. In many micro courses, profit maximization is taken as given, but many industrial economics courses examine alternative objectives, such as trying to grow market share.There is also an international dimension ¿ firms have the option to source inputs (or outsource production) overseas. As such, while industrial economics more frequently uses skills and knowledge from micro courses, macroeconomic concepts are sometimes employed.One of the key issues in industrial economics is assessing whether a market is competitive. Competitive markets are normally good for consumers (although they might not always be feasible) so most industrial economics courses include analysis of how to measure the extent of competition in markets. It then considers whether regulation is needed, and if so the form it should take. There is again an international dimension to this, as firms that operate in more than one country will face different regulatory regimes.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    47,00 €

    Energy economics is a broad scientific subject area which includes topics related to supply and use of energy in societies. Considering the cost of energy services and associated value gives economic meaning to the efficiency at which energy can be produced. Energy services can be defined as functions that generate and provide energy to the ¿desired end services or states¿. The efficiency of energy services is dependent on the engineered technology used to produce and supply energy. The goal is to minimize energy input required (e.g. kWh, mJ, see Units of Energy) to produce the energy service, such as lighting (lumens), heating (temperature) and fuel (natural gas). The main sectors considered in energy economics are transportation and building, although it is relevant to a broad scale of human activities, including households and businesses at a microeconomic level and resource management and environmental impacts at a macroeconomic level. Due to diversity of issues and methods applied and shared with a number of academic disciplines, energy economics does not present itself as a self-contained academic discipline, but it is an applied sub discipline of economics.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    35,00 €

    Chemistry is the study of the structure and transformation of matter. When Aristotle wrote the first systematic treatises on chemistry in the 4th century BCE, his conceptual grasp of the nature of matter was tailored to accommodate a relatively simple range of observable phenomena. In the 21st century, chemistry has become the largest scientific discipline, producing over half a million publications a year ranging from direct empirical investigations to substantial theoretical work. However, the specialized interest in the conceptual issues arising in chemistry, hereafter Philosophy of Chemistry, is a relatively recent addition to philosophy of science.Philosophy of chemistry has two major parts. In the first, conceptual issues arising within chemistry are carefully articulated and analyzed. Such questions which are internal to chemistry include the nature of substance, atomism, the chemical bond, and synthesis. In the second, traditional topics in philosophy of science such as realism, reduction, explanation, confirmation, and modeling are taken up within the context of chemistry.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    35,00 €

    One standard definition for economics is the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. A second definition is the study of choice related to the allocation of scarce resources. The first definition indicates that economics includes any business, nonprofit organization, or administrative unit. The second definition establishes that economics is at the core of what managers of these organizations do.This book presents economic concepts and principles from the perspective of ¿managerial economics,¿ which is a subfield of economics that places special emphasis on the choice aspect in the second definition. The purpose of managerial economics is to provide economic terminology and reasoning for the improvement of managerial decisions.Most readers will be familiar with two different conceptual approaches to the study of economics: microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics studies phenomena related to goods and services from the perspective of individual decision-making entities¿that is, households and businesses. Macroeconomics approaches the same phenomena at an aggregate level, for example, the total consumption and production of a region.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    35,00 €

    Welcome to the timely publication of this book. Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources that are naturally replenished on a human timescale. It includes sources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. Renewable energy stands in contrast to fossil fuels, which are being used far more quickly than they are being replenished. Although most renewable energy sources are sustainable, some are not. For example, some biomass sources are considered unsustainable at current rates of exploitation.Renewable energy often provides energy in four important areas: electricity generation, air and water heating/cooling, transportation, and rural (off-grid) energy services. About 20% of humans' global energy consumption is renewables, including almost 30% of electricity. About 8% of energy consumption is traditional biomass, but this is declining. Over 4% of energy consumption is heat energy from modern renewables, such as solar water heating, and over 6% electricity.The Stone Age did not end because the stone ran out.The age of oil must end much sooner than the oil runs out."SoLadies and gentlemen!Welcome to the age of new Energies¿

