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Bücher von Pravin Bhole

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  • 14% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole
    31,00 €

    Le système de reçus numériques est un système de facturation sans papier qui constitue le prototype conceptuel d'un système de reçus numériques. L'idée de base de ce prototype est d'acheter n'importe quel type de matériel, d'équipement ou d'accessoire à l'aide d'une carte RFID. Les informations relatives à la transaction sont automatiquement regroupées et envoyées à l'administrateur où elles peuvent être enregistrées dans la base de données. Un système de base de données leur a permis d'accéder à toutes les informations relatives à leurs transactions jusqu'à ce jour.

  • 14% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole
    31,00 €

    Digital Receipt System es el sistema de facturación sin papel que es el prototipo conceptual de un sistema de recibo digital. La idea básica de este prototipo es realizar la compra de cualquier tipo de material, equipo o accesorio con la ayuda de una tarjeta RFID. La información de la transacción se empaqueta automáticamente y se envía al administrador, donde se puede registrar en la base de datos. Un sistema de base de datos permite acceder a la información de todas las transacciones realizadas hasta la fecha.

  • 14% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole
    31,00 €

    O sistema de recibo digital é o sistema de faturação sem papel que constitui o protótipo concetual de um sistema de recibo digital. A ideia básica deste protótipo é efetuar a compra de qualquer tipo de material, equipamento ou acessórios com a ajuda de um cartão RFID. A informação da transação é automaticamente empacotada e enviada para o administrador, onde pode ser registada na base de dados. Um sistema de base de dados permitiu-lhes aceder a todas as informações sobre as transacções até à data.

  • 14% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole
    31,00 €

    Il sistema di ricevute digitali è un sistema di fatturazione senza carta che rappresenta il prototipo concettuale di un sistema di ricevute digitali. L'idea di base di questo prototipo è di effettuare l'acquisto di qualsiasi tipo di materiale, attrezzatura o accessorio con l'aiuto della carta RFID. Le informazioni sulla transazione vengono confezionate automaticamente e inviate all'amministratore, dove possono essere registrate nel database. Un sistema di database ha permesso di accedere a tutte le informazioni sulle transazioni fino alla data.

  • von Pravin Bhole
    35,90 €

    Digital Receipt System ist das papierlose Abrechnungssystem, das der konzeptionelle Prototyp eines digitalen Quittungssystems ist. Die Grundidee dieses Prototyps besteht darin, den Kauf von Material, Ausrüstung oder Zubehör mit Hilfe einer RFID-Karte zu tätigen. Die Transaktionsinformationen werden automatisch verpackt und an den Administrator gesendet, wo sie in der Datenbank erfasst werden können. Ein Datenbanksystem ermöglicht ihnen den Zugriff auf alle Transaktionsinformationen bis zum aktuellen Datum.

  • 14% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole
    31,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole
    31,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole
    31,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole
    31,00 €

  • von Pravin Bhole
    35,90 €

  • von Pravin Bhole
    39,90 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole
    31,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole
    34,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole
    34,00 €

    Weather forecasts are made by collecting quantitative data about the current state of the atmosphere on a given place and using scientific understanding of atmospheric processes to project how the atmosphere will evolve on that place. Weather is driven by air pressure (temperature and moisture) differences between one place and another. These pressure and temperature differences can occur due to the sun angle at any particular spot, which varies by latitude from the tropics.This makes it difficult to accurately predict weather more than a few days in advance, though weather forecasters are continually working to extend this limit through the scientific study of weather, meteorology. This project is the implementation of sensing devices, Arduino Uno board, ESP8266 as Wi-Fi module. These sensing devices are interfacing with wireless embedded computing system to monitor the fluctuations of parameters levels from their normal levels. The aim is to build powerful system to monitor environmental parameters.

  • 16% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole
    37,00 €

    Il est bon d'avoir un robot intelligent qui peut être utilisé pour effectuer diverses tâches.Un robot qui peut être utilisé à des fins multi-tâches, par exemple pourfonctionner grâce à sa propre intelligence. Le robot qui peut capturer l'imageet l'envoyer au smartphone. Le smartphone Android est sans aucun doute legadgetle pluspopulaire de nos jours. Nous utilisons diverses applications pour smartphones ainsi que l'Internet quiexploite le matériel intégré dans ce téléphone mobile, comme le Bluetooth et le Wi-Fi, pourcontrôler d'autres appareils. Nous vous présentons ici un robot qui peut être contrôlé à l'aide d'untéléphone Android et d'une télécommande.

