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Bücher von Priyanka Singh

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  • 16% sparen
    von Priyanka Singh
    37,00 €

    As características dos pacientes submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico tendem a mudar ao longo do tempo, e o número de adultos que procuram tratamento ortodôntico ativo tem vindo a aumentar nas últimas décadas. Os pacientes mais velhos tendem a mostrar uma maior procura de considerações estéticas durante e após o tratamento ativo. Atualmente, a tendência para escolher abordagens sem extração tem vindo a aumentar devido à disponibilidade de modalidades de tratamento eficazes e minimamente invasivas. Foram introduzidas várias estratégias para resolver a discrepância do comprimento da arcada, ganhando espaço através da remoção do esmalte, expansão da arcada e distalização da dentição. Além disso, a introdução de dispositivos de ancoragem temporária (TADs) aumentou a eficiência das terapias sem extração através de uma melhor gestão da ancoragem. Assim, esta revisão sistemática teve como objetivo a comparação das alterações esqueléticas, dentárias e dos tecidos moles associadas à retração dos dentes maxilares anteriores por extração e distalização assistida por mini-implantes.

  • 16% sparen
    von Priyanka Singh
    37,00 €

    Le caratteristiche dei pazienti sottoposti a trattamento ortodontico tendono a cambiare nel tempo e il numero di adulti che richiedono un trattamento ortodontico attivo è aumentato negli ultimi decenni. I pazienti più anziani tendono a mostrare una maggiore richiesta di considerazioni estetiche durante e dopo il trattamento attivo. Oggi, la tendenza a scegliere approcci non estrattivi è aumentata grazie alla disponibilità di modalità di trattamento efficaci e minimamente invasive. Sono state introdotte diverse strategie per risolvere la discrepanza di lunghezza dell'arcata guadagnando spazio attraverso lo stripping dello smalto, l'espansione dell'arcata e la distalizzazione della dentizione. Inoltre, l'introduzione di dispositivi di ancoraggio temporaneo (TAD) ha migliorato l'efficienza delle terapie non estrattive grazie a una migliore gestione dell'ancoraggio. Pertanto, questa revisione sistematica mirava a confrontare i cambiamenti scheletrici, dentali e dei tessuti molli associati alla retrazione dei denti mascellari anteriori mediante estrazione e distalizzazione mini-implantare assistita.

  • von Priyanka Singh
    43,90 €

    Die Merkmale der Patienten, die sich einer kieferorthopädischen Behandlung unterziehen, ändern sich im Laufe der Zeit, und die Zahl der Erwachsenen, die sich einer aktiven kieferorthopädischen Behandlung unterziehen, hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten zugenommen. Ältere Patienten haben in der Regel einen höheren Anspruch an die Ästhetik während und nach der aktiven Behandlung. Heutzutage ist die Tendenz, nicht extrahierende Behandlungsmethoden zu wählen, aufgrund der Verfügbarkeit effektiver und minimalinvasiver Behandlungsmethoden gestiegen. Es wurden mehrere Strategien eingeführt, um die Diskrepanz zwischen den Zahnbögen zu beheben, indem durch Schmelzabtragung, Zahnbogenerweiterung und Distalisierung des Gebisses Platz gewonnen wird. Darüber hinaus hat die Einführung von temporären Verankerungsvorrichtungen (TADs) die Effizienz von Therapien ohne Extraktion durch ein verbessertes Verankerungsmanagement erhöht. Ziel dieser systematischen Übersichtsarbeit war es daher, die skelettalen, zahnmedizinischen und weichgewebigen Veränderungen im Zusammenhang mit der Retraktion der Oberkieferfrontzähne durch Extraktion und mini-implantatgestützte Distalisation zu vergleichen.

  • 16% sparen
    von Priyanka Singh
    37,00 €

    Las características de los pacientes sometidos a tratamiento ortodóncico tienden a cambiar con el tiempo, y el número de adultos que solicitan tratamiento ortodóncico activo ha ido aumentando en las últimas décadas. Los pacientes de mayor edad tienden a mostrar una mayor demanda de consideraciones estéticas durante y después del tratamiento activo. En la actualidad, la tendencia a elegir enfoques sin extracción ha ido en aumento debido a la disponibilidad de modalidades de tratamiento eficaces y mínimamente invasivas. Se han introducido varias estrategias para abordar la discrepancia en la longitud de la arcada ganando espacio mediante la eliminación del esmalte, la expansión de la arcada y la distalización de la dentición. Además, la introducción de dispositivos de anclaje temporal (DAT) ha aumentado la eficacia de los tratamientos sin extracción mediante un mejor manejo del anclaje. Por lo tanto, esta revisión sistemática tenía como objetivo Comparar los cambios esqueléticos, dentales y de los tejidos blandos asociados a la retracción de los dientes maxilares anteriores mediante extracción y distalización asistida por miniimplantes.

