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Bücher von Pranav Gupta

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  • von Pranav Gupta
    16,95 €

    Seminar paper from the year 2024 in the subject Sociology - Miscellaneous, , course: BALLB (Hons), language: English, abstract: This paper analyses environmental degradation in India, focusing on social sciences.The term ¿Environmental Degradation¿ often looks self-explanatory i.e., destruction of the environment or eradication of wildlife but it is a complex issue as scientifically it entails the destruction of the earth or deterioration of the environment by consumption of resources like soil, water, and air. The issue not only concerns the environmentalists which are the primary level of force of action behind resolving these issues but the social scientists too, especially sociologists. Sociologists are primarily tasked with analysing the social factors behind these issues. Now a days, rarely any conference passes where environmental issues are not concerned even though the conference was organised with a different agenda overall, such is the impact of the environment that it has crept into every aspect of our life. A good example of it can be the International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL) which has included Environmental crimes in its jurisdiction. One of the major reasons behind these issues attracting global recognition is that if the degradation of environment surpasses the maximum permissible limit, then it can affect even the basic conditions of living of human beings and no cure has yet been discovered for them.This degradation of resources is not a recently emerged phenomenon, it has been happening all over the world for centuries. The problem which has garnered the spotlight is the pace at which this degradation is occurring which is much faster than a decade ago. As a result of which, the natural resources do not get sufficient time for their recovery and regeneration in case of renewable resources. If we bring nonrenewable resources into purview, the situation looks gloomier. This scarcity of resources makes the suitable administration of the environment and its resources a topmost priority. By judicial use of these resources, an individual can attain financial development and prosperity which in the contemporary times are the first priority of individuals. Environmental issues are also the driving causes of many diseases, health issues, and long-term livelihood impact for India which shall be discussed in detail in the later part of the research paper.

  • von Pranav Gupta
    46,00 €

    Dental caries has been a highly prevalent and costly disease in the world, representing the most common infectious disease in the paediatric population. Caries risk is greater in children from rural setting, poor and from ethnic background or who have limited access to care. Restorative treatment shall be based upon the results of an appropriate clinical examination and ideally should be an integral part of a comprehensive treatment plan which should consider developmental status of the dentition, caries-risk assessment, the patient¿s oral hygiene, anticipated parental compliance and likelihood of timely recall and the patient¿s ability to cooperate for treatment. Materials such as glass¿ionomers, resin ionomers, resin ionomer products, and improved resin-based composite systems have been developed which are having profound impact on the restoration of primary teeth.

  • von Pranav Gupta
    54,90 €

    Zahnkaries ist weltweit eine weit verbreitete und kostspielige Krankheit und stellt die häufigste Infektionskrankheit in der pädiatrischen Bevölkerung dar. Das Kariesrisiko ist bei Kindern aus ländlichen Gegenden, aus armen Verhältnissen, mit ethnischem Hintergrund oder mit eingeschränktem Zugang zu medizinischer Versorgung höher. Die restaurative Behandlung muss auf den Ergebnissen einer angemessenen klinischen Untersuchung beruhen und sollte idealerweise Bestandteil eines umfassenden Behandlungsplans sein, der den Entwicklungsstand des Gebisses, die Kariesrisikobewertung, die Mundhygiene des Patienten, die zu erwartende elterliche Compliance und die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines rechtzeitigen Recalls sowie die Fähigkeit des Patienten zur Kooperation bei der Behandlung berücksichtigt. Es wurden Materialien wie Glasionomere, Harzionomere, Harzionomerprodukte und verbesserte Kompositsysteme auf Harzbasis entwickelt, die einen tiefgreifenden Einfluss auf die Restauration von Milchzähnen haben.

  • von Pranav Gupta
    46,00 €

    Les caries dentaires sont une maladie très répandue et coûteuse dans le monde, et représentent la maladie infectieuse la plus courante dans la population pédiatrique. Le risque de carie est plus élevé chez les enfants vivant en milieu rural, pauvres, d'origine ethnique ou ayant un accès limité aux soins. Le traitement de restauration doit être basé sur les résultats d'un examen clinique approprié et doit idéalement faire partie intégrante d'un plan de traitement complet qui doit tenir compte de l'état de développement de la dentition, de l'évaluation du risque carieux, de l'hygiène bucco-dentaire du patient, de l'adhésion anticipée des parents et de la probabilité d'un rappel en temps voulu, ainsi que de la capacité du patient à coopérer au traitement. Des matériaux tels que les verre-ionomères, les résines ionomères, les produits à base de résine ionomère et les systèmes composites améliorés à base de résine ont été développés et ont un impact profond sur la restauration des dents primaires.

  • von Pranav Gupta
    46,00 €

    A cárie dentária tem sido uma doença altamente prevalente e dispendiosa no mundo, representando a doença infecciosa mais comum na população pediátrica. O risco de cárie é maior nas crianças de meio rural, pobres e de origem étnica ou que têm acesso limitado a cuidados. O tratamento restaurativo deve basear-se nos resultados de um exame clínico apropriado e, idealmente, deve ser parte integrante de um plano de tratamento abrangente que deve considerar o estado de desenvolvimento da dentição, a avaliação do risco de cárie, a higiene oral do paciente, a adesão antecipada dos pais e a probabilidade de uma recolha atempada e a capacidade do paciente de cooperar para o tratamento. Foram desenvolvidos materiais tais como ionómeros de vidro, ionómeros de resina, produtos de ionómero de resina, e sistemas compostos melhorados à base de resina, que estão a ter um impacto profundo na restauração dos dentes primários.

  • von Pranav Gupta
    46,00 €

    La caries dental es una enfermedad muy prevalente y costosa en el mundo, y representa la enfermedad infecciosa más común en la población pediátrica. El riesgo de caries es mayor en los niños de entornos rurales, pobres y de origen étnico o que tienen un acceso limitado a la asistencia. El tratamiento restaurador debe basarse en los resultados de un examen clínico adecuado e, idealmente, debe ser parte integrante de un plan de tratamiento global que debe tener en cuenta el estado de desarrollo de la dentición, la evaluación del riesgo de caries, la higiene bucal del paciente, el cumplimiento previsto por parte de los padres y la probabilidad de una retirada oportuna y la capacidad de cooperación del paciente para el tratamiento. Se han desarrollado materiales como los ionómeros de vidrio, los ionómeros de resina, los productos de ionómero de resina y los sistemas mejorados de composite a base de resina, que están teniendo un profundo impacto en la restauración de los dientes primarios.

  • von Pranav Gupta
    46,00 €

    La carie dentale è una malattia altamente diffusa e costosa nel mondo e rappresenta la malattia infettiva più comune nella popolazione pediatrica. Il rischio di carie è maggiore nei bambini provenienti da ambienti rurali, poveri e di origine etnica o che hanno un accesso limitato alle cure. Il trattamento restaurativo deve basarsi sui risultati di un esame clinico appropriato e idealmente dovrebbe essere parte integrante di un piano di trattamento completo che dovrebbe considerare lo stato di sviluppo della dentizione, la valutazione del rischio di carie, l'igiene orale del paziente, la prevista compliance dei genitori e la probabilità di un richiamo tempestivo, nonché la capacità del paziente di collaborare al trattamento. Sono stati sviluppati materiali come i vetro-ionomeri, gli ionomeri di resina, i prodotti ionomerici di resina e i sistemi di compositi migliorati a base di resina che stanno avendo un profondo impatto sul restauro dei denti primari.

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