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Bücher von Rahul Sharma

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  • von Rahul Sharma
    25,00 €

    Beginning Software Engineering demystifies the software engineering methodologies and techniques that professional developers use to design and build robust, efficient, and consistently reliable software. Free of jargon and assuming no previous programming, development, or management experience, this accessible guide explains important concepts and techniques that can be applied to any programming language. Each chapter ends with exercises that let you test your understanding and help you elaborate on the chapter's main concepts. Everything you need to understand waterfall, prototype, agile, RAD, Programming, and many other development models is inside!

  • von Rahul Sharma
    150,00 €

  • von Rahul Sharma
    20,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Rahul Sharma
    42,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Rahul Sharma
    46,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Rahul Sharma
    34,00 €

    Concrete is a material synonymous with strength and longevity. It has emerged as the dominant construction material for the infrastructure needs of the twenty-first century. In addition to being durable, concrete is easily prepared and fabricated from readily available constituents and is therefore widely used in all types of structural systems. The challenge for the civil engineering community in the near future is to realize projects in harmony with the concept of sustainable development and this involves the use of high-performance materials and products manufactured at a reasonable cost with the lowest possible environmental impact. Municipal solid waste ash is one such an alternative material which can be utilized as fine aggregates in concrete. The book illustrates the strength and durability characteristics of the concrete composite containing municipal solid waste ash.

  • 16% sparen
  • 18% sparen
    von Rahul Sharma
    59,00 €

    Cement is the most important ingredient in the production of the concrete but production of cement involves emission of large amounts of carbon-dioxide gas into the atmosphere, a major contributor for green house effect and the global warming. For sustainable development of the cement and construction industry, industrial byproduct, innovative, agricultural waste or alternative materials are required. Rice husk is one such an agro-waste material and by burring it, rice husk ash is obtained which is highly pozzolanic in nature. Simultaneously, concrete is acknowledged to be a relatively brittle material when subjected to normal stresses and impact loads, where tensile strength is approximately just one tenth of its compressive strength. The steel reinforcement is adopted to overcome high potentially tensile stresses and shear stresses at critical location in concrete members, though micro cracks still appears. The introduction of fibres is brought in as a solution to develop concrete with enhanced flexural and tensile strength. The book illustrates strength and durability characteristics exhibited by concrete composite of Rich husk ash and Polypropylene Fibres.

  • 15% sparen
    von Rahul Sharma
    34,00 €

    Il calcestruzzo è un materiale sinonimo di resistenza e longevità. È emerso come il materiale da costruzione dominante per le esigenze infrastrutturali del XXI secolo. Oltre a essere durevole, il calcestruzzo è facilmente preparabile e fabbricabile con componenti facilmente reperibili ed è quindi ampiamente utilizzato in tutti i tipi di sistemi strutturali. La sfida per la comunità dell'ingegneria civile nel prossimo futuro è quella di realizzare progetti in armonia con il concetto di sviluppo sostenibile, il che implica l'uso di materiali e prodotti ad alte prestazioni fabbricati a costi ragionevoli con il minor impatto ambientale possibile. Le ceneri dei rifiuti solidi urbani sono uno di questi materiali alternativi che possono essere utilizzati come aggregati fini nel calcestruzzo. Il libro illustra le caratteristiche di resistenza e durabilità del calcestruzzo composito contenente ceneri di rifiuti solidi urbani.

  • 15% sparen
    von Rahul Sharma
    34,00 €

    O betão é um sinónimo material de resistência e longevidade. Emergiu como o material de construção dominante para as necessidades de infra-estruturas do século XXI. Para além de ser durável, o betão é facilmente preparado e fabricado a partir de componentes facilmente disponíveis, sendo por isso amplamente utilizado em todos os tipos de sistemas estruturais. O desafio para a comunidade da engenharia civil num futuro próximo é realizar projectos em harmonia com o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável e isto envolve a utilização de materiais e produtos de alto desempenho fabricados a um custo razoável com o menor impacto ambiental possível. As cinzas de resíduos sólidos urbanos são um desses materiais alternativos que podem ser utilizados como agregados finos em betão. O livro ilustra as características de resistência e durabilidade do composto de betão contendo cinzas de resíduos sólidos urbanos.