  • 16% sparen
    von Priyanka Singh
    37,00 €

    Les caractéristiques des patients qui suivent un traitement orthodontique ont tendance à changer avec le temps, et le nombre d'adultes qui suivent un traitement orthodontique actif a augmenté au cours des dernières décennies. De nos jours, la tendance à choisir des approches sans extraction s'est accrue en raison de la disponibilité de modalités de traitement efficaces et peu invasives. Plusieurs stratégies ont été introduites pour remédier à l'écart de longueur des arcades en gagnant de l'espace grâce au décapage de l'émail, à l'expansion de l'arcade et à la distalisation de la dentition. De plus, l'introduction de dispositifs d'ancrage temporaire (DAT) a amélioré l'efficacité des thérapies sans extraction grâce à une meilleure gestion de l'ancrage. Par conséquent, cette revue systématique visait à Comparer les changements squelettiques, dentaires et des tissus mous associés à la rétraction des dents maxillaires antérieures par l'extraction et la distalisation assistée par mini-implant.

  • 18% sparen
    von Priyanka Singh
    50,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Priyanka Singh
    50,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Priyanka Singh
    50,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Priyanka Singh
    50,00 €

  • von Priyanka Singh
    60,90 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Priyanka Singh
    37,00 €

    The characteristics of patients undergoing orthodontic treatment tend to change over time, and the number of adults seeking active orthodontic treatment has been increasing over the past several decades. Older patients tend to show a greater demand for esthetic considerations during and after active treatment. Nowadays, the tendency towards choosing non extraction approaches has been increasing because of the availability of effective and minimally invasive treatment modalities. Several strategies have been introduced to address the arch length discrepancy by gaining space through enamel stripping, arch expansion, and distalization of dentition. Moreover, the introduction of temporary anchorage devices (TADs) has enhanced the efficiency of non extraction therapies via improved anchorage management. Therefore, this systematic review aimed to Comparison of skeletal, dental and soft tissue changes associated with retraction of anterior maxillary teeth by extraction and mini-implant assisted distalization.

  • 18% sparen
    von Priyanka Singh
    50,00 €

    The emergence of the evidence-based approach resulted in rapid changes in the health-care system and in the education of students and residents in the health-care professions. Clinicians interested in evidence-based medicine consider Archie Cochrane, Alvan Feinstein, and David Sackett as the ¿fathers¿ of a new and currently flourishing movement of evidence-based medicine. In orthodontics, clinical experience suggests that some conditions are best treated early for biological, social, or practical reasons, whereas others should be deferred.

  • 18% sparen
    von Priyanka Singh
    50,00 €

    Selection of the proper shade and color matching of natural dentition continues to be one of the most perplexing and frustrating problems in dentistry. Colour matching can be likened to a gigantic jigsaw puzzle in which each piece must be properly oriented and positioned to achieve the desired result. Colour matching and shade selection of teeth is a blending of art and science. This process requires knowledge of the dimensions of colour as well as the clinical experience in an environment that optimizes the selection process. Inadequate technology to aid shade selection and shade duplication has rendered this part of dentistry more of an art than science. Unlike science, art form is subordinate to the individual abilities of the dentist that influence the predictability and reproducibility of the finished restoration.This skill cannot be thoroughly mastered in the absence of scientific knowledge, nor can it be fully grasped by merely memorizing facts about colour. Together, knowledge and experience provide rewarding solutions to this challenging aspect of dentistry. Thus the dentist, as well as the artist, should be educated in colour to be successful in working with colour.

  • von Priyanka Singh
    20,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Priyanka Singh & Surender Sehrawat
    34,00 €

    Most often forensic test for Identification of Biological material are destructive in nature during the search of crime scene. At crime scene which sample have to pack which have to left, it is decided either by seen naked eye or torch/UV light. we have to practice non- destructive technique for presumptive identification. technique like use of light at specific wavelength and combination of filter with light. Given method is helpful for crime scene search and help to located and visualize biological stain. Resultant will be easy in sample lifting. Highly useful for searching biological stain at crime scene.

  • 16% sparen
    von Priyanka Singh & Manpreet S Khurmi
    41,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Priyanka Singh, Mohd Sayeed Akhtar & Zaki A Siddiqui
    41,00 €

    Soil serves as an excellent reservoir for the rhizospheric microorganisms and these microorganisms provide front line defense against the pathogens attack to root. Among the different type of soil microorganisms plant health promoting bacteria (PHPB) had the ability to promote the plant growth and also reduced the severity of diseases caused by soil borne pathogens.The bacteria can profoundly, improve the seed germination, root development, and water uptake by plants. Beside this they can also improve the nutrient uptake or indirectly by changing the microbial balance in favour of beneficial microorganisms in the rhizosphere and can suppress the broad spectrum of plant borne plant pathogens.Considering the importance of these symbionts in the plant disease protection, it came into highlight for research that the combined application of these microorganisms is more beneficial than use of single agent and provides a better management against the plant parasitic nematodes.

  • - A Peep into Feminism
    von Priyanka Singh & Vipin K Singh
    31,00 €

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