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Bücher von Rakesh Kumar

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  • 16% sparen
    von Rakesh Kumar
    37,00 €

    Internet of things (IoT) is a trending concept in the field of computer networks in which various heterogeneous devices are connected to each other to collect the data from various sensor nodes. It is a system in which everyday things with embedded hardware/devices are connected to a network or it can be said that they are simply online. Sensor collects the information from their surroundings, process it and forward the information to the distant location for further processing. In today¿s scenario IoT finds its application everywhere like in classrooms, shopping malls, offices, agriculture, retails, multimedia, weather prediction, traffic monitoring, healthcare, pollution control, vehicles and homes. This diversified range of IoT application indicate that it has become an integral part of our lives. Security and privacy always remain the major concerns in the field of IoT network as most of the devices in the IoT environment are transmitting unencrypted information in an open and hostile environment. This work is mainly focused on the various issues on security and privacy for the IoT network.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rakesh Kumar
    37,00 €

    Questa è una guida completa alle emissioni di gas serra (GHG) derivanti dal sistema di produzione bovina indiana. Questo manuale aiuterà gli studiosi e gli studenti della ricerca nella valutazione dei tre principali gas nocivi emessi dai bovini, vale a dire; Anidride carbonica, metano e protossido di azoto. questo manuale comprende fattori di emissione specifici per paese per diverse categorie di animali e aiuta anche a ricavare fattori di emissione specifici per regione. Le linee guida prescritte in questo manuale si basano sull'IPCC.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rakesh Kumar
    37,00 €

    Se trata de una guía completa para determinar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) del sistema de producción bovina de la India. Este manual ayudará a los investigadores y estudiantes en la evaluación de los tres principales gases nocivos emitidos por los bovinos, es decir, dióxido de carbono, metano y óxido nitroso. Este manual incluye factores de emisión específicos del país para diferentes categorías de animales y también ayuda a derivar el factor de emisión específico de la región. Las directrices prescritas en este manual se basan en el IPCC.

  • von Rakesh Kumar
    43,90 €

    Dies ist ein umfassender Leitfaden für bestimmte Emissionen von Treibhausgasen (THG) aus der indischen Rinderhaltung. Dieses Handbuch hilft Forschern und Studenten bei der Bewertung der drei wichtigsten schädlichen Gase, die von Rindern emittiert werden, nämlich Kohlendioxid, Methan und Distickstoffoxid. Dieses Handbuch enthält länderspezifische Emissionsfaktoren für verschiedene Tierkategorien und hilft auch bei der Ableitung regionalspezifischer Emissionsfaktoren. Die in diesem Handbuch vorgeschriebenen Richtlinien basieren auf dem IPCC.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rakesh Kumar
    37,00 €

    Trata-se de um guia completo sobre as emissões de gases com efeito de estufa (GEE) do sistema indiano de produção de bovinos. Este manual ajudará os investigadores e os estudantes a avaliar os três principais gases nocivos emitidos pelos bovinos, ou seja, o dióxido de carbono, o metano e o óxido nitroso. Este manual inclui factores de emissão específicos de cada país para diferentes categorias de animais e também ajuda a obter factores de emissão específicos de cada região. As directrizes prescritas neste manual baseiam-se no IPCC.

  • von Rakesh Kumar
    19,00 €

    Jeto komplexnoe rukowodstwo po opredeleniü wybrosow parnikowyh gazow (PG) pri proizwodstwe krupnogo rogatogo skota w Indii. Dannoe rukowodstwo pomozhet nauchnym rabotnikam i studentam w ocenke treh osnownyh wrednyh gazow, wydelqemyh krupnym rogatym skotom: dioxida ugleroda, metana i zakisi azota. Rekomendacii, izlozhennye w dannom rukowodstwe, osnowany na rekomendaciqh MGJeIK.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rakesh Kumar
    37,00 €

    Il s'agit d'un guide complet permettant de déterminer les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) provenant du système de production bovine indien. Ce manuel aidera les chercheurs et les étudiants à évaluer les trois principaux gaz nocifs émis par les bovins, à savoir le dioxyde de carbone, le méthane et l'oxyde nitreux. Ce manuel comprend des facteurs d'émission spécifiques à chaque pays pour différentes catégories d'animaux et permet également de dériver des facteurs d'émission spécifiques à chaque région. Les lignes directrices prescrites dans ce manuel sont basées sur les recommandations du GIEC.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rakesh Kumar
    37,00 €

    La Huella Hídrica se estimó utilizando los estándares globales propuestos por la Water Footprint Network. En el presente estudio, la Huella Hídrica o uso consuntivo del agua se dividió en uso directo e indirecto del agua. El uso directo de agua comprende el agua potable, de baño, de servicio y el agua mezclada en la alimentación, que se calculó a partir de la recopilación de datos primarios mediante un programa de entrevistas. El agua indirecta se calculó a partir de datos secundarios.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rakesh Kumar
    37,00 €

    L'impronta idrica è stata stimata utilizzando gli standard globali proposti dal Water Footprint Network. Nel presente studio l'impronta idrica o il consumo di acqua è stato suddiviso in uso diretto e indiretto. L'uso diretto dell'acqua comprende l'acqua per bere, per lavarsi, per i servizi e per l'alimentazione, ed è stato calcolato in base alla raccolta di dati primari attraverso un programma di interviste. L'acqua indiretta è stata stimata utilizzando dati secondari.