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    35,00 €

    Atomic physics is the field of physics that studies atoms as an isolated system of electrons and an atomic nucleus. Atomic physics typically refers to the study of atomic structure and the interaction between atoms. It is primarily concerned with the way in which electrons are arranged around the nucleus and the processes by which these arrangements change. This comprises ions, neutral atoms and, unless otherwise stated, it can be assumed that the term atom includes ions. The term atomic physics can be associated with nuclear power and nuclear weapons, due to the synonymous use of atomic and nuclear in Standard English. Physicists distinguish between atomic physics -which deals with the atom as a system consisting of a nucleus and electrons- and nuclear physics, which studies nuclear reactions and special properties of atomic nuclei. As with many scientific fields, strict delineation can be highly contrived and atomic physics is often considered in the wider context of atomic, molecular, and optical physics. Physics research groups are usually so classified.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    35,00 €

    In chemical synthesis, click chemistry is a class of biocompatible small molecule reactions commonly used in bioconjugation, allowing the joining of substrates of choice with specific biomolecules. Click chemistry is not a single specific reaction, but describes a way of generating products that follow examples in nature, which also generates substances by joining small modular units. In many applications, click reactions join a biomolecule and a reporter molecule. Click chemistry is not limited to biological conditions: the concept of a "click" reaction has been used in chemoproteomic, pharmacological, and various biomimetic applications. However, they have been made notably useful in the detection, localization and qualification of biomolecules.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    35,00 €

    In summary, this review provides a comprehensive overview of how AI has progressed in various fields of chemistry and aims to provide insight into its future directions for scholarly audiences.Now that finally enough has been explained about the theory of games, I want to state the fact in simple words that it is actually possible to produce chemical compounds using artificial intelligence and good strategies such as game theory and selection theory. Easier and faster.The main thing that should be noted is that with this method, reaching the final answer, especially in the production of pharmaceutical products, is much simpler, more accurate, and faster.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    35,00 €

    Welcome to the timely publication of this book. Plastic is ubiquitous as packaging material or as part of many products of our daily life. However, due to the steadily increasing global plastic production, plastic particles can now be found everywhere in the environment. It is estimated that between four and twelve million tonnes of plastic enter the seas and oceans every year. Plastic particles, which are intentionally manufactured, are called primary plastic particles. They are added to daily life products like cosmetics or are used in research and diagnostics. Fragmentation of larger plastic items into smaller pieces yields so called secondary plastics and the degradation is caused by exposure to sun, wind or water. In order to assess the potential risk of plastic particles in various sizes, details on the amount of particles released into the environment, their origin, the underlying transformation and fragmentation processes as well as the environmental effects are needed.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    47,00 €

    The essential meaning of ishr¿q (Persian ¿¿¿¿¿, Arabic: ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿) is "rising", specifically referring to the sunrise, though "illumination" is the more common translation. It has used both Arabic and Persian philosophical texts as means to signify the relation between the ¿apprehending subject¿ (al-maw¿ü al-modrek) and the ¿apprehensible object¿ (al-modrak); beyond philosophical discourse, it is a term used in common discussion. Suhrawardi utilized the ordinariness of the word in order to encompass the all that is mystical along with an array of different kinds of knowledge, including elh¿m, meaning personal inspiration.None of Suhrawardi's works was translated into Latin, so he remained unknown in the Latin West, although his work continued to be studied in the Islamic East. According to Hosein Nasr, Suhrawardi was unknown to the west until he was translated to western languages by contemporary thinkers such as Henry Corbin, and he remains largely unknown even in countries within the Islamic world.Suhrawardi tried to present a new perspective on questions like those of existence.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    47,00 €