  • 15% sparen
    von Rahul Sharma
    34,00 €

    Le béton est un matériau synonyme de résistance et de longévité. Il s'est imposé comme le matériau de construction dominant pour les besoins en infrastructures du XXIe siècle. En plus d'être durable, le béton est facile à préparer et à fabriquer à partir de constituants facilement disponibles et est donc largement utilisé dans tous les types de systèmes structurels. Le défi pour la communauté du génie civil dans un avenir proche est de réaliser des projets en harmonie avec le concept de développement durable, ce qui implique l'utilisation de matériaux et de produits à haute performance fabriqués à un coût raisonnable avec un impact environnemental le plus faible possible. Les cendres de déchets solides municipaux sont un de ces matériaux alternatifs qui peuvent être utilisés comme agrégats fins dans le béton. L'ouvrage illustre les caractéristiques de résistance et de durabilité du béton composite contenant des cendres de déchets solides municipaux.

  • von Rahul Sharma
    39,90 €

    Beton ist ein Material, das für Stärke und Langlebigkeit steht. Er hat sich zum vorherrschenden Baumaterial für die Infrastrukturbedürfnisse des einundzwanzigsten Jahrhunderts entwickelt. Beton ist nicht nur dauerhaft, sondern lässt sich auch leicht vorbereiten und aus leicht verfügbaren Bestandteilen herstellen und wird daher in allen Arten von Bausystemen verwendet. Die Herausforderung für das Bauwesen in der nahen Zukunft besteht darin, Projekte im Einklang mit dem Konzept der nachhaltigen Entwicklung zu verwirklichen, was den Einsatz von Hochleistungsmaterialien und -produkten erfordert, die zu angemessenen Kosten und mit möglichst geringen Umweltauswirkungen hergestellt werden. Asche aus Siedlungsabfällen ist ein solches alternatives Material, das als feiner Zuschlagstoff in Beton verwendet werden kann. Das Buch veranschaulicht die Festigkeits- und Dauerhaftigkeitseigenschaften von Betonverbundstoffen, die Siedlungsabfallasche enthalten.

  • 15% sparen
    von Rahul Sharma
    34,00 €

    El hormigón es un material sinónimo de resistencia y longevidad. Se ha convertido en el material de construcción dominante para las necesidades de infraestructura del siglo XXI. Además de ser duradero, el hormigón es fácil de preparar y fabricar a partir de componentes fácilmente disponibles, por lo que se utiliza ampliamente en todo tipo de sistemas estructurales. El reto para la comunidad de ingenieros civiles en un futuro próximo es realizar proyectos en armonía con el concepto de desarrollo sostenible y esto implica el uso de materiales y productos de alto rendimiento fabricados a un coste razonable con el menor impacto medioambiental posible. Las cenizas de residuos sólidos municipales son uno de esos materiales alternativos que pueden utilizarse como agregados finos en el hormigón. El libro ilustra las características de resistencia y durabilidad del compuesto de hormigón que contiene cenizas de residuos sólidos urbanos.

  • von Rahul Sharma
    19,00 €

    Beton - äto material, sinonim prochnosti i dolgowechnosti. On stal dominiruüschim stroitel'nym materialom dlq infrastrukturnyh nuzhd dwadcat' perwogo weka. Pomimo prochnosti, beton legko prigotowit' i izgotowit' iz legkodostupnyh komponentow, poätomu on shiroko ispol'zuetsq wo wseh tipah strukturnyh sistem. V blizhajshem buduschem pered soobschestwom inzhenerow-stroitelej stoit zadacha realizowat' proekty w sootwetstwii s koncepciej ustojchiwogo razwitiq, chto predpolagaet ispol'zowanie wysokoäffektiwnyh materialow i produktow, proizwedennyh po razumnoj cene s minimal'no wozmozhnym wozdejstwiem na okruzhaüschuü sredu. Zola twerdyh bytowyh othodow qwlqetsq odnim iz takih al'ternatiwnyh materialow, kotoryj mozhet byt' ispol'zowan w kachestwe melkogo zapolnitelq w betone. V knige pokazany harakteristiki prochnosti i dolgowechnosti betonnogo kompozita, soderzhaschego zolu twerdyh bytowyh othodow.