  • von Rakesh Kumar
    43,90 €

    Der Wasserfußabdruck wurde anhand der vom Water Footprint Network vorgeschlagenen globalen Standards geschätzt. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde der Wasserfußabdruck bzw. der verbrauchte Wasserverbrauch in direkten und indirekten Wasserverbrauch unterteilt. Der direkte Wasserverbrauch umfasste Trinken, Baden, Brauchwasser und Wasser, das in Futtermitteln gemischt wird, und wurde anhand von Primärdaten berechnet, die mit Hilfe eines Interviewplans erhoben wurden. Der indirekte Wasserverbrauch wurde anhand von Sekundärdaten geschätzt.

  • von Rakesh Kumar
    19,00 €

    Ocenka wodnogo sleda prowodilas' s ispol'zowaniem global'nyh standartow, predlozhennyh Water Footprint Network. V nastoqschem issledowanii "wodnyj sled" ili potreblqemoe wodopotreblenie bylo razdeleno na prqmoe i koswennoe. Prqmoe wodopotreblenie wklüchaet w sebq pit'ewuü wodu, wodu dlq kupaniq, wodu dlq hozqjstwennyh nuzhd i wodu, ispol'zuemuü w kormah, i rasschitywalos' na osnowe sbora perwichnyh dannyh s pomosch'ü programmy interw'ü. Koswennoe wodopotreblenie oceniwalos' po wtorichnym dannym.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rakesh Kumar
    37,00 €

    A pegada hídrica foi calculada utilizando as normas globais propostas pela Water Footprint Network. No presente estudo, a Pegada Hídrica ou utilização consumptiva da água foi dividida em utilização direta e indireta da água. A utilização direta da água incluiu a água potável, a água para tomar banho, a água de serviço e a água misturada na alimentação, que foi calculada a partir da recolha de dados primários através de um programa de entrevistas. A água indireta foi calculada com base em dados secundários.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rakesh Kumar
    37,00 €

    This is a comprehensive guide to a certain the emissions of Greenhouse gasses (GHG) from Indian bovine production system. This manual will help research scholars and students in assessment of three major harmful gasses emitted from bovines i.e; Carbon dioxide, Methane and Nitrous oxide. this manual entails country specific emission factors for different animal categories and also helps to derive region specific emission factor. The guidelines prescribed in this manual are based on IPCC

  • 16% sparen
    von Rakesh Kumar
    37,00 €

    L'empreinte hydrique a été estimée à l'aide des normes mondiales proposées par le Water Footprint Network. Dans la présente étude, l'empreinte hydrique ou la consommation d'eau a été divisée en consommation d'eau directe et indirecte. L'utilisation directe de l'eau comprend la boisson, le bain, les services et l'eau mélangée à l'alimentation, qui a été calculée à partir de la collecte de données primaires par le biais d'un programme d'entretiens. L'eau indirecte a été estimée à partir de données secondaires.

  • 16% sparen
    von Rakesh Kumar
    37,00 €

    The Water Footprint was estimated using global standards proposed by Water Footprint Network. In the present study Water Footprint or consumptive water use was divided into direct and indirect water use. Direct water use comprised of drinking, bathing, service and water mixed in feed, which was calculated from primary data collection through an interview schedule. Indirect water was estimated using secondary data.

  • 14% sparen
    von Rakesh Kumar
    69,00 €

    The aim of this book is to provide crisp information related to pathology, management and radiological/molecular imaging in breast carcinoma, along with detailed information on FDG PET-CT in breast cancer, normal variants, artefacts, pitfalls with atlas illustrations. The book is unique in providing quick reference to practice of PET/CT in breast cancer. The initial few chapters are related to the pathology and management of breast carcinoma to help understand the pathophysiology of breast cancer before going to the imaging. The chapter on imaging in breast cancer highlights the role of different imaging modalities for different indications to the reader. The last four chapters describe in detail the role, normal variants, artefacts and pitfalls of FDG PET/CT along with recent molecular imaging advances in breast cancer.Written by Pathology, Oncology, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine experts from different countries with enormous experience in breast cancer practice, the book addresses nuclear medicine physicians and radiologists, but it may be of interest to a wider medical community, including oncologists and radiotherapists.

  • von Rakesh Kumar
    29,00 €

    "Practical guide to forming simulation" Book is a practical guide to set up a metal forming simulation with an interactive video tutorials and practice cad models free with the purchase of this book. For more information, please visit ""After reading this book, the reader would know the basics of Finite element analysis, metal forming simulation.The detailed explanation of terminologies used in the metal forming simulation set up and the method of one step and incrimental simulation are explained.After reading this book you will be able to set up the forming simulation at your own and view the results thereafter.Since forming simulation is an applied science, therefore Author has put an effort to provide the interactive learning tutorials along with 3D cad models for effective learning and practice.Benefits of using metal forming simulation are quick manufacturing feasibility, accurate blank size calculation, FLD, thinning, wrinkles, cracks before die try out.

  • von Rakesh Kumar
    16,00 €

    Are you struggling to break free from the cycle of sugar addiction? Do you find yourself constantly craving sugary treats and feeling guilty after indulging? If so, then "A Comprehensive Guide to Breaking the Cycle" is the book you need. This self-help guide provides a comprehensive approach to overcoming sugar addiction, drawing on the latest research and expert insights to help you create a customized plan for success. Whether you're looking to improve your physical health, boost your mental clarity, or simply feel better about yourself, this book offers the tools and strategies you need to make positive changes in your life. This guide provides a step-by-step roadmap to help you achieve your goals. From practical meal planning and prep tips to powerful mindfulness techniques and mind-body practices, you'll learn how to replace harmful habits with healthier alternatives and build the skills and resilience you need to stay on track. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to break free from the cycle of sugar addiction and embrace a healthier, happier lifestyle. So why wait? Start your journey towards a better you today with "Sugar Addiction: A Comprehensive Guide to Breaking the Cycle".

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