    The rising concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is driving up ocean surface temperatures and causing ocean acidification. Although warming and acidification are different phenomena, they interact to the detriment of marine ecosystems. These changes to the ocean aren¿t occurring at the same rates everywhere: there are significant differences across gradients of temperature, latitude, and depth.The rate at which water absorbs CO2 decreases as water temperature increases. This means that Polar Regions like Alaska, where ocean water is relatively cold, can take up more CO2 than the warmer tropics. As a result, polar surface waters are generally acidifying faster than those in other latitudes, and on average, warmer regions of the ocean are releasing CO2 into the atmosphere instead of absorbing it.The regional differences in ocean acidification can also be partially explained by the effects of ocean circulation patterns. Due to prevailing wind patterns and other natural phenomena, the ocean upwells nutrient-rich and more acidic or corrosive deep waters.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    47,00 €

    L'augmentation de la concentration de dioxyde de carbone dans l'atmosphère entraîne une hausse des températures à la surface des océans et une acidification des océans. Bien que le réchauffement et l'acidification soient des phénomènes différents, ils interagissent au détriment des écosystèmes marins. Ces changements océaniques ne se produisent pas partout au même rythme : il existe des différences significatives entre les gradients de température, de latitude et de profondeur. Cela signifie que les régions polaires comme l'Alaska, où l'eau de l'océan est relativement froide, peuvent absorber plus de CO2 que les tropiques plus chauds. Par conséquent, les eaux de surface polaires s'acidifient généralement plus rapidement que celles des autres latitudes et, en moyenne, les régions plus chaudes de l'océan rejettent du CO2 dans l'atmosphère au lieu de l'absorber.Les différences régionales en matière d'acidification des océans peuvent également s'expliquer en partie par les effets des schémas de circulation océanique. En raison des vents dominants et d'autres phénomènes naturels, l'océan remonte les eaux profondes riches en nutriments et plus acides ou corrosives.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    60,90 €

    Die steigende Kohlendioxidkonzentration in der Atmosphäre lässt die Oberflächentemperaturen der Ozeane ansteigen und führt zur Versauerung der Meere. Obwohl Erwärmung und Versauerung unterschiedliche Phänomene sind, wirken sie zum Nachteil der Meeresökosysteme zusammen. Diese Veränderungen im Ozean finden nicht überall in gleichem Maße statt: Es gibt erhebliche Unterschiede zwischen den Temperatur-, Breiten- und Tiefengradienten, und die CO2-Absorptionsrate des Wassers nimmt mit steigender Wassertemperatur ab. Das bedeutet, dass Polarregionen wie Alaska, wo das Meerwasser relativ kalt ist, mehr CO2 aufnehmen können als die wärmeren Tropen. Infolgedessen versauern die polaren Oberflächengewässer im Allgemeinen schneller als die in anderen Breitengraden, und im Durchschnitt geben wärmere Meeresregionen CO2 an die Atmosphäre ab, anstatt es zu absorbieren.Die regionalen Unterschiede bei der Versauerung der Ozeane lassen sich teilweise auch durch die Auswirkungen der Ozeanzirkulationsmuster erklären. Aufgrund der vorherrschenden Windverhältnisse und anderer natürlicher Phänomene treibt der Ozean nährstoffreiches und saureres oder korrosives Tiefenwasser nach oben.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    47,00 €

    L'aumento della concentrazione di anidride carbonica nell'atmosfera sta facendo aumentare le temperature superficiali degli oceani e sta causando l'acidificazione degli stessi. Sebbene il riscaldamento e l'acidificazione siano fenomeni diversi, interagiscono a scapito degli ecosistemi marini. Questi cambiamenti nell'oceano non si verificano allo stesso ritmo ovunque: ci sono differenze significative tra i gradienti di temperatura, latitudine e profondità. La velocità con cui l'acqua assorbe la CO2 diminuisce con l'aumentare della temperatura dell'acqua. Ciò significa che le regioni polari come l'Alaska, dove l'acqua dell'oceano è relativamente fredda, possono assorbire più CO2 rispetto ai tropici più caldi. Di conseguenza, le acque superficiali polari si stanno generalmente acidificando più velocemente di quelle ad altre latitudini e, in media, le regioni più calde dell'oceano rilasciano CO2 nell'atmosfera invece di assorbirla.Le differenze regionali nell'acidificazione degli oceani possono anche essere parzialmente spiegate dagli effetti dei modelli di circolazione oceanica. A causa dei venti prevalenti e di altri fenomeni naturali, l'oceano solleva acque profonde ricche di nutrienti e più acide o corrosive.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    47,00 €