  • 16% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole
    37,00 €

    È bene avere un robot intelligente che può essere usato per eseguire vari compiti.Un robot che può essere usato per scopi multi tasking comepuò operare con la propria intelligenza. Il robot che può catturare l'immaginee inviarla allo smartphone.Losmartphone Android è senza dubbio ilgadgetpiùpopolare in questo giorno. Usiamo smartphone varie applicazioni insieme a internet chesfruttano l'hardware costruito in questo telefono cellulare, come Bluetooth e Wi-Fi, percontrollare altri dispositivi. Presentato qui è un robot che può essere controllato utilizzandoiltelefono Android e il telecomando.

  • von Pravin Bhole
    43,90 €

    Es ist gut, einen intelligenten Roboter zu haben, der für verschiedene Aufgaben verwendet werden kann.Ein Roboter, der für mehrere Aufgaben verwendet werden kann,kann durch seine eigene Intelligenz arbeiten. Der Roboter, der das Bild erfassenund an das Smartphone sendenkann.Android-Smartphone ist zweifellos diebeliebtesten Gadgets in diesem Tag. Wir benutzen Smartphones mit verschiedenen Apps und dem Internet, diediein diesem Mobiltelefon eingebaute Hardware wie Bluetooth und Wi-Fi ausnutzen, umandere Geräte zu steuern. Hier wird ein Roboter vorgestellt, der miteinemAndroid-Telefon und einer Fernbedienunggesteuert werden kann.

  • 16% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole
    37,00 €

    É bom ter um robô inteligente que possa ser utilizado para executar várias tarefas.O único robô que pode ser utilizado para fins multitarefa, tal comopode operar pela sua própria inteligência. O robô que pode capturar a imageme enviar para o smartphone. Osmartphone Android é sem dúvida ogadgetmaispopular nos dias de hoje. Utilizamos smartphones várias aplicações juntamente com a Internet queexploram em hardware construído neste telemóvel, tais como Bluetooth e Wi-Fi, paracontrolar outros dispositivos. Apresentamos aqui um robô que pode ser controlado utilizandootelefone andróide e o comando à distância.

  • 16% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole
    37,00 €

    Es bueno tener un robot inteligente que pueda ser utilizado para realizar varias tareas. El robot quepuede ser utilizado para propósitos multitarea comopuede operar por su propia inteligencia. El robot que puede capturar la imageny enviar al teléfono inteligente.Elteléfono inteligente Android es, sin duda, elgadgetmáspopular hoy en día. Utilizamos los teléfonos inteligentes varias aplicaciones junto con el Internet queexplotan en el hardware incorporado en este teléfono móvil, tales como Bluetooth y Wi-Fi, paracontrolar otro dispositivo. Aquí se presenta un robot que puede ser controlado utilizandoelteléfono Android y el control remoto.

  • 15% sparen
  • 16% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole
    37,00 €

    It is good to have a smart robot which can be used to perform various tasks. The one robot which can be used for multi tasking purposes such as can operate by its own intelligence. The robot which can capture the image and send to the smartphone. Android smartphone is undoubtedly the most popular gadgets this day. We use smartphones various apps along with the internet that exploit in built hardware in this mobile phone, such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, to control other device. Presented here is a robot that can be controlled using android phone and remote.

  • 15% sparen
  • 15% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole
    34,00 €

  • 15% sparen
  • 14% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole, Manoj Patel & Narendra Lokhande
    31,00 €

    The main goal of this research is to implement system whereby human voice becomes significant key to control the robotic vehicle. We have chosen Robot Vehicle, because this type of robot is getting popular as a service robot in the social context, where the main challenge is to interact with human. Two type of approach we have chosen for Voice User Interface (VUI) implementation - using a Hardware SR system and another one, using a Software SR system. One of the important goals of our project is the physically handicapped persons are unable to do their work by themselves. They are unable to driving vehicle. There should be the system which can help them to survive independently, solution over this is to design the vehicle which can be controlled by voice.

  • 15% sparen
    von Pravin Bhole, N L Lokhande & M L Patel
    34,00 €

  • von Pravin Bhole
    49,99 €

    The implementation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in industrial manufacturing and retail supply chain management has seen strong growth in recent years. This is partly due to Wal-Marts RFID mandate to its suppliers. As more companies along the global supply chain adopt RFID, RFID tags embedded can be expected to proliferate in virtually every industrial product, ranging from computers to automobiles, in the near future. Large retailers likeWal-Mart and government agencies such as the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) have driven recent developments in RFID technology. This in turn has a diffusion effect on hundreds of suppliers and manufacturers as their products are required to be tagged before shipping to these giant customers. RFID technology provides a good alternative to automatically reading and writing product information. In addition to recording the identity of an object, RFID technology also documents its current status, recent past, and immediate future.

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