  • von Rahul Sharma
    21,00 €

  • 10% sparen
    von Rahul Sharma
    53,00 €

    Apply different enterprise integration and processing strategies available with Pulsar, Apache's multi-tenant, high-performance, cloud-native messaging and streaming platform. This book is a comprehensive guide that examines using Pulsar Java libraries to build distributed applications with message-driven architecture.You'll begin with an introduction to Apache Pulsar architecture. The first few chapters build a foundation of message-driven architecture. Next, you'll perform a setup of all the required Pulsar components. The book also covers work with Apache Pulsar client library to build producers and consumers for the discussed patterns. You'll then explore the transformation, filter, resiliency, and tracing capabilities available with Pulsar. Moving forward, the book will discuss best practices when building message schemas and demonstrate integration patterns using microservices. Security is an important aspect of any application; the book will cover authentication and authorization in Apache Pulsar such as Transport Layer Security (TLS), OAuth 2.0, and JSON Web Token (JWT). The final chapters will cover Apache Pulsar deployment in Kubernetes. You'll build microservices and serverless components such as AWS Lambda integrated with Apache Pulsar on Kubernetes. After completing the book, you'll be able to comfortably work with the large set of out-of-the-box integration options offered by Apache Pulsar. What You'll LearnExamine the important Apache Pulsar components Build applications using Apache Pulsar client librariesUse Apache Pulsar effectively with microservicesDeploy Apache Pulsar to the cloudWho This Book Is ForCloud architects and software developers who build systems in the cloud-native technologies.

  • 10% sparen
    - With Java and Python Microservices Deployed in Kubernetes
    von Rahul Sharma & Akshay Mathur
    53,00 €

    Use Traefik as a load balancer or a reverse proxy for microservices-based architecture. This book covers Traefik integration for microservices architecture concerns such as service discovery, telemetry, and resiliency.The book focuses on building an in-depth understanding of Traefik. It starts with the fundamentals of Traefik, including different load balancing algorithms available, and failure handling for application resiliency. Examples are included for the failure scenarios. TLS support is explained, including scenarios of TLS termination and TLS forwarding. Traefik supports TLS termination using Let's Encrypt. Traefik deployment in prominent microservices ecosystems is discussed, including Docker and Kubernetes.Traefik is a language-neutral component. This book presents examples of its deployment with Java-based microservices. The examples in the book show Traefik integration with Jaeger/Zipkin, Prometheus, Grafana, and FluentD. Also covered is Traefik for Python-based services and Java-based services deployed in the Kubernetes cluster. By the end of the book, you will confidently know how to deploy and integrate Traefik into prominent microservices ecosystems.What You Will LearnUnderstand Traefik basics and its componentsExplore different load balancing scenarios and TLS terminationConfigure service discovery, circuit breakers, timeouts, and throttlingMonitor Traefik using Prometheus and request tracingWho This Book Is ForDevelopers and project managers who have developed microservices and are deploying them in cloud and on-premise environments with Kubernetes or Docker. The book is not specifically written for any particular programming language. The examples presented use Java or Python.

  • 18% sparen
    - a study of consumer perception & attitude
    von Rahul Sharma
    49,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Rahul Sharma, Manmohan Singh & Kassahun Gashu Melese
    46,00 €

  • von Rahul Sharma
    25,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    - Manage Microservices in Kubernetes
    von Rahul Sharma & Avinash Singh
    41,00 €

  • - Design, develop, and deploy effective software systems using the advanced constructs of Rust
    von Rahul Sharma, Vesa Kaihlavirta & Claus Matzinger
    70,00 €

    This Learning Path is your easy reference to mastering Rust programming. It begins with an introduction to Rust data structures and algorithms and covers the entire spectrum, including memory safety, type system, concurrency, and other features of Rust 2018.

  • von Vesa Kaihlavirta
    70,00 €

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