- A Historical Guide to Leisure
von Ralph G. Giordano
86,00 €
Throughout the 20th century, America underwent rapid change, from horses and buggies, through two world wars, and finally to the arrival of the Internet. But Americans have always needed time for relaxation and recreation. This book describes how political, economic, and cultural events influenced the history and development of the leisure pursuits of Americans of different races and ethnic backgrounds during the 20th century. Readers learn about the opening of Disney World and the ever-popular auto vacation, as well as the laws, acts, and organizations that allowed leisure time and activities to become a permanent fixture in American culture. Other topics include the significance of the Model T Ford, the development of the 40-hour work week, and the lure of reality television shows.Sections includeThe Progressive Era and ReformersThe War to End All WarsBlack Death to Black TuesdayThe Great Depression and the New DealThe Good War and the AftermathTelevision, Teenagers, and Rock 'n RollThe Jet Age and TurbulenceYuppies, Star Wars, and MTVGeneration 'X,' the Internet, and Virtual RealityOrganized chronologically, this book is ideal for high school students, college students, and the general public. It identifies the most popular games, sports, and hobbies of social groups ranging from the working class to the wealthy, along with their importance in American history. Over 51 photos illustrate the different leisure pursuits in their time periods.