    El aumento de la concentración de dióxido de carbono en la atmósfera está elevando la temperatura de la superficie de los océanos y provocando su acidificación. Aunque el calentamiento y la acidificación son fenómenos diferentes, interactúan en detrimento de los ecosistemas marinos. Estos cambios en el océano no se producen al mismo ritmo en todas partes: hay diferencias significativas en los gradientes de temperatura, latitud y profundidad. Esto significa que las regiones polares como Alaska, donde el agua del océano es relativamente fría, pueden absorber más CO2 que los trópicos más cálidos. Como resultado, las aguas superficiales polares se están acidificando más rápidamente que las de otras latitudes y, en promedio, las regiones más cálidas del océano están liberando CO2 a la atmósfera en lugar de absorberlo.Las diferencias regionales en la acidificación del océano también pueden explicarse parcialmente por los efectos de los patrones de circulación oceánica. Las diferencias regionales en la acidificación de los océanos también pueden explicarse en parte por los efectos de los patrones de circulación oceánica. Debido a los patrones de viento predominantes y a otros fenómenos naturales, el océano asciende aguas profundas ricas en nutrientes y más ácidas o corrosivas.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    79,00 €

    Sustainable development is an organizing principle for meeting human development goals while also sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services on which the economy and society depend. The desired result is a state of society where living conditions and resources are used to continue to meet human needs without undermining the integrity and stability of the natural system. Sustainable development can be defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. While the modern concept of sustainable development is derived mostly from the 1987 Brundtland Report, it is also rooted in earlier ideas about sustainable forest management and 20th-century environmental concerns. As the concept of sustainable development developed, it has shifted its focus more towards the economic development, social development and environmental protection for future generations.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    69,00 €

    Benvenuti alla tempestiva pubblicazione di questo libro. L'energia rinnovabile è l'energia raccolta da risorse rinnovabili che si ricostituiscono naturalmente su una scala temporale umana. Comprende fonti come la luce del sole, il vento, la pioggia, le maree, le onde e il calore geotermico. L'energia rinnovabile è in contrasto con i combustibili fossili, che vengono utilizzati molto più rapidamente di quanto non vengano reintegrati. Sebbene la maggior parte delle fonti di energia rinnovabili sia sostenibile, alcune non lo sono. Le energie rinnovabili forniscono spesso energia in quattro settori importanti: generazione di elettricità, riscaldamento/raffreddamento dell'aria e dell'acqua, trasporti e servizi energetici rurali (off-grid). La presenza di circa 660 citazioni, tutte ben trattate alla fine del libro, dimostra la mia meticolosità e accuratezza nell'utilizzo di tutte le fonti importanti per la stesura di questo libro. Spero che questo libro vi piaccia. In realtà, dovremmo ascoltare la proposta del Ministro dell'Energia saudita negli anni '70, che disse: "L'età della pietra non è finita perché la pietra si è esaurita.L'età del petrolio deve finire molto prima che il petrolio finisca". Signore e signori! Benvenuti nell'era della nuova energia.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    91,90 €

