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Bücher von Priya Mishra

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  • von Priya Mishra
    32,00 €

    What is the digital world?The digital world is a vast network of information and technology, connected through computers, the internet, and other devices. This network provides us with unprecedented access to information, new ways to communicate, and endless sources of entertainment.The importance of the digital world in our lives:1. A treasure trove of information: The digital world is like an endless library, where information is available on almost every topic. You can research any topic, learn new things, and expand your knowledge. This is an invaluable resource for education, business, and personal development.2. A global platform for communication: Through social media, video conferencing, and messaging apps, the digital world gives us the opportunity to connect with people from any corner of the world. We can connect with distant family and friends, collaborate with business colleagues, and meet new people. Geographical boundaries are no longer a barrier.3. Unlimited entertainment: The digital world is also a never-ending source of entertainment. Through streaming services, online games, videos, and music, we can never be bored. It gives us the opportunity to reduce stress, relax, and pursue our hobbies.The digital world is a powerful tool that can be used for good or for evil. It is up to us to use it responsibly and ethically. Here are some tips for using the digital world safely and effectively:· Be aware of the risks: The digital world is not without its risks. There are cyber criminals who are constantly looking for ways to steal your personal information or harm your devices. Be aware of these risks and take steps to protect yourself.· Be responsible with your information: Share your personal information only with people you trust. Be careful about what information you post online, as it could be used to track you or identify you.· Be critical of the information you consume: Not everything you see or read online is true. Be critical of the information you consume and verify it from multiple sources.

  • 18% sparen
    von Priya Mishra
    50,00 €

    Le nombre de procédures endodontiques a augmenté régulièrement au cours de la dernière décennie, avec des résultats hautement prévisibles. Par conséquent, la restauration des dents après un traitement endodontique devient une partie intégrante de la pratique de la restauration en dentisterie. La restauration correcte des dents ET commence par une bonne compréhension de leurs propriétés physiques et biomécaniques, de leur anatomie, et par une connaissance approfondie des principes endodontiques, parodontaux, restaurateurs et occlusaux. La fonction première des tenons endodontiques est d'assurer la rétention du noyau et de permettre l'obturation complète de la partie coronaire du canal radiculaire. Étant donné que l'on accorde beaucoup d'attention à l'esthétique, l'utilisation de tenons esthétiques avec des noyaux en composite/céramique est devenue très courante en dentisterie restauratrice.

  • 18% sparen
    von Priya Mishra
    50,00 €

    El número de procedimientos endodónticos ha aumentado constantemente en la última década con resultados altamente predecibles. Por lo tanto, la restauración de los dientes después del tratamiento endodóntico se está convirtiendo en una parte integral de la práctica restauradora en odontología. La restauración adecuada de los dientes ET comienza con una buena comprensión de sus propiedades físicas y biomecánicas, anatomía y un buen conocimiento de los principios endodónticos, periodontales, restauradores y oclusales. La función principal de los postes endodónticos es proporcionar retención al muñón y permitir el sellado completo de la porción coronal del conducto radicular. Dado que se presta mucha atención a la estética, el uso de postes estéticos con muñones de composite/cerámica se ha convertido en algo muy común en la odontología restauradora.

  • 18% sparen
    von Priya Mishra
    50,00 €

    Il numero di procedure endodontiche è aumentato costantemente nell'ultimo decennio con risultati altamente prevedibili. Pertanto, il restauro dei denti dopo il trattamento endodontico sta diventando parte integrante della pratica restaurativa in odontoiatria. Il corretto restauro dei denti ET inizia con una buona comprensione delle loro proprietà fisiche e biomeccaniche, dell'anatomia e con una solida conoscenza dei principi endodontici, parodontali, restaurativi e occlusali. La funzione principale dei perni endodontici è quella di fornire una ritenzione per il moncone e consentire la completa sigillatura della porzione coronale del canale radicolare. Poiché si presta molta attenzione all'estetica, l'uso di perni estetici con monconi in composito/ceramica è diventato molto comune in odontoiatria restaurativa.

  • 13% sparen
    von Priya Mishra
    25,00 €

    V poslednee desqtiletie kolichestwo ändodonticheskih procedur postoqnno uwelichiwaetsq, prichem rezul'taty ih prowedeniq wes'ma predskazuemy. Poätomu wosstanowlenie zubow posle ändodonticheskogo lecheniq stanowitsq neot#emlemoj chast'ü restawracionnoj praktiki w stomatologii. Prawil'noe wosstanowlenie zubow JeT nachinaetsq s horoshego ponimaniq ih fizicheskih i biomehanicheskih swojstw, anatomii, a takzhe s glubokogo znaniq principow ändodontii, parodontologii, restawracii i okklüzii. Osnownaq funkciq ändodonticheskih shtiftow zaklüchaetsq w obespechenii fixacii sterzhnq i polnoj germetizacii koronal'noj chasti kornewogo kanala. Poskol'ku bol'shoe wnimanie udelqetsq ästetike, ispol'zowanie ästeticheskih shtiftow s kompozitnymi/keramicheskimi serdechnikami stalo ochen' rasprostranennym w restawracionnoj stomatologii.

  • von Priya Mishra
    60,90 €

    Die Zahl der endodontischen Eingriffe hat in den letzten zehn Jahren stetig zugenommen, und die Ergebnisse sind gut vorhersehbar. Daher ist die Restauration von Zähnen nach einer endodontischen Behandlung zu einem festen Bestandteil der restaurativen Praxis in der Zahnmedizin geworden. Die ordnungsgemäße Restauration von ET-Zähnen beginnt mit einem guten Verständnis ihrer physikalischen und biomechanischen Eigenschaften, ihrer Anatomie und einer soliden Kenntnis der endodontischen, parodontalen, restaurativen und okklusalen Prinzipien. Die primäre Funktion der endodontischen Stifte besteht darin, dem Kern Halt zu geben und die vollständige Versiegelung des koronalen Teils des Wurzelkanals zu ermöglichen. Da der Ästhetik große Bedeutung beigemessen wird, ist die Verwendung von ästhetischen Stiften mit Komposit-/Keramikkernen in der restaurativen Zahnheilkunde inzwischen sehr verbreitet.

  • 18% sparen
    von Priya Mishra
    50,00 €

    O número de procedimentos endodônticos tem aumentado de forma constante na última década, com resultados altamente previsíveis. Por conseguinte, a restauração de dentes após tratamento endodôntico está a tornar-se uma parte integrante da prática de restauração em medicina dentária. A restauração adequada dos dentes ET começa com uma boa compreensão das suas propriedades físicas e biomecânicas, anatomia e um conhecimento sólido dos princípios endodônticos, periodontais, restauradores e oclusais. A função primária dos pinos endodônticos é fornecer retenção para o núcleo e permitir o selamento total da porção coronal do canal radicular. Uma vez que é dada muita atenção à estética, a utilização de pilares estéticos com núcleos de compósito/cerâmica tornou-se muito comum na dentisteria de restauração.

  • 18% sparen
    von Priya Mishra
    50,00 €

    The number of endodontic procedures has increased steadily in the past decade with highly predictable results. Therefore, restoration of teeth after endodontic treatment is becoming an integral part of the restorative practice in dentistry. Proper restoration of ET teeth begins with a good understanding of their physical and biomechanical properties, anatomy, and a sound knowledge of the endodontic, periodontal, restorative, and occlusal principles. The primary function of the endodontic posts is to provide retention for the core and enable full sealing of the coronal portion of the root canal. Since much attention is given to esthetics, using esthetic posts with composite/ceramic cores has become very common in restorative dentistry.

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