    Herzlich willkommen zur Veröffentlichung dieses Buches. Erneuerbare Energie ist Energie, die aus erneuerbaren Ressourcen gewonnen wird, die sich auf natürliche Weise innerhalb einer bestimmten Zeitspanne erneuern. Dazu gehören Quellen wie Sonnenlicht, Wind, Regen, Gezeiten, Wellen und geothermische Wärme. Erneuerbare Energien stehen im Gegensatz zu fossilen Brennstoffen, die viel schneller verbraucht werden, als sie nachwachsen. Obwohl die meisten erneuerbaren Energiequellen nachhaltig sind, sind es einige nicht. Erneuerbare Energien liefern häufig Energie in vier wichtigen Bereichen: Stromerzeugung, Heizung/Kühlung von Luft und Wasser, Transport und ländliche (netzunabhängige) Energiedienstleistungen. Etwa 660 Zitate, die alle am Ende des Buches gut und vollständig aufgeführt sind, zeigen, dass ich beim Schreiben dieses Buches alle wichtigen Quellen sorgfältig und genau verwendet habe. Ich hoffe, dass Ihnen dieses Buch gefällt, denn wir sollten auf den Vorschlag des saudischen Energieministers aus den 1970er Jahren hören, der sagte: "Die Steinzeit endete nicht, weil der Stein ausging. Das Zeitalter des Öls muss viel früher enden, als das Öl ausgeht." Meine Damen und Herren! Willkommen im Zeitalter der neuen Energie.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    69,00 €

    Bienvenidos a la oportuna publicación de este libro. La energía renovable es aquella que se obtiene de recursos renovables que se reponen de forma natural en una escala de tiempo humana. Incluye fuentes como la luz solar, el viento, la lluvia, las mareas, las olas y el calor geotérmico. La energía renovable contrasta con los combustibles fósiles, que se utilizan mucho más rápido de lo que se reponen. Aunque la mayoría de las fuentes de energía renovables son sostenibles, algunas no lo son. Por ejemplo, algunas fuentes de biomasa se consideran insostenibles al ritmo actual de explotación. Las energías renovables suelen proporcionar energía en cuatro áreas importantes: generación de electricidad, calefacción/refrigeración del aire y el agua, transporte y servicios energéticos rurales (fuera de la red). El hecho de disponer de unas 660 citas, todas ellas bien y completamente tratadas al final del libro, demuestra mi meticulosidad y precisión a la hora de utilizar todas las fuentes importantes para escribir este libro. De hecho, deberíamos escuchar la propuesta del Ministro de Energía saudí en los años 70, que dijo: "La Edad de Piedra no terminó porque se acabara la piedra. La era del petróleo debe terminar mucho antes de que se acabe el petróleo". Señoras y señores Bienvenidos a la era de la nueva Energía.

  • von Pourya Zarshenas
    69,00 €

    Bienvenue à la publication opportune de cet ouvrage. L'énergie renouvelable est l'énergie provenant de ressources renouvelables qui se renouvellent naturellement à l'échelle humaine. Elles comprennent des sources telles que le soleil, le vent, la pluie, les marées, les vagues et la chaleur géothermique. Les énergies renouvelables s'opposent aux combustibles fossiles, qui sont utilisés bien plus rapidement qu'ils ne se reconstituent. Bien que la plupart des sources d'énergie renouvelables soient durables, certaines ne le sont pas. Les énergies renouvelables fournissent souvent de l'énergie dans quatre domaines importants : la production d'électricité, le chauffage et la climatisation de l'air et de l'eau, les transports et les services énergétiques ruraux (hors réseau). La présence de quelque 660 citations, toutes traitées de manière exhaustive à la fin de l'ouvrage, témoigne de la méticulosité et de la précision avec lesquelles j'ai utilisé toutes les sources importantes pour rédiger ce livre. En fait, nous devrions écouter la proposition du ministre saoudien de l'énergie dans les années 1970, qui a déclaré : "L'âge de pierre n'a pas pris fin parce que la pierre s'est épuisée. L'âge du pétrole doit se terminer bien plus tôt que le pétrole ne s'épuise". Mesdames et Messieurs ! Bienvenue dans l'ère des nouvelles énergies.

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